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Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Gizzards? Benefits & Dangers

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Many pet owners are interested in feeding their dogs raw chicken gizzards, chicken livers, and even chicken hearts.

Organ meats are often included as part of raw food diets and are packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for dogs.

So, can dogs eat raw chicken gizzards? 

Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken gizzards! Raw chicken gizzards can be a source of valuable nutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. In fact, they are more nutritious raw than they are cooked! Just make sure to buy it from a reputable source and properly handle and store it.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why raw chicken gizzards are good for dogs
  • The dangers & benefits associated with dogs eating them
  • What to do if your dog eats too much
  • If dogs can eat chicken livers or hearts

Let’s dive in.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Gizzards

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Gizzards?

As we’ve seen, the answer is yes – dogs can eat raw chicken gizzards.

Chicken gizzards are an excellent source of nutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, glucosamine, and vitamin B12. They are also more nutritious when they are raw as opposed to cooked.

In addition, chicken gizzards are considered organ meat, which is often included as part of a raw food diet. This is because organ meats are packed with beneficial nutrients for dogs.

In fact, organ meat is the most nutritious and beneficial meat source.

So, if you’re interested in feeding your dog raw chicken gizzards, you can do so without any worries.

Just make sure to buy them from a reputable source and store and handle the meat properly.

That way, you can avoid the main risk to your dog, food-borne bacteria.

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Gizzards Daily?

Yes, dogs can eat organ meat daily, but like anything, moderation is key.

While chicken gizzards are packed with beneficial nutrients for dogs, they should not make up most of your dog’s diet.

A good rule of thumb is to feed your dog no more than 15% organ meat as part of their overall diet.

The other 85% should be their main dietary food.

This is because organ meats are very rich and can cause digestive issues if your dog eats too much of them.

Balance in a dog’s diet is key!

Related Reading: Boiled Chicken For Dogs: Complete How-To Guide!

Health Benefits Of Raw Chicken Gizzards For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Gizzards

Now that we’ve answered the question, “can dogs eat raw chicken gizzards?” it’s time to take a more detailed look at the health benefits associated with feeding them to your dog.

As we mentioned, chicken gizzards are an excellent source of nutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.

They are also a good source of glucosamine, which is essential for joint health.

In addition, chicken gizzards are considered lean meat and are low in fat. This makes them an excellent choice for dogs who are overweight or obese.

Finally, raw chicken gizzards can help to clean your dog’s teeth. This is because the meat’s tough texture can help remove plaque and tartar build-up from their teeth.

Here is a list of some of the health benefits:

  • Helps with plaque and tartar build-up on teeth
  • Reduces inflammation in joints
  • Aids with digestion
  • Can help with weight-loss
  • Packed with protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12
  • Skin and coat health

While there are many health benefits associated with feeding your dog raw chicken gizzards, there are also some risks that you need to be

Are Raw Chicken Gizzards Safe For Dogs?

There seems to be some controversy around feeding dogs raw food, with many people believing it’s unsafe due to the risk of salmonella and other bacteria.

While it’s important to be aware of bacteria, raw chicken gizzards are safe for dogs to eat.

This is how most dogs prefer to eat meat, and it’s actually quite natural for them.

They were once wild animals that only ate raw meat diets, so their bodies are well equipped to digest raw meats.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Chicken Thighs? Benefits & Dangers (From A Vet)

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Raw Chicken Gizzards

While there are many benefits to feeding raw chicken gizzards to dogs, some risks should be considered.

As mentioned, raw chicken gizzards can contain bacteria that can cause illness in dogs and humans.

For this reason, it’s important to handle raw chicken gizzards carefully and ensure that they have been handled and stored properly before feeding them to your dog.

Always check to make sure the meat has not gone bad.

Here is a summary of the dangers you should be aware of when feeding this to your dog:

  • Raw chicken gizzards can contain bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli which can cause illness
  • Overeating can cause digestive issues
  • Eating spoiled meat can make your dog sick, so make sure your handle and store it properly

Can Raw Chicken Gizzards Make My Dog Sick?

While raw chicken gizzards are safe for dogs to eat, there is a risk that they could make your dog sick.

The most common way that dogs can become ill from eating raw chicken gizzards is by consuming bacteria that is present in the meat.

This can happen if the gizzards are not properly stored or handled.

How To Know If Chicken Gizzards Have Gone Bad?

It’s important to only feed your dog fresh chicken gizzards that have been properly stored and handled.

You can tell if chicken gizzards have gone bad if they have a strong odor, are discolored, or if the texture is slimy.

If you’re unsure whether or not the gizzards are still safe to feed to your dog, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and throw them away.

How To Handle and Store Chicken Gizzards

It’s important to handle and store chicken gizzards properly to avoid making your dog sick.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling raw chicken gizzards.
  • Raw chicken gizzards should be stored in a sealed container or bag.
  • Chick Gizzards can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 days or up to 4 months in the freezer.
  • Gizzards should be eaten within 2 hours after coming out of the fridge or freezer. Any extra meat should be thrown out.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Gizzard

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Rotisserie Chicken? 5 Benefits & 3 Dangers

How Much Raw Chicken Gizzard Should I Feed My Dog?

The amount of raw chicken gizzard you should feed your dog will depend on their size, weight, and current diet.

If you feed your dog a raw food diet, recommendations for the serving size of organ meat is 10-15% of their diet.

This includes chicken gizzards, heart, and liver, which are a healthy part of your dog’s diet. 

If you want to supplement your dog’s commercial dog food diet, you can give them gizzards as a topper or treat.

In this case, 10% or less of their diet can consist of chicken gizzards or other organ meats. 

When adding new food to your dog’s diet, remember to gradually increase the amount you feed them.

You want to make sure they tolerate the new food before giving them too much.

It’s important not to overfeed your dog as this can lead to issues.

Here’s what you can do if your dog eats more than it should.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Cook Chicken Gizzards For My Dog?

No, you don’t have to cook chicken gizzards for your dog. In fact, it’s actually better for them to eat raw chicken gizzards.

Cooking chicken gizzards will destroy many of the nutrients that are found naturally in them.

However, the cooked chicken gizzard is also okay for dogs to eat!

How Do I Cook Chicken Gizzards For My Dog?

If you do decide to cook chicken gizzards for your dog, you want to avoid using high heat.

This can dry out the meat and turn them into tough small balls.

To cook chicken gizzards, simmer them in water or broth on the stovetop until they’re cooked through.

This usually takes around 1 hour.

Once done, cut them up into small bite-size pieces for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken Livers?

Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken livers. But, just like with chicken gizzards, it’s better for them to eat the raw liver.

You can feed your dog chicken liver as a treat or add it to their regular food.

Just ensure not to overdo it, as organ meats are rich in nutrients and fat.

Can I Feed My Dog Raw Chicken Hearts?

Yes, dogs can eat raw chicken hearts. Chicken hearts are a great source of protein and other nutrients that are beneficial for dogs.

You can feed your dog chicken hearts as a treat or add them to their regular food.

Just make sure not to overdo it, as organ meats are very rich in nutrients and fat.

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