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Can Dogs Eat Canned Chicken? Benefits & Risks (Vet Answers)

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For a dog canned chicken straight out of the container probably sounds delightful, but is canned chicken safe for dogs?

Chicken is a staple in many canine diets since it is a lean protein that is easy to digest. Dogs can eat chicken thighs, chicken breasts, and most parts of a chicken.

However, some dog parents are unsure if canned chicken is safe for their pups to consume due to how its preserved.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about feeding your dog canned chicken.

So first things first, can dogs eat canned chicken?

Yes, dogs can safely eat canned chicken as long as it’s in moderation and doesn’t make up more than 10-20% of their daily caloric intake. Canned chicken is a good source of protein and can be a healthy addition to their diet. The amount of salt is problematic if dogs consume too much.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why canned chicken can be good and bad for dogs
  • How to properly feed a dog canned chicken
  • The dangers and benefits associated with dogs eating canned chicken
  • What to do if your dog overeats canned chicken

Let’s dive in.

can dog eat canned chicken

Can Dogs Eat Canned Chicken?

After speaking with our veterinary consultant, Dr. Littlejohn, and looking through the ingredients, here is what we found.

Canned chicken is a safe, nutritious food for dogs. It contains all the essential nutrients they need, including protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

However, it’s important to feed your dog canned chicken in moderation because it is high in sodium. Your dog should not get more than 10-20% of their daily intake from canned chicken.

Too much sodium can lead to health problems like dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, gastrointestinal issues, or salt poisoning in severe cases.

If you’re looking for a healthy way to add variety to your dog’s diet, consider giving them canned chicken as an occasional treat or mixing it with their kibble.

Check the label for added ingredients or preservatives before feeding it to your pup.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Rotisserie Chicken? 5 Benefits & 3 Dangers

Can Dogs Eat Canned Chicken Soup?

Dogs should not eat canned chicken soups or broths with extremely high salt levels.

Some can have upwards of 990 mg of sodium per 125 mL which is far too much for our canine friends.

However, Dogs can eat canned chicken broth if the broth does not contain added salt.

You want to look for broth that has low levels of sodium. These soups or broths can be a great addition to your dog’s food.

You can use it to moisten your dog’s kibble and add some flavor.

Can Dogs Eat Kirkland Canned Chicken?

Kirkland canned chicken is a safe and nutritious food for dogs. However, 84 grams contains 405 mg of sodium.

This is something you need to keep in mind if feeding your dog this food.

It should not be the primary food you feed your dog or make up more than 20% of their diet.

Kirkland canned chicken is a good source of protein and can be a healthy addition to their diet.

Is Canned Chicken Good For Dogs?

dog canned chicken

So you might be wondering, is canned chicken healthy for dogs to eat and why?

Well, there is a reason chicken is found in so many commercial dog foods.

This is because chicken is an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients that dogs need to stay healthy.

It is also lean meat which makes it easy for dogs to digest.

Canned chicken can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet as long as it’s fed in moderation and does not make up more than 20% of their daily caloric intake.

If you feed your dog too much canned chicken, the sodium contents can negatively affect their health.

How Much Canned Chicken Can You Feed Your Dog?

The amount of canned chicken you can feed your dog depends on their size, age, and activity level.

As a general rule of thumb, you should not feed your dog more than 20% of their daily caloric intake from canned chicken.

For example, a 50-pound adult dog needs about 1000 calories per day.

This means that no more than 200 calories or one-fifth of their daily caloric intake should come from canned chicken.

Some will even say to keep it under 10% of their daily calorie intake

Another thing to consider is their daily salt intake. This needs to be calculated based on the salt they consume from all food sources.

The recommended daily sodium intake for a dog that’s 33 lbs is less than 100mg.

Some canned chicken can have up to 405 mg of sodium per 84 grams.

You can reduce the sodium by thoroughly rinsing the salt from the chicken before feeding it to your dog.

However, there will still be salt, just significantly less.

So you should consider how much salt they eat in their regular day-to-day diet to determine how much you can feed them.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Teriyaki Chicken? Can Dogs Eat Teriyaki Sauce?

Canned Chicken Breast vs. Canned Chicken Chunks

kirkland canned cooked chicken breast ingredients
Canned Chicken Breast
tyson canned cooked chicken chunks ingredients
Canned Chicken Chunks

Both canned chicken breasts and canned chicken chunks can be a good source of protein for your dog.

The main difference is that chicken breasts are lower in fat than chicken chunks.

If your dog is on a weight loss journey, chicken breasts may be a better option.

Another difference is that chicken breasts are typically more expensive than chicken chunks. 

So if you’re on a budget, chicken chunks may be the better option.

The last thing I’ve noticed is when it comes to canned chicken breasts, there seems to be less sodium added.

This could just be a brand difference, but during my research, it was something I noticed.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Canned Chicken

dog canned chicken straight

So can canned chicken hurt dogs?

The answer is yes if they eat too much of it.

As I mentioned before, the sodium content in canned chicken can be harmful to dogs if they eat too much of it.

High Salt Content

Overeating salt can lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance.
Symptoms of these problems in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and muscle weakness. In addition, dogs can develop salt toxicity which can be fatal.

To avoid these problems, ensure your dog has access to fresh water, and do not feed them canned chicken as their primary food source.

Canned chicken can be safe and nutritious for dogs when fed in moderation. Remember, 84 grams contains 405 mg of sodium which is loads of salt for a dog.

Canned Chicken Dog Food Recipe

Finding the best-canned chicken for dogs can be annoying.

So to make it easy, here’s a quick and easy recipe for homemade dog food using canned chicken:


  • ½ cup brown rice
  • ½ cup peas
  • ¼ cup carrots
  • One can of chicken chunks


  1. Cook rice, peas, and carrots according to package instructions.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the canned chicken to reduce the amount of sodium on it.
  3. Then add the canned chicken and mix everything together.
  4. Let cool before serving to your pup!

This recipe is perfect for small to medium dogs. If you have a large dog, you can double the recipe.

And there you have it!

As always, check with your vet before making major changes to your dog’s diet.

And remember, only feed canned chicken in moderation!

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Orange Chicken? 6 Dangers (We Asked A Vet)

Other Frequently Asked Questions

dog eating chicken

What Other Canned Meats Can Dogs Eat?

Canned food is a great option for dogs who are picky eaters, have dental issues, or are Senior dogs.

There are many different types of canned dog food, including:

  • Canned chicken
  • Canned beef
  • Canned lamb
  • Canned turkey
  • Canned fish

Can Dogs Eat Canned Tuna?

Canned tuna is usually best to avoid feeding your dog.

While a little canned tuna won’t hurt your dog, too much can lead to health problems.

Canned tuna is often packed in oil which can cause an upset stomach in dogs.

Additionally, canned tuna often contains high mercury levels, which can harm your dog.

If you feed your dog canned tuna, ensure it’s packed in water and only in a small amount.

Final Thoughts

For a dog, chicken is one of the best protein sources and is stable in many dog diets.

When it comes to canned chicken, the only real problem is the high sodium content.

While a little bit of canned chicken won’t hurt your dog, it’s best to feed in moderation.

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