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Can Dogs Eat Bitter Melon? Benefits + Risks (Vet Answers)

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If you’re like me, you love your dog and want to give them the best possible life. That includes feeding them the right foods! You may have heard that bitter melon is a healthy vegetable for humans, but can dogs eat bitter melon too?

Yes, dogs can eat Bitter Melon without the rind or seeds in moderation. They contain beneficial nutrients such as vitamins C and A, potassium, and fiber. However, too much can cause stomach upset in dogs. In addition, pregnant dogs or dogs taking medication for diabetes should not eat Bitter Melon. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of feeding bitter melon to dogs. We’ll also ask our veterinarian for their professional opinion on the matter and their advice if your dog overeats bitter melons.

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat bitter melon

What Is Bitter Melon?

To fully understand if a dog can eat something, we need to break down what the food is and what it contains.

So what is bitter melon, and what does it contain that could harm or benefit a dog?

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a type of gourd popular in Asian cuisine. It’s also known as balsam pear, bitter gourd, or karela. This fruit is often used in savory dishes because of its sharp, bitter taste. 

Bitter melon is a good source of vitamins A and C and fiber. It also contains compounds that can lower blood sugar which is why it’s sometimes used as a natural treatment for diabetes in humans. But unfortunately, these same compounds can harm dogs if they overeat the fruit.

Nutrition Facts

One cup (94 grams) of raw bitter melon provides:

Calories: 20
Carbs: 4 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Vitamin C: 93% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Vitamin A: 44% of the RDI
Folate: 17% of the RDI
Potassium: 8% of the RDI
Zinc: 5% of the RDI
Iron: 4% of the RDI

Note: This is the recommended daily intake for human consumption, not canine, so it will be much different for dogs.

As you can see, bitter melon is a nutrient-dense fruit that provides dogs with several vitamins and minerals. However, it’s the compounds in bitter melon that can lower blood sugar levels that we’re most concerned about when feeding it to dogs.

So can dogs have bitter melon?

Can Dogs Eat Bitter Melon (Bitter Gourd)?

bitter melon

Yes, in moderation, dogs can eat bitter melon. There are plenty of health benefits dogs can get from eating this occasionally. Just be sure to remove the rind and seeds as they can be toxic to dogs.

Two compounds in bitter melon can lower blood sugar levels: charantin and vicine. These compounds can help regulate dogs’ blood sugar levels when eaten in moderation. In addition, bitter melon contains many healthy vitamins such as vitamin A and C, fiber, zinc, iron, and folate.

However, if a dog overeats bitter melon, the charantin and vicine compounds can cause their blood sugar levels to drop too low (a condition called hypoglycemia). This can be very dangerous and even fatal for dogs.

That’s why it’s important to only feed your dog a small amount of bitter melon as a treat and not make it a regular part of their diet.

You should also avoid feeding bitter melon to pregnant dogs or dogs taking medication for diabetes as it can be harmful to them.

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Bitter Melon (Bitter Gourd)?

Yes, most dogs can safely eat bitter melon as long as it’s given to them in moderation and without the rind or seeds.

Bitter melons are non-toxic to dogs, but other bitter melon types can be toxic to dogs. For example, apple gourds and gooseneck gourds are toxic for dogs to consume.

In addition, while bitter melons are safe for dogs to eat, the compounds found in bitter melons can be unsafe for dogs with specific conditions or medications.

Here are a few situations that would make bitter melon unsafe for dogs to eat:

  • Eating Bitter melon and taking diabetes medicines may lower a dog’s blood glucose level too much. This can lead to hypoglycemia, a serious condition where there isn’t enough sugar in the blood.
  • Pregnant dogs could have a miscarriage after eating Bitter melon. Therefore, avoid feeding them to female dogs while they are pregnant. It is also not wise to give bitter melon to lactating dogs.
  • Dogs with stomach sensitivities might have issues eating bitter melons. They may vomit, have diarrhea, or have an upset stomach after consuming a substantial quantity of them.

As you can see, situations associated with feeding dogs bitter melon are unsafe.

Bitter Melon Health Benefits For Dogs

can dogs eat bitter melon

So should you feed your dog bitter melons? Are there any real benefits for dogs to eating these?

There are actually several benefits a dog can get from eating bitter melon, including:

Helps With Your Dogs Immune System

The vitamin C found in bitter melon can help improve your dog’s immune system. This is important because a robust immune system helps keep your dog healthy and able to fight off infection and disease.

Aids Skin, Coat, And Vision

The vitamin A found in bitter melon can help improve your dog’s vision and skin health. It can also help keep their coat healthy and shiny.

It’s A Cancer Fighting Food

Bitter melon contains a compound called charantin, which has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. This is important because it can help keep your dog healthy and prevent them from developing cancer.

In addition, bitter gourds are packed with antioxidants which can help protect cells and DNA from damage. This is important because it can help prevent the development of cancerous cells.

Aids Digestions

can dogs eat bitter melon

Bitter melons contain lots of fiber which can help improve your dog’s digestion. This is important because it helps them absorb nutrients from their food and eliminates waste from their body.

Fiber also helps keep the digestive system healthy and prevents constipation.

Reduces Inflammation

The antioxidants found in bitter melon can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. This is important because it can help relieve pain and swelling associated with conditions like arthritis. They can also help overweight dogs.

Promotes Organ Health

Iron, zinc, and potassium are all essential minerals that help promote organ health. They are all found in bitter melon, making it a great snack to feed your dog if you want to improve their overall health.

Reduces Cholesterol And Blood Sugar

The compound charantin found in bitter melon has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This is important because it can help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to feed your dog bitter melon.

The tricky part about getting your dog to receive all these benefits is motivating them to eat some. Bitter Melons, as their name suggests, are quite bitter, so most dogs will not enjoy the taste.

How Often Can I Feed My Dog Bitter Melon?

can dogs eat bitter melon

So how often can you feed your dog bitter melon? The answer to this question depends on a few factors.

The first factor is the size of your dog. A small dog will need less bitter melon than a large dog. The second factor is whether or not your dog has any medical conditions that make bitter melon unsafe for them to eat.

If your dog is healthy and of average size, you can feed them a small treat of bitter melon 2 to 3 times a week. There is no concrete rule on how much you should give them, but you do not want to feed them bitter melon daily.

In addition, you do not want to overfeed them. Bitter melon should only be given a small treat or addition to a meal. However, it should not take away from a dog’s main dietary meal. You should also slowly introduce them to a new food like a bitter gourd in small tastes to see how they react.

And As always, make sure to consult your vet before adding anything to your dog’s diet.

Are Bitter Melons Bad For Dogs? (6 Risks)

Generally speaking, if you have a healthy dog and you feed them bitter melon in moderation, there should not be any problems. In fact, there are many health benefits for dogs eating bitter melons.

However, there are some situations where bitter melons pose risks for dogs eating them.

These risks include:


As mentioned, charantin and vicine in bitter melons can help lower blood sugar levels. This can be great for some dogs, but it can cause hypoglycemia when overeating.

If your dog has hypoglycemia, their blood sugar levels drop too low, and they can experience weakness, seizures, and even collapse.

Some other symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • Lethargy
  • Confusion or lack of coordination
  • Dizziness
  • Trembling
  • Discoloration of gum and skin
  • Tremors

If you think your dog may be experiencing hypoglycemia, it is important to take them to the vet immediately.


Pregnant dogs should not eat bitter melons as they can cause a miscarriage. This is because charantin can help lower blood sugar levels and harm the developing puppies.

If you are feeding your dog bitter melon, make sure to avoid giving it to them during pregnancy.

Dogs With Stomach Sensitivities

dog with sensitive stomach

Dogs with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues should not eat bitter melon. This is because the fruit can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems. Even dogs with a strong stomach can have these issues if they overeat bitter melon.

If your dog has a sensitive stomach, it is best to avoid giving them any. If you decide to provide them with some, start with a small amount and see how they react.

Dogs On Medication

Dogs taking medication for diabetes should not eat bitter melon as it can interfere with their treatment. Diabetic medication for dogs is designed to keep blood sugar levels stable. Giving your dog bitter melon can lower their blood sugar levels too much and cause serious health problems.

If your dog is on medication, make sure to talk to your vet before giving them any bitter melon.


As with any food, overeating can cause problems. For example, if your dog eats too much bitter melon, they may experience diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues. In addition, since this food contains a compound that lowers blood sugar levels, overeating could cause hypoglycemia.

What To Do If Your Dog Accidentally Overeats Bitter Melon?

I reached out to Dr. Littlejohn to find out what he’d recommend to care for a dog that ate too much bitter melon.

Vets usually ask the following things when determining the severity of situations around dogs eating things they shouldn’t:

  • How long ago did your dog eat the food?
  • How much did they eat?
  • Are there any toxic ingredients?
  • How big is your dog?
  • Have you noticed any changes in your dog’s behaviors?
  • Is your dog drinking water?
  • Any signs of physical pain or discomfort? Vomit? Diarrhea? Blood?
  • What’s the color of your dog’s gums?

These questions help the vet examine the situation to determine the level of risk. For example, If you have a tiny dog that ate an entire bitter melon, they are at a much greater risk than if a large dog ate one. 

Knowing the most frequent questions, a veterinarian will ask can assist you in determining what to look for in your dog. Since each scenario is unique depending on how much was consumed and your dog’s size, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

The only thing you can do when a dog overeats something is to wait and see if they start showing any symptoms.

Most of the time, dogs that overeat end up with an upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. These symptoms usually pass within 24 hours and don’t require medical attention. However, if you know without a shadow of a doubt they ate a dangerous amount or the food contained dangerous ingredients, you should take them to the vet right away.

Bloat, pancreatitis, hypoglycemia, and other life-threatening conditions can all come from a dog overeating. So always better to be safe than sorry and take them in for a check-up.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Taste Bitter Food?

In short, yes. Dogs can taste bitter foods but do not enjoy the taste as much as humans do. This is because dogs have a different type of receptor on their tongue, making bitter foods taste more intensely. Of course, not all dogs will hate the taste of bitter foods, but it’s rare to find one that does.

Which Fruits Are Dangerous To Feed To Dogs?

There are several dangerous fruits that dogs should not eat. These include grapes, raisins, sultanas, currants, and fruit with pits or stones. These fruits can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, they can even lead to kidney failure or death.

Final Thoughts

So, can dogs eat Bitter Melon?

Yes, dogs can eat bitter melon in moderation. There are many health benefits dogs can get from eating this fruit. However, dogs with certain health conditions need to be cautious. If your dog is pregnant, taking medication, or has a sensitive stomach, avoid feeding them any bitter gourds.

If you’re ever unsure whether you should give your dog a particular food, the best thing to do is ask your vet. They can give you the best advice for your dog’s specific situation.

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