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Can Dogs Eat Twinkies? Dangers + Tips If They Do

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Twinkies are a tasty treat that many people enjoy.

So tasty that many dogs will sit and stare at you eating one hoping that you’re in the sharing mood. 

But is that a good idea? Can dogs eat Twinkies? It’s not recommended that dogs eat Twinkies. While a small amount is not likely to cause them harm, they are filled with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients that are not good for a dog’s overall health. Also, the cream filling has xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

In this article you’ll discover:

  • A detailed explanation of why dogs can’t have Twinkies
  • What makes Twinkies bad for dogs to eat
  • The dangers associated with dogs eating Twinkies
  • What to do if your dog eats an entire Twinkie (or multiple)
  • And much more

Let’s jump right in.

Can Dogs Eat Twinkies

Can Dogs Have Twinkies?

As much as we might love to share our favorite snacks with our furry friends, not all human food is safe for dogs.

Twinkies are one such food that should be avoided. While the cake part of a Twinkie is not harmful to dogs, the cream filling contains xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is poisonous to canines.

Even a small amount of xylitol can cause low blood sugar, resulting in weakness and loss of coordination. In severe cases, it can even lead to liver failure.

If your dog has eaten a Twinkie, watch for symptoms of xylitol poisoning and call your veterinarian immediately. While it’s always best to feed your dog a healthy diet designed specifically for their needs, if you do want to share a snack, choose something without xylitol or other artificial sweeteners.

Are Twinkies Bad For Dogs?

As any pet owner knows, dogs will eat just about anything. While this can sometimes be a nuisance, it can also be dangerous if the wrong food is consumed.

So, what about Twinkies? Are they bad for dogs?

While Twinkies are not poisonous to dogs, they are not a good source of nutrition. In fact, they are mostly made up of sugar and empty calories.

Eating too many Twinkies can lead to weight gain and other health problems in dogs.

Additionally, the artificial ingredients in Twinkies can cause stomach upset in some (most) dogs. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid giving your dog Twinkies or other similar snacks.

The Major Dangers of Dogs Eating Twinkies

two twinkies

A Twinkie is a cake-like snack that is filled with cream. While they may be tempting to share with your dog, there are a few dangers to be aware of.

Firstly, Twinkies are very high in sugar, which can cause stomach upset and weight gain in dogs.

Secondly, the cream filling contains a high level of fat, which can lead to pancreatitis in dogs.

Finally, the artificial ingredients in Twinkies may not agree with your dog’s digestive system. So, while sharing the odd Twinkie with your dog might not be immediately life threatening, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Can Dogs Die From Eating Twinkies?

While it’s unlikely that a dog would die from eating a single Twinkie, the artificial sweetener xylitol present in the cream filling can be poisonous to dogs.

If a dog eats more than one Twinkie, or has Twinkies often there’s an increased chance they develop more dangerous conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

This is why it’s best to avoid feeding your dog Twinkies and doing your best to keep them out of reach.

If your dog does eat a Twinkie (or multiple) the next section is what you should do.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats An Entire Or Multiple Twinkies

a single twinkie

If your dog has eaten a Twinkie or multiple, the first step is not to panic.

While it’s not ideal, most dogs will be okay after eating one or two Twinkies.

However, it’s important to keep an eye on them and watch for any symptoms of xylitol poisoning.

These symptoms include weakness, loss of coordination, and vomiting. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately.

If your dog has consumed a large amount of Twinkies, they may also experience stomach upset and diarrhea. In this case, it’s best to give them a small amount of food and wait to see how they respond.

If your dog is acting normal, you can offer them a little more food. However, if they vomit or have diarrhea, it’s best to call your veterinarian.

Other Frequently Asked Questions About Dogs Eating Twinkies

What About Sugar Free Twinkies?

twinkie with sauce

The sugar-free version of Twinkies contains the artificial sweetener xylitol.

Xylitol is poisonous to dogs and can cause serious health problems. For this reason, it’s best to avoid giving your dog any type of Twinkie, even the sugar-free kind.

What If My Dog Only Ate The Cream Filling Of a Twinkie?

The cream filling of a Twinkie contains a high level of fat, which can lead to pancreatitis in dogs.

Pancreatitis is a serious condition that can be life-threatening. The cream filling also has xylitol which is poisonous to dogs.

If your dog has eaten the cream filling of a Twinkie, it’s best to call your veterinarian.

Are There Any Twinkies Safe for Dogs to Eat?

There are no Twinkies safe for dogs to eat. The artificial sweetener xylitol present in the cream filling can be poisonous to dogs, and the high level of fat in the cream filling can lead to pancreatitis.

For these reasons, it’s best to avoid giving your dog any type of Twinkie.

If your dog does eat a Twinkie, it’s important to watch for symptoms of xylitol poisoning and call your veterinarian immediately if you notice any. You should also avoid giving your dog any more food until they have been seen by a vet.


Eating some of, or an entire Twinkie, may not be life threatening, but it’s best to keep these snacks away from your dog.

They are filled with unhealthy ingredients and there are much better choices for treats that don’t pose a threat to your dog’s health.

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