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Can Dogs Eat Vienna Sausages? 4 Risks + Vet Advice If They Do

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“Hey, doggy!” The dog’s ears perk up at the sound of his owner’s voice.

He trots over to the man, wagging his tail energetically.

“Do you want a piece of this?” The man holds up a Vienna sausage, and the dog’s eyes light up.

He starts to pant in anticipation.

The man pauses and thinks to himself, “Is it okay if I give him one?”. The man looks down at his phone and starts typing ‘can dogs eat Vienna sausages’ into Google for an answer.

Many dog owners are curious if their beloved pet can enjoy a nice snack of Vienna sausages.

Or they find out their dog has pulled some Vienna sausages off the countertop and want to ensure their pup will be okay.

So, can dogs eat Vienna sausages? 

Dogs shouldn’t eat Vienna sausages, they contain dangerous levels of sodium, fat, and may have other seasonings that are unhealthy for dogs. Vienna sausages are not toxic to dogs, so if they accidentally ate some, they should be okay, but regular consumption can lead to long-term issues.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Why Vienna sausages are bad for dogs to eat
  • 5 dangers with dogs eating Vienna sausages
  • What to do if your dog ate Vienna sausages (vet answers)

Let’s dive in.

can dogs eat vienna sausages

Can Dogs Eat Vienna Sausages?

A small bite of Vienna sausage is not going to cause your dog much harm.

However, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog Vienna sausages.

Vienna sausage has very little nutritional value for dogs, it’s basically “junk food”. So while it might be acceptable to feed your dog a tiny piece, the risks outweigh the benefits.

Human foods like Vienna sausage that are processed and high in fat, salt, and calories create long-term problems for dogs.

While one piece may seem like nothing, if this becomes a habit of giving them table scraps, it can lead to digestive problems and other health issues later on.

So can dogs eat Vienna sausage? No, they should not.

It’s best to stick to dog food for your dog’s diet and avoid human foods and feeding dogs Vienna sausage.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Liverwurst? Is Liverwurst Good For Dogs?

4 Dangers Of Dogs Eating Vienna Sausages

Human food should always be looked at closely before considering giving it to our pups.

Here are some dangers when dogs eat Vienna sausage:

High Salt Content

vienna sausages

All dogs need salt in their diet, but too much of it isn’t good for them.

Vienna sausages have high levels of sodium, which can lead to health problems for your dog if consumed regularly. In addition, excess salt intake will make your dog dehydrated.

Too much salt is poisonous for dogs and can lead to health complications like salt poisoning. For example, 100 grams of Vienna sausages contain 879mg of salts. For reference, the recommended salt intake for dogs is around 100mg per 100Kcal of food.

So just one Vienna sausage has an extreme amount of salt for dogs and could make them very sick if they ate too many.

Here are some symptoms associated with salt poisoning:

  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle tremors
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness

High In Fat And Calories

Vienna sausages are high in calories and fat. This can lead to obesity and weight gain if your dog overeats.

The USDA says 100 grams of Vienna sausage is 230 calories with 19 grams of fat. That’s not including anything used in the cooking process.

This amount of fat and calories can be dangerous for dogs to eat.

Prolonged consumption could lead to health problems such as diabetes, joint pains, and heart disease.

In addition, if your dog accidentally eats a few of these high-fat sausages in one sitting, they could end up with pancreatitis.

If you think your dog has pancreatitis, take them to the vet immediately, as it can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Here are some signals your dog has pancreatitis:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unstable blood sugar levels

Dangerous Additives

Vienna sausages contain various additives and preservatives that can be dangerous for dogs.

One of the most common is monosodium glutamate, or MSG.

MSG is a flavor enhancer that’s often used in processed foods.

It’s considered safe for humans to consume, but it can be dangerous for dogs.

A lot of processed food will also include things like sodium nitrate, which can lead to long-term health problems such as heart disease.

Toxic Seasonings

can dogs eat vienna sausage

Onion powder and garlic powder are the go-to for many seasonings.

For dogs, these ingredients in Vienna sausages can be toxic in large quantities and cause anemia.

Here are some signs your dog has garlic and onion toxicity:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pale gums
  • Lethargy/Weakness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Collapse

It’s unlikely a Vienna sausage would have enough garlic or onion to cause toxicity.

However, it’s something that, even in small amounts, can cause upset stomach and diarrhea in dogs.

Can Vienna Sausages Kill Dogs?

If a dog eats a large enough quantity of Vienna sausages, it could potentially kill them.

This is because of the high salt and fat content and the other additives and preservatives in the sausages.

Eating too much salt can cause salt poisoning, which leads to an electrolyte imbalance in the body.

This can cause neurological problems, dehydration, organ damage, and even death.

In addition, the high-fat content in Vienna sausages can cause pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is a serious condition that occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed.

It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, it can lead to organ failure and death.

Related Reading: Can Dogs Eat Goat Meat (Mutton)? Everything You Need To Know

What Happens If A Dog Eats Vienna Sausages?

dogs eating food off table

If your dog has eaten Vienna sausages, what happens will depend on the size of your dog and how much they ate.

A small piece is unlikely to cause any problems. Still, if a dog eats too much for their size, dogs will commonly experience vomiting and diarrhea.

It’s best to avoid feeding dogs Vienna sausages.

We will go into more detail about what to look for and how to handle these situations below.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Which Sausages Are Safe For Dogs?

dog vienna sausage

While we don’t recommend feeding your dog any sausages, if you must, boiled chicken sausages or beef sausages without any seasoning are the safest options.

Make sure to remove the skin and all visible fat before feeding them to your dog. Make sure it’s also in moderation, it should not make up most of their diet.

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