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Can Dogs Eat Sherbet? (Pineapple, Mango, Watermelon & More)

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Sherbet is a type of frozen dessert people love to eat (myself included).

While sherbet is safe for humans to eat, it’s not necessarily safe for dogs. Here’s what you need to know about feeding your dog sherbet.

First off, can dogs eat sherbet?

Dogs should not eat sherbet. Sherbet contains dairy and extreme amounts of sugar. While small amounts are unlikely harmful, dogs may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. This is especially true for dogs with pre-existing conditions like lactose intolerance or diabetes.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • What sherbet is made with and why you shouldn’t give your dog any
  • What flavors of sherbet your dog can and can’t eat
  • The dangers of feeding your dog any sherbet
  • What to do if your dog eats a lot of sherbet

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat sherbet

What Is Sherbet?

To determine if dogs can eat sherbet, we need to break down the ingredients and what it is.

Sherbet, also known as sherbert, is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water and flavored with fruit juice, syrup, or wine.

It’s not ice cream, and it’s also not sorbet. It falls in the middle between the two.

The main difference between sherbet and ice cream is that sherbet has less milk fat and generally contains more fruit than ice cream.

On the other hand, sorbet does not contain the same level of dairy as sherbet, so the main difference is the texture.

Sherbet is mainly made with fruit juice, water, and milk or milkbutter.

Nutrition Facts

For 100g of orange sherbet: 144 calories, fat 2g, cholesterol 1mg, sodium 4mg, carbohydrates 30g (fiber 1.3g, 24g sugar), protein 1.1g, calcium 54mg, iron 0.1mg, and potassium 96mg.


A mixture of fruit purée (or fruit juice), sweetener, milk, or buttermilk.

Can Dogs Eat Sherbet?

I contacted our veterinary consultant and some animal nutritionists to see what they had to say.

The verdict.

Occasionally, small amounts can be safe, but dogs should not be eating sherbet or sorbet. 

Dogs get zero nutritional value from eating sherbet or sorbet.

They have an excessive amount of sugar and calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity in dogs. 

It’s also likely to give dogs an upset stomach and diarrhea.

In addition, sherbet also contains some dairy products, which can also set off digestive issues.

Dairy is typically a no-no for dogs. Milk and other dairy products can cause gas, bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting in dogs. 

So, while sherbet isn’t toxic to dogs and tiny amounts won’t cause issues, it’s not something you should be feeding them regularly.

So what about the flavors of sherbet or sorbet? Let’s look at some of the most popular flavors to see if any are safe for dogs.

Can Dogs Have Sherbet Ice Cream?

Sherbet ice cream is a type of sherbet that’s made with fruit juice and milk fat.

This makes it higher in calories and sugar than regular sherbet. It also contains more dairy, hence the “ice cream” in its name.

It’s basically sherbet with more dairy and calories. So, dogs should not be eating sherbet ice cream.

The high levels of sugar and dairy are not suitable for a dog’s stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Rainbow Sherbert?

can dogs eat rainbow sherbet

Rainbow sherbet is a type of sherbet made with a mixture of raspberry, lime, and orange sherbet.

This means it contains a mixture of fruit juices, water, milk, or cream and high sugar levels.

So, like other sherbets, it’s not recommended that dogs eat rainbow sherbet.

Can Dogs Have Raspberry Sherbet?

Raspberry sherbet is made with raspberry juice, water, sugar, and milk or cream.

It’s not recommended that dogs eat raspberry sherbet due to the high sugar levels.

Can Dogs Have Watermelon Sherbet?

Watermelon sherbet is made with watermelon juice, sugar, and milk or cream.

It’s not recommended that dogs eat watermelon sherbet. However, a small bite every now and then is unlikely to cause them any harm.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple Sherbet?

can dogs eat pineapple sherbet

Pineapple sherbet is made with pineapple juice, sugar, and milk or heavy cream.

It’s not recommended that dogs eat pineapple sherbet. However, a small bite every now and then is unlikely to cause them any harm.

Can Dogs Have Mango Sorbet?

Mango sherbet is made with mango juice, water, sugar, and milk.

It’s not recommended that dogs eat raspberry sherbet due to the high levels of sugar.

Can Dogs Have Strawberry Sorbet?

can dogs eat strawberry sorbet

Strawberry sherbet is made with strawberry juice, water, sugar, and milk.

It’s not recommended that dogs eat raspberry sherbet due to the high sugar levels.

Can Dogs Have Lemon Sorbet?

Lemon sherbet is made with lemon juice, water, sugar, and milk.

Dogs are not recommended to eat lemon sherbet due to the high sugar levels.

Lemon juice should also be off-limits for dogs, which is another reason dogs shouldn’t eat lemon sherbet.

Can Dogs Have Coconut Sorbet?

can dogs eat coconut sorbet

Coconut sherbet is made with coconut milk, water, sugar, and milk.

The sugar in coconut sherbet can cause an upset stomach in dogs.

Coconut milk is also an ingredient that is only okay for dogs in small amounts and when it’s organic and unsweetened.

So while coconut sherbet is not toxic to dogs, it’s not something you should be feeding dogs.

Is Sugar-Free Sherbet Or Sorbet Okay For Dogs?

In short, dogs should not be eating sugar-free sorbet or sherbet.

Sugar-free products generally contains artificial sweeteners like xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol safe for humans but extremely toxic to dogs.

Even small amounts of xylitol can cause low blood sugar, seizures, and even liver failure in dogs.

Other sweeteners that might be used instead of xylitol are also not safe for dogs. So it’s best to avoid sugar-free sorbet or sherbet altogether.

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Sherbet?

Sorbet is safe In small amounts, occasionally. Otherwise, there are no nutritional benefits for dogs. 

It’s simply empty calories with more risk than benefits.

Dogs are not safe to eat sorbet in large amounts or frequently.

Is Sherbet Bad For Dogs?

Yes, sorbet is considered bad for dogs. It can cause digestive issues and weight gain and is high in sugar.

There is zero nutritional value in sorbet for dogs, and it is just empty calories.

There are only risks associated with feeding dogs sherbet, no benefits.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Sherbet

The dangers when feeding dogs high sugar foods (like sherbet and sorbet) increase the more frequent they consume it.

Here are the most significant dangers when feeding dogs sherbet or sorbet:

Sugar Contents

Sugar is a manufactured food that harms human health and even more for dogs.

The more exposure a dog has to sugar, the more risk develops.

Here are a few repercussions of feeding dogs too much sugar:

  • Weight gain
  • Arthritis
  • Type II diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Dental cavities and gum disease

Sugar is also highly addictive. So the more a dog eats, the more they will want.


The high sugar content in sherbet and sorbet can lead to hyperglycemia. This is when there is too much sugar in the blood.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in dogs include excessive thirst, increased urination, lethargy, and weight loss. Dogs are unable to process sugar the way humans can, so it can be very dangerous for them.


A dog that eats a lot of sorbet could face problems like food bloat, diabetes, cavities/teeth issues, obesity, or pancreatitis.

After dogs consume a large amount of something high in fat (like sorbet), pancreatitis could develop.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dehydration
  • Difficulty breathing

In extreme situations, pancreatitis may cause organ failure and death. 


This next danger is for sherbet, since sorbet usually contains little to no dairy.

Although there is not a ton of dairy product in sherbet, dogs with sensitivities to lactose may still experience some gastrointestinal upset.

Dogs that are lactose intolerant may experience vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating after consuming sherbet.

If your dog is lactose intolerant, it’s best to avoid giving them sherbet or other dairy products.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Sorbet?

dog eating stick of sherbet

Sherbet is practically the exact same thing as sorbet.

Sorbet is high in sugar and fat, which can be dangerous for dogs if consumed in large amounts or frequently.

It’s best to avoid giving dogs any sorbet.

However, if they were to eat a small piece every so often, it’s not likely to cause them any harm.

Can Dogs Eat Dairy-Free Sorbet?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat dairy-free sorbet.

Dairy-free sorbet is still high in sugar and fat, which can be dangerous for dogs if consumed in large amounts or frequently.

It’s best to avoid giving dogs any sorbet.

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

can dogs eat ice cream

Ice cream is made from cream, milk, sugar, and other flavorings.

It’s high in sugar, which can be dangerous for dogs if consumed in large amounts or frequently.

In addition, it contains lots of dairy, so ice cream is not recommended for lactose intolerant dogs.

Dogs that are lactose intolerant may experience vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating after consuming ice cream.

Even dogs that aren’t lactose intolerant may get an upset stomach from eating ice cream.

Overall, the odd bite of ice cream won’t harm a dog, but it’s best for their health to avoid giving them any.

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