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Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Yogurt? (We Asked Vets For Advice) 

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As dog owners, we are constantly bombarded with thoughts about what our beloved pups can and cannot eat.

Some human foods are okay for dogs while others are not, which can be confusing.

One food that we get a lot of questions about is yogurt. In particular, strawberry yogurt.

So, can dogs eat strawberry yogurt? The answer is yes, but only in moderation. Dogs can get away with small amounts of dairy products like yogurt if they don’t have lactose intolerance. You’ll also want to avoid any yogurt with artificial sweeteners. The best bet is to give your dog plain yogurt or one specifically for dogs.

Below you’ll find much more detail about dogs eating strawberry yogurt.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why strawberry yogurt is good & bad for dogs
  • The dangers associated with dogs eating strawberry yogurt
  • What to do if your dog overeats yogurt
  • What yogurt brands your dog can eat

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat strawberry yogurt

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Yogurt?

To find out if dogs can eat strawberry yogurt, we went to the experts for their opinion on the matter.

After speaking with Dr. Littlejohn, here’s what he had to say. 

The verdict is… 

Yes, dogs can eat strawberry yogurt as a treat every so often! In fact, it can be pretty good for them so long as their void of harmful ingredients.

Yogurt contains live cultures that can help digestion and boost the immune system.

It’s also a great source of calcium and protein.

When it comes to strawberry yogurt, the main thing you want to watch out for is sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Too much sugar can lead to obesity and other health problems, and artificial sweeteners can be toxic.

So, make sure to choose a plain or low-sugar yogurt and add your own strawberries if you want that sweetness. 

Can Dogs Eat Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat Yoplait strawberry yogurt as a treat every so often!

However, It does contain artificial flavors and sweeteners.

That said, it does not contain the sweetener Xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

Instead, it uses sucralose, which is safe for dogs but can cause diarrhea.

So although small amounts won’t be a problem, too much could lead to obesity and other health problems.

Select plain or low-sugar options without many artificial ingredients for the healthiest option.

yoplait yogurt ingredients

Can My Dog Have Strawberry Activia Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat Activia strawberry yogurt as a treat!

However, It does contain artificial flavors and sweeteners. For example, it uses stevia as a sweetener which is safe for dogs to eat, but in large amounts, it can cause diarrhea.

So although small amounts won’t be a problem, too much could lead to obesity and other health problems.

Select plain or low-sugar options without a lot of artificial ingredients for the healthiest option.

activia yogurt nutrition label
activia yogurt ingredients

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The Benefits Of Strawberry Yogurt For Dogs

There are a few benefits to feeding your dog strawberry yogurt as a treat.

As we mentioned earlier, yogurt contains live cultures that can help digestion and boost the immune system.

It’s also a great source of calcium and protein.

When it comes to strawberry yogurt, the main thing to watch for is sugar content and artificial sweeteners.

The best yogurt for dogs is plain yogurt.

Plain yogurt or very low-sugar yogurt will provide the most benefits with the least risks.

The American Kennel Clubs (AKC) says plain greek yogurt is best for dogs since it contains lower lactose levels than regular yogurt.

In addition, they say greek yogurt has tons of live cultures that are beneficial for dogs.

So ideally, plain greek yogurt with added strawberries would be the best way to feed your dog strawberry-flavored yogurt.

Can My Dog Eat Yogurt Every Day?

The answer to this question is maybe.

It depends on the type of yogurt, how much you’re feeding them, and if they have any sensitivities.

For example, suppose you’re feeding them plain greek yogurt. In that case, it’s probably okay to feed them every day since it contains live cultures that are beneficial for dogs.

However, only one of two tablespoons per day. This also depends on the size of your dog. If you have a tiny dog, they should be getting amounts appropriate for their size.

Fruit-flavored yogurt like strawberry yogurt contains higher sugar levels, so it should be given less frequently.

Dangers Of Dogs Eating Strawberry Yogurt

strawberry yogurt

It’s essential to read the label of any strawberry yogurt before feeding it to your dog to ensure it doesn’t contain these harmful ingredients.

Here are some common dangers of dogs eating strawberry yogurt:

Dogs Lactose Intolerant

Many dogs are lactose intolerant and can’t properly digest dairy products like yogurt.

This can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If your dog is lactose intolerant, it’s best to avoid feeding them dairy products.

High In Sugar

When dogs eat yogurt, the biggest threat aside from lactose intolerance is the high sugar contents.

To much sugar can cause:

  • Upset Stomach – Strawberry yogurt can cause an upset stomach in dogs. This is mainly from the sugar. These sugary ingredients can be challenging for your dog to digest properly.
  • Diarrhea – Diarrhea is another common symptom when dogs overeat strawberry yogurt.
  • Weight Gain – Another problem with the high sugar content in strawberry yogurt is that it can lead to weight gain in dogs. If your dog is overweight, it can put them at risk for health problems such as diabetes and joint problems.
  • Obesity – Strawberry yogurt can also cause obesity in dogs. Obesity is a severe health condition that can lead to other problems such as heart disease, arthritis, and breathing difficulties.
  • Diabetes – The high sugar in some strawberry yogurt can also lead to diabetes in dogs. Diabetes is a serious health condition that requires lifelong treatment.
  • Heart Disease – The high sugar content in some strawberry yogurt can also lead to heart disease in dogs. Heart disease is a severe health condition that can be fatal.


Some dogs are allergic to the ingredients in yogurt.

Allergies can cause various symptoms, such as itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

If your dog has any of these symptoms after eating strawberry yogurt, it’s important to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Artificial Sweeteners

strawberry yogurt

While these aren’t as dangerous as Xylitol, they can still cause some gastrointestinal upset in dogs.

Another ingredient to watch out for in strawberry yogurt is artificial sweeteners.

These can harm dogs and cause various symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures.

Xylitol is the most significant artificial sweetener to watch out for.

It’s often used in sugar-free products and is highly toxic to dogs.

Even a small amount of Xylitol can cause low blood sugar, liver failure, and even death in dogs.

So, if you’re going to feed your dog strawberry yogurt, make sure it doesn’t contain Xylitol.

Other artificial sweeteners in yogurt are sucralose, aspartame, and stevia.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Jelly? Is Jelly Safe For Dogs? (We Asked A Vet)

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Greek Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberry greek yogurt in moderation.

Greek yogurt is a type of yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey.

It’s higher in protein and lower in sugar than regular yogurt. So, if you’re going to give your dog strawberry yogurt, greek yogurt is the better option.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Yogurt?

dog eating frozen yogurt

Frozen yogurt is another type of yogurt that’s okay for dogs to eat but should be given even smaller amounts than regular yogurt.

Frozen yogurt usually has more added sugar and added sweeteners than regular yogurt.

While one or two small pieces are unlikely to cause issues, some dogs may be lactose intolerant and have trouble digesting it.

As with all things, start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts before giving them more.

Lastly, if the frozen yogurt contains any harmful ingredients like Xylitol, avoid it together.

Can Dogs Eat Vanilla Yogurt?

Vanilla yogurt is another type of yogurt that’s okay for dogs to eat.

As with strawberry and frozen yogurt, start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts before giving them more.

Look for vanilla yogurts that don’t have any harmful ingredients like Xylitol and contain low amounts of sugar.

Can Dogs Eat Greek Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt is a type of yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey.

It’s higher in protein and lower in sugar than regular yogurt. So, if you’re going to give your dog yogurt, Greek yogurt is actually the better option.

Select a plain greek yogurt with no added sweeteners or flavors for the most benefits with the least risks to your dog’s health.

Are Dogs Allowed To Eat Flavored Yogurt?

Yes, dogs can eat flavored yogurt but should only have it in moderation.

When giving your dog flavored yogurt, select a yogurt with no added sweeteners or flavors and look for yogurts that contain low amounts of sugar.

While flavored yogurt is not the best option, a small amount here and there is unlikely to cause harm to your dog.

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