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The Blue Eyed French Bulldog: 9 Things You Need To Know

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Have you seen the beautiful blue eyed French Bulldog? Because of social media, these dog is becoming more and more popular. However, there are still many things that people don’t know about them.

In this post, we will discuss 11 interesting facts about blue eyed French Bulldogs.

We’ll cover why they have blue eyes, possible health concerns, how to care for them, what types of Frenchies get blue eyes, and much more.

So if you’re thinking of adding a French Bulldog to your family or just curious to learn more about them, read on to discover everything you need to know about these pups.

Let’s jump right in.

Blue Eyed French Bulldogs

9 Interesting Facts That You Need To Know About Blue Eyed French Bulldogs

1) All French Bulldog Puppies Are Born With Blue Eyes

Many people are surprised to hear that all French Bulldogs are born with blue eyes.

They are even more surprised to find out that their eyes aren’t blue at all! And that it’s actually an optical illusion.

Here’s what happens:

The blue color is caused by a thin layer of tissue called the iris. This iris is what gives the eye its color.

In French Bulldogs, the iris is very thin and transparent. So when light hits the eye, it reflects off the iris and creates the illusion of blue eyes.

As the puppy grows older, this iris will gradually darken and become less transparent. So eventually, the blue color will disappear, and their eyes will change color.

However, there are some Frenchies whose irises don’t darken, and they end up keeping their blue eyes. We’ll talk more about this later.

2) Certain Types Of French Bulldogs Keep Their Blue Eyes

frenchie puppy
PC: @frenchbulldog_oakley_

As we mentioned, most French Bulldogs will lose their blue eyes as they get older.

But there are some that manage to keep them.

These Frenchies usually have what’s called a “dilute” coat.

A dilute coat is basically a lighter version of the coat color. So if a Frenchie has a black coat, their dilute version would be gray.

The same goes for blue.

A dog with a blue coat is usually called a “blue” or “gray” French Bulldog. And these dogs have a higher chance of keeping their blue eyes.

Other coat colors that can sometimes have blue eyes are lilac, Isabella, and merle.

But it’s important to note that not all French Bulldogs with these coat colors will have blue eyes. It’s just a higher possibility.

Now that we know WHY French Bulldogs have blue eyes let’s talk about the possible health concerns that come with it.

3) Some Health Issues Are Linked To Blue Eyed French Bulldogs

As mentioned before, the blue color is caused by a thin layer of tissue called the iris.

And because this tissue is so thin, it’s more susceptible to damage.

So if your Frenchie has blue eyes, there’s a higher chance that they could develop certain eye problems.

Some of these problems include:

  • Blindness
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts

Of course, this doesn’t mean that ALL blue eyed French Bulldogs will develop these problems.

Something else to understand is some blue eyed French Bulldogs are improperly bred, which gives them other health issues. Conditions like deafness and an increased likelihood of developing skin cancer.

This is commonly seen in Frenchies called “double merles.”

Double merles are French Bulldogs that have two copies of the merle gene. Which happens when two French Bulldogs with the merle gene are bred together.

An unethical breeder will do this because it increases the chances of higher price merle puppies to be born (of which some will also have blue eyes).

When this happens, the puppies may have blue eyes, but they can also be albino or white and have no pigment in their fur.

And when this happens, it can cause serious health problems.

So if you’re thinking about getting a blue eyed French Bulldog, make sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder.

4) Blue Eyed Frenchies Cost More

Blue Eyed French Bulldog-min

If you’re thinking of adding a French Bulldog to your family, you might want to save up a little extra money.

That’s because blue eyed Frenchies usually cost more money than their brown eyed counterparts.

This is because they are considered to be rarer and more exotic.

So if you’re set on getting a blue eyed Frenchie, be prepared to pay a little extra.

Of course, the exact price will depend on a number of factors, such as the breeder, the dog’s pedigree, and more.

But in general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,500 to $15,000 or more for some blue eyed Frenchies.

The more expensive blue-eyed French Bulldogs are often paired with a rare coat type, which significantly increases their price.

5) Finding a French Bulldog With Blue Eyes Isn’t Too Hard

If you’re interested in adding a blue eyed Frenchie to your family, you’ll be happy to know that they’re not too hard to find.

There are a number of breeders who specialize in blue eyed Frenchies.

Also, because breeder directory websites exist (like AKC’s Marketplace or Greenfield Puppies), it makes the search even easier than ever before.

These websites allow breeders all across America to list their puppies on their websites for potential owners to look at.

Giving interested people more puppies to look at and increasing their chances of finding a blue eye Frenchie available.

6) Some Frenchies Only Have 1 Blue Eye

One thing you might notice when looking at blue eyed French Bulldogs is that some of them only have one blue eye.

This condition is called “heterochromia,” and it’s actually more common than you’d think.

Heterochromia is when a dog has two different colored eyes.

So in the case of blue eyed Frenchies, one eye might be brown while the other is blue.

This condition is usually harmless and doesn’t affect a dog’s vision or health in any way.

But it does make them look pretty unique and interesting.

7) Differences Between Blue Eyed Frenchies And Brown Eyed Frenchies

Blue Eyed French Bulldog outside

Now that we’ve talked about blue eyed French Bulldogs let’s compare them to their brown eyed counterparts.

Here are some of the main differences between these two types of Frenchies:

  • Blue eyed Frenchies are caused by a recessive gene, while brown eyed Frenchies are caused by a dominant gene.
  • Blue eyed Frenchies are more likely to have eye problems as well as other health complications than brown eyed Frenchies.
  • Blue eyed Frenchies are considered rarer and more exotic, which means they usually cost more money.

As you can see, there are a few differences between blue eyed and brown eyed French Bulldogs, but they are not all too different.

If you’re trying to decide which type of Frenchie is right for you, be sure to keep these things in mind.

Of course, the best way to decide is to meet some blue eyed and brown eyed Frenchies in person to see which you connect with more.

8) How To Breed Blue Eyed French Bulldogs

When it comes to breeding French Bulldogs, it’s best not to focus on their eye color and instead on producing healthy puppies.

It’s also best to leave breeding to the professionals. This is especially true for French Bulldogs as they are generally more difficult to breed.

Someone who isn’t educated in DNA and the genetic background of the Frenchies they are pairing together could end up producing very unhealthy puppies.

So if you’re interested in getting a blue eyed Frenchie, your best bet is to find a reputable breeder who can help you out.

A reputable breeder will be able to answer any questions you have about blue eyed French Bulldogs and help you find the right pup.

9) French Bulldogs With Blue Eyes Need Slightly Different Care

portrait frenchie

While blue eyed French Bulldogs don’t need any abnormally special care, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First of all, they are more sensitive to sunlight.

Not only are their eyes typically more sensitive to sunlight, but so is their skin. This is because many blue eyed Frenchies have merle coats. 

This type of coat is more sensitive to sunlight because it doesn’t have as much pigment. Patches of their coat have little to no pigment, which won’t block the sun’s harmful rays like their fur would with a solid coat color.

So, to avoid any problems, it’s best to keep a blue eyed Frenchie out of direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time.

Other than that, they don’t require additional special care and can live a happy and healthy life just like any other Frenchie.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is a lot to know about blue eyed French Bulldogs.

From their unique coats to their sensitive eyes, these pups are definitely one of a kind.

If you’re thinking about getting a blue eyed Frenchie, be sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder.

And remember to keep their special needs in mind when it comes to caring for them.

Other than that, these pups make wonderful companions and will bring joy to many.

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