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Can Dogs Eat Ritz Crackers? Everything You Need To Know

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Ritz crackers are a type of processed food that is made with enriched white flour, sugar, salt, and vegetable oil.

While they may be a tasty snack for humans, you might wonder if it’s safe to share them with your furry friend.

So, can dogs eat ritz crackers? 

Yes, dogs can eat Ritz crackers. However, Ritz crackers are high in salt and fat, which can harm dogs in large quantities. They also provide zero nutritional value to dogs, so they should only be used as an occasional treat and never given more than one of these crackers at any given time. 

Below we will go into more details about dogs eating ritz crackers, the dangers, what to do if they overeat, and much more.

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat ritz crackers

What Are Ritz Crackers Made With?

To fully understand if dogs can eat ritz crackers, we must look at the ingredients and nutrition information.

Ritz crackers are made with wheat flour, sugar, salt, corn syrup, soy, and vegetable oil. They also contain leavening agents and natural flavors.

Nutritional Facts & Ingredients

Here is an image taken from ritz crackers on the nutritional content in these crackers.

ritz cracker nutrition facts

So after looking through the ingredients, here’s what ingredients dog owners need to pay attention to:

  • Sodium
  • Fat
  • Sugar
  • Wheat
  • Vegetable oils
  • Leavening agents

Can Dogs Eat Ritz Crackers?

Now that we know what’s in Ritz crackers and their nutritional content, let’s answer the question can dogs eat Ritz crackers.

The short answer is yes, dogs can eat Ritz crackers, but it’s better they don’t.

Ritz crackers are high in sodium and fat, harming dogs if they overeat.

Additionally, Ritz crackers are made with wheat flour, vegetable oils, and leavening agents, which can cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs.

In cases where dogs have allergies or overeat, some of the ingredients in ritz crackers could also cause irritations or other more concerning health problems.

So while your dog will definitely enjoy eating Ritz crackers is probably best you don’t feed dogs ritz crackers.

can dogs eat ritz crackers

Can Dogs Eat Ritz Cheese Crackers?

Ritz cheese crackers are made with the same ingredients as regular ones but contain milk and cheese.

So can dogs eat Ritz cheese crackers?

The answer is yes, but it’s not recommended.

Like regular Ritz crackers, Ritz cheese crackers are high in sodium and fat, which can cause problems for dogs if they overeat.

Additionally, the milk and cheese ingredients usually don’t sit well with dogs. 

Since most dogs don’t handle dairy or lactose well, it can cause gastrointestinal upset and other health problems.

This makes cheese ritz crackers bad for most dogs to eat.

Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Ritz Crackers With Peanut Butter?

Yes, dogs can eat Ritz crackers with peanut butter. Just remember, ritz crackers and peanut butter are already high in sodium and fat.

When you combine the two, you are basically giving them two treats. So be careful with how much you give them.

Additionally, some peanut butter contains dangerous sweeteners like Xylitol. 

Dogs should never eat peanut butter with Xylitol as it can cause a sudden drop in their blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous.

So make sure to check the label on your peanut butter before feeding it to your dog with Ritz crackers or any other treat.

Can Dogs Eat Other Ritz Cracker Flavors?

Any of the flavored ritz crackers are going to be very similar to the original.

However, some flavors like garlic butter should be avoided since they contain garlic which is toxic to dogs.

Additional flavors may also have added ingredients that might not sit well with dogs.

While one or two of these crackers is unlikely to harm a dog, make sure to review the ingredients of any flavored Ritz crackers before feeding them to your pet.

Although to be clear, it’s recommended by vets that dog owners don’t give dogs any processed foods or artificial flavoring.

Are Ritz Crackers Good For For Dogs?

No, Ritz crackers are not suitable for dogs.

As I mentioned, Ritz crackers are high in sodium and fat, which can harm dogs.

They also provide little to no nutritional value for dogs.

All in all, you should not be feeding a dog ritz crackers as they are not healthy or beneficial for them at all.

Are Ritz Cracker Good For Puppies?

No, Ritz crackers are not suitable for puppies like they are not for adult dogs.

In fact, it’s actually worse for puppies to be eating Ritz crackers.

Puppies are still developing, so they need a diet packed with nutrients to help them grow healthy and strong.

Ritz crackers do not provide any of these essential nutrients for puppies. Instead, they are empty calories that fill up your puppy.

In the early stages, you want your puppy to fill up on nutrient-dense food.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Ritz Crackers

ritz crackers full of salt

Ritz crackers can be bad for dogs when overfed or given to dogs with allergies.

I’ve created a list of why ritz crackers can be bad for dogs and some dangers to be aware of.

Bad Fats

Ritz crackers are full of saturated and trans fats. Too many of these can cause weight gain, pancreatitis, and other health problems in dogs.


Dogs can be allergic to the wheat or corn ingredients in Ritz crackers. These allergies can cause itchy skin, digestive upset, and other health problems.

Sodium Content

Ritz crackers are very high in sodium.

While a little bit of sodium is okay for dogs, too much can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and other health problems.

Salt is horrible for dogs. A dog’s body is not designed to tolerate large amounts of salt.

In severe cases, they could develop salt poisoning.

The most common signs of salt poisoning include:

  • Extreme thirst and urination
  • High fever
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Lack of energy, weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle spasms
  • Respiratory distress
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Stomach pains
  • Tongue swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Walking without balance
  • Watery diarrhea

On average, 100mg of sodium is recommended for dogs, with some smaller dogs needing less than 50mg.

One Ritz cracker has 26 mg of salt. So a little dog eating just 2 crackers would be getting most of their recommended daily intake.


dog sick from overeating ritz crackers

A dog eating too many Ritz crackers might develop problems, including food bloat or pancreatitis.

After dogs consume a substantial quantity of high-fat food, such as Ritz crackers, they are more prone to develop pancreatitis.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs include:

  • Lethargy
  • Hunched back
  • Repeated vomiting (several times within a few hours or over several days)
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing


As mentioned already, some Ritz crackers come flavored.

These additional flavors may also have some added ingredients that might not sit well with dogs.

While one or two of these crackers is unlikely to harm a dog, review the ingredients to ensure safety.

And remember, moderation is key.

All of these dangers can make ritz crackers bad for dogs to eat.

What To Do If Your Dog Gets Into A Box Of Ritz Crackers

As a rule of thumb, always seek medical advice from your vet if you know your dog ate a concerning amount of any food, ate something dangerous, or you suspect an issue.

When it comes to ritz crackers, they would need to eat a considerable amount to cause any severe problems.

Regardless you want to keep an eye on them for symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, or diarrhea.

The most common concern when dogs overeat is gastrointestinal upset.

Symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy or depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Dehydration

However, there is still a risk for more severe problems such as pancreatitis or food bloat.

Suppose your dog displays severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, bloody stool, seizures, or an extreme behavior change. In that case, you need to seek emergency medical attention.

In addition, if minor symptoms last longer than 24-48 hours seek medical attention.

You can also use online services to speak with a vet and get some peace of mind.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat Ritz bites?

Ritz bites are made with the same ingredients as regular Ritz crackers but also contain milk, cheese, and other additives.

Ritz bites are high in sodium and fat, which can cause problems for dogs if they overeat.

Additionally, the milk and cheese ingredients usually don’t sit well with most dogs.

Because most dogs have issues with dairy or lactose, it can induce gastrointestinal discomfort and other health concerns.

This makes ritz bites bad for most dogs.

Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding them to your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Crackers?

In short, yes, dogs can eat crackers, but some crackers are better than others.

Avoid giving your dog crackers high in salt, fat, or sugar.

Additionally, avoid giving them flavored crackers as the additional ingredients might not sit well with your pup.

And as always, moderation is vital for keeping dogs safe and healthy.

Can Dogs Eat Saltine Crackers?

can dogs eat saltine crackers

Saltine crackers are high in salt and should be avoided.

Dogs can have salt in moderation, but too much can lead to health concerns.

So one saltine cracker is likely fine, but it’s always best to avoid putting your pup at risk.

Can Dogs Eat Animal Crackers?

Animal crackers are fine to give dogs as an occasional treat.

They should only make up about 5% of their daily intake since they are high in sugar and fat.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese Crackers?

Dogs can eat cheese crackers, but it’s better for them not to.

They are high in salt, calories, and dairy.

Dairy can cause gastrointestinal discomfort for dogs, and too much salt can lead to health concerns.

Additionally, the high salt content leads to sodium poisoning if dogs eat too much.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, dogs can eat ritz crackers, but there are some dangers to be aware of.

Ritz crackers are high in salt and fat, which can cause problems for dogs if they overeat.

Additionally, the flavorings, sugar, and other ingredients in some ritz cracker flavors can harm dogs.

So it’s best to feed ritz crackers that are plain, unsalted ritz crackers in moderation.

There is always a risk when giving your dog human food. It’s always better to stick with dog food as it’s specifically designed to balance a dog’s diet.

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