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Can Dogs Eat Mahi Mahi? Benefits & Dangers (We Asked A Vet)

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Mahi mahi is a delicious and nutritious fish that is enjoyed by humans all over the world. But can dogs eat mahi mahi?

I did some research and asked our vet consultant to find out.

So, can dogs eat mahi mahi?

Yes, mahi mahi is a lean fish that’s high in protein and low in fat. It’s also a good source of omega-three fatty acids, which are beneficial for your dog’s skin and coat. In addition, mahi mahi contains vitamins and minerals that help keep your dog healthy. Just make sure to remove any bones.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • If dogs can eat mahi mahi (raw, cooked, skin, etc.)
  • The health benefits & dangers of mahi mahi for dogs
  • How to prepare mahi mahi for dogs to eat
  • And other frequently asked questions

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat mahi mahi

What’s In Mahi Mahi?

To determine if dogs can eat mahi mahi we need to determine what nutrients make up this fish.

Mahi mahi is found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide.

Mahi mahi is a lean fish with white flesh and a mild flavor. It’s high in protein and low in fat.

Nutrition Facts

Serving per 1 fillet of mahi mahi:

  • Calories: 100
  • Total Fat: 0.82g
  • Cholesterol: 86mg
  • Sodium: 104mg
  • Protein: 21.76g
  • Calcium: 18mg
  • Iron: 1.33mg
  • Potassium: 489mg
  • Vitamin A: 64mg

Can Dogs Eat Mahi Mahi?

Yes, dogs can eat mahi mahi.

Mahi mahi is safe for dogs to eat if cooked correctly and without adding seasoning or sauces.

In fact, mahi mahi can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet in moderation.

Mahi mahi is a lean fish that’s high in protein and low in fat. It’s also full of B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, and omega-three fatty acids.

The biggest risk about mahi mahi is its low to medium levels of mercury. So make sure to only feed dogs mahi mahi in moderate amounts.

Just remove the fish bones before feeding them to your dog.

So can dogs eat mahi-mahi fish?

Yes, mahi-mahi fish is safe for dogs to eat as long as the bones are removed, it’s cooked properly, and it doesn’t have added seasoning or sauces.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Mahi Mahi?

can dogs eat raw mahi mahii

No, dogs should not eat raw mahi mahi.

Raw fish can contain bacteria and parasites that can harm your dog.

Some common parasites found in mahi mahi are roundworms or liver flukes.

These parasites can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea in your dog.

In addition, raw fish can contain harmful bacteria like salmonella or listeria.

These bacteria can cause food poisoning in dogs and can even be fatal.

So it’s best that dogs eat fried fish rather than raw fish.

Further Readings: Can Dogs Eat Fish Heads? Dangers & Benefits (We Asked A Vet)

Can Dogs Eat Mahi Mahi Skin?

Yes, dogs can eat mahi mahi skin.

Mahi mahi skin is safe for dogs to eat if it’s cooked properly and the sharp scales have been removed.

However, do not overfeed your dog’s mahi mahi skin, or your pup could face mercury poisoning.

Fish skin does have its benefits, though.

Mahi mahi skin is an excellent source of omega-three fatty acids, vitamin E, and lean protein.

Is Mahi Mahi Safe For Dogs?

Cooked mahi-mahi is safe for dogs to eat in moderation so long as there are no added ingredients.

The bones and sharp scales should also be removed to prevent choking or other injuries.

Otherwise, it’s perfectly safe for dogs to eat.

Health Benefits Of Dogs Eating Mahi Mahi

can dogs eat mahi mahi

Mahi mahi has many health benefits for dogs.

Here are a few key nutritional benefits:

Lean Protein

Mahi mahi is a lean fish that’s high in protein and low in fat. This makes it a great source of nutrition for dogs.

Dogs thrive off a high protein diet, and mahi mahi can help with that.


It’s also full of B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, and omega-three fatty acids.

These nutrients are essential for keeping your dog healthy.

They provide various benefits, including healthy skin and coat, strong bones, and a healthy immune system.

Omega-three Fatty Acids

Omega-three fatty acids benefit your dog’s skin, coat, and joints.

They can help to keep the skin moisturized and can also reduce inflammation.

Reducing inflammation can help dogs with arthritis or other joint problems.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Mahi Mahi

While mahi mahi can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, there are some risks to be aware of.


The bones in mahi mahi can be a choking hazard for dogs.

Make sure to remove all the bones before feeding your dog any mahi mahi.

If dogs eat fish bones, this can be cause for concern.

Sharp Scale

The sharp scales on mahi mahi can also cause injuries if your dog ingests them.

So, remove all the scales before feeding your dog mahi mahi.


Mahi mahi contains a low to moderate amount of mercury.

Mercury is a heavy metal that can be harmful to your dog if they eat too much of it.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning in dogs can include:

  • Lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive thirst or urination
  • muscle tremors
  • blindness
  • seizures
  • coma

Call your veterinarian immediately if you think your dog has overeaten mahi mahi or is showing any of these symptoms.

Bacteria & Parasites

Raw mahi mahi can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can make your dog sick.

The two main parasites are roundworms and liver flukes.

These can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea in your dog.

In addition, the main bacteria mahi mahi can carry are listeria, vibrio, clostridium, and salmonella. 

Salmonella is the most common and can cause food infection in dogs.

Some symptoms of salmonella in dogs include:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Racing heart rate

So it’s best to cook the fish properly before feeding it to your dog.

How Much Mahi Mahi Can Dogs Eat?

You should only feed your dog mahi mahi in moderation.

Mahi mahi has a low to moderate amount of mercury, so you don’t want your dog to eat too much of it.

Fish like mahi mahi should not make up more than 10% of a dog’s daily calories.

Dogs should also be limited to fish only a few times per week.

As a rule of thumb, ask your vet before adding fish to your dog’s diet.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Too Much Mahi Mahi

mahi mahi fish

I reached out to Dr. Littlejohn to find out what he’d recommend to care for a dog that overeats fish.

Here is what he had to say:

“Most of the time, dogs who overeat foods like fish have no issues. They may have diarrhea or vomit, but it’s usually not a concern. But, of course, It really depends on how big the dog is, what fish they ate, and how much they ate. When it comes to fish, this biggest concern is mercury poisoning.”

Symptoms of mercury poisoning in dogs include:

  • Lethargy
  • loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive thirst or urination
  • muscle tremors
  • blindness
  • seizures
  • coma

If you think your dog is showing any symptoms of mercury poisoning, call your veterinarian immediately.

Click here if you wish to speak with a vet online right now.

They will likely want a physical examination and blood work to check for mercury levels.

Depending on the severity of the toxicity, they may also recommend chelation therapy.

Chelation therapy is a treatment that can remove heavy metals from the blood.

It’s important to get your dog treated as soon as possible if they’ve been poisoned by mercury.

If left untreated, mercury poisoning can be fatal.

How To Properly Prepare Mahi Mahi For Dogs

Before ever giving your dog any new type of fish, always start with a small amount to see how they tolerate it.

Once you’ve determined they can eat mahi mahi without adverse effects, you can feed them more.

To prepare mahi mahi for dogs, fillet the fish to remove the bones, then cook at 145 degrees Fahrenheit. 

When the fish flakes from poking it with a fork, it should be done and prepared properly for your dog.

Once cooked, cut into small bite-sized pieces fit for your dog!

Do not add any seasoning, salt, or sauces, and you now have a great addition to contribute to their healthy diet.

Final Thoughts

So can dogs have mahi-mahi fish?

Yes, mahi mahi is a dog-friendly fish safe for canine consumption.

Be sure to remove the bones and scales, cook it properly, and cut it into small pieces before feeding it to your pup.

The only real danger comes from bacteria or mercury poisoning from overeating.

Overall, mahi mahi benefits a dog’s health when properly prepared and fed in moderation.

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