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Can Dogs Eat Grilled Cheese? 4 Dangers & Tips If They Do

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Grilled cheese is a classic comfort food that many people enjoy eating. But can dogs eat grilled cheese too?

The answer may surprise you!

In this article, we will discuss the health benefits and dangers of dogs eating grilled cheese, as well as what to do if your dog eats too much.

I’ll also answer some of the most frequently asked questions about dogs eating grilled cheese. So keep reading to learn more!

Can Dogs Eat Grilled Cheese_

What Is Grilled Cheese?

Grilled cheese is a sandwich made of bread and cheese, typically with American or cheddar cheese. The bread is buttered outside and then grilled until the cheese melts, and the bread turns golden brown.

Some like adding other ingredients to their grilled cheese sandwiches, such as onion, ham, bacon, or tomato.

Can Dogs Eat Grilled Cheese?

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat grilled cheese in moderation.

Grilled cheese is not poisonous to dogs and won’t make them sick.

Classic grilled cheese is made up of bread, butter, and cheese. These foods, individually, are not toxic to your dog. Still, they contain high-fat levels, so moderation is key.

While giving your dog a bite of grilled cheese might be okay, it’s not suitable for dogs, so it should only be given as a small treat.

In addition, any grilled cheese made with onions or garlic can be dangerous for dogs and should be avoided altogether.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese?


Cheese is a dairy product that is made from milk. First, the milk is curdled, and then the solid parts are separated from the liquid.

The solid part is then pressed and aged to create cheese. While small amounts of cheese are acceptable for dogs, it is common for dogs to be lactose intolerant.

This means they can’t digest cheese properly, and it may give them an upset stomach or diarrhea. If your dog is lactose intolerant, it’s best to avoid giving them any cheese. This includes grilled cheese. In addition, certain cheeses contain high amounts of salt and should not fed to dogs.

Aside from that, cheese can be fine for dogs to eat in moderation.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Provolone Cheese? Dangers & Vet Advice

The 4 Dangers With Dogs Eating Grilled Cheese

While grilled cheese itself is not poisonous or toxic to dogs, there are some dangers associated with feeding your dog this popular comfort food.

Here are four dangers to be aware of before you share your grilled cheese with your furry friend:

Danger #1: Cheese Is High In Fat

Cheese is high in fat, and too much fat can lead to pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated promptly by a veterinarian.

Too much cheese can also cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs.

Danger #2: Bread Is A Common Allergen For Dogs

Bread is a common allergen for dogs, and it can cause an upset stomach or skin irritation. If your dog has never eaten bread before, it’s best to avoid giving them grilled cheese altogether.

Danger #3: Butter Is Hard For Dogs To Digest

Butter is another ingredient in grilled cheese that is hard for dogs to digest. In fact, butter can actually solidify in a dog’s stomach and cause a blockage.

Danger #4: Over Eating

Overeating is a risk with any type of food. With grilled cheese because it’s high in calories and fat it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even pancreatitis.

Not to mention if this becomes a habit they could become obese.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese? Dangers & Benefits

Can Dogs Die From Eating Grilled Cheese?

grilled cheese

Grilled cheese is not poisonous or toxic to dogs, so it will not kill them if they eat it.

However, there are some risks associated with feeding your dog grilled cheese, as we discussed above.

The most serious risk is pancreatitis, which can be fatal if not treated promptly by a veterinarian.

Are There Any Health Benefits For Dogs Eating Grilled Cheese?

There are no health benefits associated with feeding your dog grilled cheese.

In fact, there are more risks than benefits when it comes to dogs eating grilled cheese.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Lot Of Grilled Cheese?

If your dog accidentally steals your grilled cheese off the table, it can cause concern. Especially if you are like me and add onions (which are toxic to dogs).

I’ve been in these situations myself, and since I have the privilege of having vets as parents, I usually call one of them. Their answers are generally the same when it comes to dogs overeating.

The first thing you want to do is determine if what they ate was toxic. For example, basic grilled cheese doesn’t contain toxic ingredients for dogs. Next, you want to determine, based on your dog’s size, if they ate a significant amount of food.

This is really important for small dogs. Small dogs are more susceptible to developing pancreatitis from overeating. If your dog ate multiple grilled cheeses and is small like a chihuahua, you should contact your vet.

If you don’t think they ate a concerning amount, the last thing you can do is look for any signs of illness. This can include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or a lack of appetite. While short-term discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea can be okay, you want to make sure it doesn’t last for more than a day or two.

Bring your pup to the vet if these symptoms last more than a day.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Babybel Cheese? Risks & Tips If They Ate The Wax

How to Feed Your Dog a Grilled Cheese Sandwich?

grilled cheese

If you do decide to give your dog a grilled cheese sandwich, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, make sure the grilled cheese is plain with no onions, garlic, or other ingredients that could be harmful to your dog. Plain bread with cheese is all the ingredients they should have.

Second, cut the grilled cheese into small pieces so your dog can eat it easily. Please keep in mind the size of your dog. A small bite for a Rottweiler is completely different from a Chihuahua.

And lastly, don’t give your dog the whole sandwich. A small bite is all they need.

Final Thoughts

While grilled cheese isn’t the healthiest food for people, let alone dogs, it won’t kill them if they have a bite or two. Just be mindful of the amount you give to your dog.

So to answer the question, can dogs have grilled cheese? The answer is yes. Grilled cheese is safe for dogs in small amounts. However, if your dog has lactose intolerance, diary foods like grilled cheese can make them sick. So it’s best to avoid giving them any in these scenarios.

But even so, one piece of grilled cheese won’t harm your dog.

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