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Complete Guide: How To Use Hibiscrub For Dogs (Vet Answers)

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Are you looking for a comprehensive guide on hibiscrub for dogs? Then, you’ve come to the right place!

I reached out to our veterinary consultant Dr. Littlejohn to discuss using hibiscrub on dogs and how it can be used.

This post will cover everything you need to know about hibiscrub and how to use it safely on your furry friend.

We’ll discuss what hibiscrub is, different ways it can be used, and how to properly prepare it for a dog’s skin (most people get this wrong).

Plus, we’ll give you some tips on where to use hibiscrub and when not to use it. Keep reading for all the details!

Let’s dive in.

Hibiscrub For Dogs

What Is Hibiscrub?

Hibiscrub is an antiseptic cleanser that contains the active ingredient chlorhexidine gluconate.

This powerful antiseptic solution is used for cleaning the skin and preventing infections. It can do this by eliminating germs, bacteria, and fungi.

You may have seen hibiscrub, a common product in many hospitals.

However, you might not know that it can work wonders on a dog’s skin, just like ours. Hibiscrub can be used on humans and animals (dogs, cats, horses, etc.).

What Is An Antiseptic?

An antiseptic is a substance that inhibits the growth and development of microorganisms.

This can be done by destroying them or preventing their reproduction with its

antibacterial properties. In addition, antiseptics are commonly used on the skin to cleanse it and avoid infection.

Many different antiseptics are available, but hibiscrub is one of the most common and effective.

What Is Hibiscrub Used For In Dogs?

what Hibiscrub can be used for with dogs

For dogs, Hibiscrub can be used for a variety of purposes. The most common use is to cleanse and disinfect wounds.

In fact, its commonly used in oral care for dogs as well. For example, hibiscrub can be used to cleanse a dog’s mouth after dental surgery.

However, this does not mean you can grab a bottle of hibiscrub and start putting it in your dog’s mouth. There is a proper way to use hibiscus orally and topically.

In addition, it can help a dog’s skin when scraped, cut, or from things like hot spots. It even has residual protection for a short period after application, which can help prevent infection. 

Hibiscrub can also cleanse a dog’s skin before surgery to prevent infection. In addition, it helps kill bacteria, germs, and fungi that could have otherwise caused issues.

Hibiscrub can also be used to cleanse a dog’s skin if they suffer from an allergic reaction or infection.

Can You Put Hibiscrub on Dogs?

You can absolutely use hibiscrub on dogs! This is commonly used by veterinarians all over the world in clinical settings.

Its safe for dogs to use hibiscrub but follow instructions carefully. This is especially true if you’re using hibiscrub on an open wound. For example, In some situations, you may want to dilute the solution before using it.

If you have any concerns, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian first. They will be able to give you specific instructions on how to use hibiscrub on your dog.

Some dogs with very sensitive skin may have an allergic reaction to hibiscrub. If you notice any redness, swelling, or hives on your dog after using hibiscrub, rinse the area with water and consult your veterinarian.

As with any new product, always test hibiscrub on a small area of your dog’s skin before using it all over. This will help you determine if your dog is allergic to hibiscrub or not.

Can I Use Hibiscrub To Wash My Dog?

Hibiscrub bath For Dogs

Hibiscrub can be used to wash your dog but should not be used as a regular shampoo. This is because hibiscrub is an antiseptic wash, which means it’s designed to cleanse and disinfect the skin.

Overuse can strip the dog’s skin of the beneficial bacteria that protect it, leading to skin problems.

Do You Have to Wash Hibiscrub off Dogs?

You don’t have to wash hibiscrub off dogs, but in most cases, it’s recommended. This is because hibiscrub can dry the skin and cause irritation over time.

However, it’s important to note that hibiscrub should only be washed off about 5-10 minutes after application. This allows the hibiscrub to work its magic and do its job! A good indicator is when you notice foam. At that point, you should let it sit.

Avoid letting your dog lick at this area while it has time to sit. Instead, after 5 to 10 minutes, rinse it off.

In certain situations, your vet may ask you to buy an antiseptic ointment or cream for your dog. In these cases, you do not want to be washing this off after application. Again though, they will usually give you specific instructions to follow, so always stick with those.

Should You Use Hibiscrub On Your Dog?

There are many benefits to using hibiscrub on your dog. However, hibiscrub should only be used when recommended by a veterinarian.

Improper and overuse can cause skin problems. However, hibiscrub is safe and effective for dogs when used as directed.

Here are some of the ways antiseptics can help dogs:

  • Helps with certain skin problems
  • Can prevent infection
  • Aids in healing
  • Cleanses skin
  • Kills bacteria

How To Use Hibiscrub On Dogs

how to use Hibiscrub on dogs

Now that we know all about hibiscrub and its benefits let’s go over how to use it on dogs.

Before you use this on your dog, vets always recommend doing a small patch test first. This means you are testing a small area of your dog’s skin to see how they react to Hibiscrub.

Some dogs with sensitive skin may benefit from diluting the solution before using it. This is because undiluted hibiscrub irritates some dogs’ skin.

If your dog does not seem to have any adverse reaction, you can proceed to use hibiscrub on the affected area.

Here are the steps I was given by my veterinarian for using hibiscrub on my dog Enzo:

  1. Apply hibiscrub to the affected area and rub it in thoroughly for about 1 minute. Be sure not to get any into your dog’s eyes, nose, or mouth. It’s used for external use only!
  2. After you see some foaming, leave it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse the area with water.
  3. Once rinsed, pat it down with a clean dry cloth. Sometimes, vets will give you an ointment to put on your dog’s skin afterward.

As always, make sure to consult with your veterinarian first. They will be able to give you more specific instructions on how to use hibiscrub on your dog, depending on the infected area. So make sure to follow your vet’s instructions.

How Much Do You Dilute Hibiscrub For Dogs?

You only want to dilute hibiscrub when a vet tells you or you know your dog has skin sensitivities. Otherwise, it’s usually not recommended.

Suppose you use hibiscrub as a shampoo or to relieve itchiness in your dog’s paws. In that case, creating a diluted solution can prove effective.

To dilute hibiscrub, mix a solution with 1/4 hibiscrub and 3/4 water. This will help reduce the risk of irritation while maintaining most of the effectiveness of hibiscrub.

How Much Can Hibiscrub Be Used On Dogs?

Hibiscrub For Dogs skin
Hibiscrub for dogs

The amount of hibiscrub used on dogs varies depending on the dog.

For example, a tiny chihuahua will need less hibiscrub than a large pitbull. Your dog’s size and breed will be a big factor in how much hibiscrub you use.

In addition to size, the type of skin condition and the location will also play a role in how much you use.

Therefore, it’s always better to consult your vet.

Generally, you want to pour a little onto a clean cloth or cotton ball. Then apply it to the affected area, careful not to use too much.

Using less and having to reapply hibiscrub is always better than using too much and causing your dog discomfort or skin irritation.

Too much can cause skin burns, so remember that.

How Often Can You Use Hibiscrub On Dogs?

This is another question that can only really be answered by your veterinarian.

Depending on the severity of the skin condition, hibiscrub may need to be applied multiple times a day.

Hibiscrub is best used to keep skin and affected areas clean and free from infections. Keeping the site clean before seeing the vet is important if your dog has an injury.

If it’s less concerning, you want to use it sparingly.

Can You Use Hibiscrub On Dog’s Open Wounds?

Hibiscrub should not be applied to an open wound site. Open angry wounds need to be seen by a professional.

Hibiscrub is designed for unbroken skin and to aid healing. In fact, using hibiscrub on an open wound may actually delay healing and make things worse.

For open wounds to heal, they need to form a scab. Applying hibiscrub can make it more difficult for scabs to form and proper healing to begin.

What Does Hibiscrub Treat In Dogs?

There are several skin conditions hibiscrub can be used to treat.

Hibiscrub is most commonly used on superficial skin infections such as hot spots, yeast infections, ringworm, and pyoderma.

It’s also great for itchy or dry skin.

Hibiscrub For Dogs Itchy Skin

Hibiscrub For Dogs with itchy skin

If your dog is dealing with itchy skin, hibiscrub can be a temporary solution. Simply apply hibiscrub to the affected area and rinse it off.

Hibiscrub will help to soothe the itch while also killing any bacteria or fungus that may be causing the issue.

Just make sure not to use hibiscrub too often, as it can dry out your dog’s skin.

This will likely just be a temporary fix, not a complete solution.

For Itchy Skin All Over

Hibiscrub For Dogs

If your dog has itchy skin, you might want to consider a hibiscrub bath.

To give your dog a hibiscrub bath, mix a solution of 1/5 hibiscrub and 4/5 water. Then apply the solution to your dog’s body, avoiding their eyes and face.

Rub it in, and then Let the hibiscrub sit on their skin for about five minutes. Afterward, rinse them off, making sure all the hibiscrub is gone.

Hibiscrub For Dogs Yeast Infection

The most common areas a dog may develop yeast infections are the ears, between the toes, in their armpits, or in their groin.

For yeast infections inside your dog’s ears, you should not use hibiscrub. However, if it resides on the outside, you can.

For paw, armpit, and groin areas, it will be okay to treat the yeast infection with hibiscrub.

For this treatment, you can do a spot treatment.

Apply the hibiscrub to the afflicted region. Rub it into your dog’s skin until foam appears. Then let it sit on the skin for five minutes.

After five minutes, rinse the affected area with clean water and dry the affected area.

Before using hibiscrub to treat a yeast infection in your dog, you should consult your vet.

Hibiscrub For Dogs Hotspots

Hibiscrub can be used on dogs’ hot spots. In fact, hibiscrub is commonly used to treat hot spots because it helps to kill bacteria and fungus.

To use hibiscrub on a hot spot, apply the solution directly to the affected area. You can use a cotton ball or a clean cloth.

After 5 minutes, rinse off the area with water and pat it dry.

Our pet’s skin can be sensitive, so it’s always best to first start with a small area.

If your dog has no adverse reaction, you can apply hibiscrub to the entire hot spot.

Hibiscrub Shampoo for Dogs

Hibiscrub bath For Dogs

Hibiscrub can also be used as a shampoo for dogs. This is great for dogs that suffer from allergies or hot spots.

To use hibiscrub as a shampoo, mix a solution of hibiscrub and water. The ratio should be one part hibiscrub to five parts water.

Apply the hibiscrub mixture to your dog’s wet fur. Work it in well, making sure to avoid their eyes and face. 

Let the hibiscrub sit on their fur for about five minutes before rinsing it off.

This should only be done occasionally, similarly to bathing your dog.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Hibiscrub To Clean My Dog’s Ears?

No, hibiscrub should not be used to clean your dog’s ears. This is because the hibiscrub can actually cause irritation in the ear canal.

The outer areas of the ear should be okay, but the inner ear is off limits.

Consult your veterinarian if you think your dog has an ear infection.

Further Readings: How To Clean Dog’s Ears When They Hate It: 9 Simple Steps

Can I Use Hibiscrub On My Dog’s Paws?

Yes, hibiscrub can be used on your dog’s paws. In fact, hibiscrub is often used to treat paw infections.

To use hibiscrub on your dog’s paws, start by mixing a solution of hibiscrub and water. The ratio should be one part hibiscrub and four parts water.

Then sit your dog’s paws in the solution to soak for 5 minutes. Make sure to get between all the toes.

After five minutes, rinse the hibiscrub off with clean water.

Alternatively, you can apply some to the affected area if it’s isolated. Just rub the affected area for about one minute, let it sit for 5 minutes, and then rinse it off.

Can I Use Hibiscrub To Wash My Dog’s Mouth?

No, hibiscrub should not be used to wash your dog’s mouth. This is because the hibiscrub can cause mouth and throat irritation.

While it is regularly used on oral procedures to help with mouth and gum infections, it’s a special mouth wash.

So you should never use this on your dog’s mouth without proper guidance from your veterinarian.

Final Thoughts

Pet owners that find issues with their dog’s skin may benefit from using hibiscrub.

Hibiscrub can be used in many ways and is effective against bacteria, germs, and fungus.

However, it should only be used after consulting with your veterinarian first.

That way, you can know exactly how to use it for your dog’s skin condition or injury.

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