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Husky Ears: Position Meanings & Husky Puppy Ear Stages

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Have you ever wondered what a huskies ear position means? Or what ear stages a husky puppy goes through?

There is a lot of meaning behind the different ear positions a husky can have. They are very similar to german shepherd ear positions but with some unique differences.

So to help you understand a huskies ear position, we created a complete guide! We even covered all the husky puppy ear stages.

So, keep reading if you are curious about huskies’ ear positions and stages or are just looking to become a husky expert!

Husky Ear position meaning

Why Do Huskies Move Their Ears?

Before discussing what each ear position means for a Husky, let’s briefly go over why they move their ears in the first place.

There are three main reasons dogs move their ears: to communicate, to show emotions, and to hear better. Let’s explore each of these a little further.

To Communicate

According to dog experts, dogs use their whole body to interact with humans and other dogs. This includes their ears.

A dog can communicate specific messages by shifting their ears. For example, if you approach a dog and their ears immediately pull back, they communicate submissiveness towards you. 

Dogs have an extensive range of movements that they can use to communicate. However, because dogs can’t talk like humans, they must use every part of their bodies to express how they feel.

For example, if a dog is slowly moving their ears back and forth, they may try to figure something out. But if they rapidly shake their head, it usually means they are trying to get rid of something (like water in their ear).

Expressing Emotions

While emotions could technically fall under communications, sometimes a dog’s ears will move solely because of an emotion. For example, when a dog is submissive, they position their ears a certain way.

Their ears will respond automatically when a dog feels a heavy emotion like anger or fear. So emotions are another reason a dog’s ears will move.

To Hear Things Better

Dogs have much better hearing than humans, and how they move their ears can actually help them hear better. Dogs can move their ears to help them hear things better.

If your dog is attempting to figure out where a sound is coming from, they will likely move their ears back and forth until they have pinpointed the source. You may have seen this yourself if you’ve ever noticed your dog’s ears perk up when they pick up a scent!

Now that we know the main reasons dogs move their ears let’s discuss each ear position.

The Different Husky Ear Positions & What They Mean

There are a variety of different ear positions for Huskies. And each has a different meaning.

Here is a list of the most common Husky ear positions and what they mean:

Husky Ears Relaxed And Standing

Husky Ears relaxed
Husky Ears normal

The most common ear position is their regular and relaxed ears.

This is the ear posture you’ll see most of the time when your Husky is just being them. The majority of Huskies have ears that are upright and relaxed. They’re most likely feeling safe, secure, and pleased if their ears appear normal.

However, sometimes, Huskies will have floppy ears even into adulthood. 

Husky Ears ‘Pricked’ Forward

Husky Ears pricked forward

When a Husky’s ears are “pricked” forward, you will notice their ears are no longer relaxed and natural. Instead, they may seem pointier, and their body language may appear stiff and alert.

A dog’s body will usually move to complement their ears. So a Husky with pricked forward ears will have an alert posture in combination.

Why Do Huskies Prick Their Ears Forward?

There are a few reasons your Husky may prick their ears Forward. They may be trying to listen to something, be on high alert, or have spotted something that has caught their interest.

When a Husky’s ears perk up, it usually means they’re focusing intently on something- typically another animal or person. This is often the case with reactive dogs.

A dog’s ears in this position might also be interpreted as a sign of aggression. They may prick their ears to appear larger and more intimidating if they sense danger or concern.

For example, if a Husky is reactive to other dogs, as soon as they see one, their ears will perk up and tilt forward in combination with their whole body tensing up.

What to Do When Your Husky Pricks up His Ears?

Husky Ears pricked forward

The best thing to do when your Husky pricks their ears is to identify what they are reacting to. If they are just spotting a dog and don’t seem aggressive, then you likely don’t have anything to worry about.

A well-trained dog will maintain an awareness of their surroundings. As long as they’re just absorbing everything and not misbehaving, you have nothing to be concerned about.

If your Husky is reactive, then you want to take a step back and assess the situation. If they are reacting to another dog, is the other dog friendly? Is your Husky feeling threatened?

You may need to put some space between your dog and the trigger. If you can’t do that, then you may have to remove your dog from the situation altogether.

Reactivity is a behavior that needs to be worked on, and it will take time, so don’t get discouraged if you can’t fix it overnight.

Further Reading: 7 Simple Strategies To Help Quickly Calm A Reactive Dog

Husky Ears Back

Husky Ears pushed back

When a Husky’s ears are back, they may appear sad or nervous. But, they could also be happy. Therefore, you will generally need another body language cue to help you better understand what your Husky is feeling.

This can sometimes be a subtle move of their ears that is not always obvious.

Why Do Huskies Put Their Ears Back?

Huskies will put their ears back when they are nervous, submissive, or being friendly. To determine precisely why they might be doing so, look for clues in their body language.

For example, if their head is tilted down, the Husky could be nervous or just being submissive. On the flip side, if their tail is wagging and they seem happy, they may just have their ears back because they are being friendly.

Most of the time, if a dog’s ears move back slightly but there are no other cues in their body language, then they are simply feeling social.

What to Do When Your Husky Puts His Ears Back

Husky Ears pushed back

When your Husky puts his ears back, pay attention to the rest of their body language. This will give you a good indication of why they are doing so and how you should respond.

Most of the time, this is not a cause for concern, so no action will be needed.

If they seem happy and friendly, then there is nothing to do. But, on the other hand, if they appear nervous or submissive, then all you can do is try to put them at ease. Speak to them with a gentle voice and offer reassurance.

Suppose they continue to be nervous or skittish. In that case, you may want to consult with a trainer or behaviorist to help address any underlying issues.

Husky Ears Down

Husky Ears pushed down

When a Husky’s ears are down, it will be very apparent. Their ears will be almost flat against their head. Most people think this means a dog is sick, but that’s not always the case.

What Does It Mean When A Huskies Ears Are Down?

There are several reasons a Husky may put their ears down. This could indicate an illness, fear, or anxiety about something. 

For example, dogs in specific environments may be afraid, and their ears will go down as a reaction.

Huskies can also fear certain people or animals, which can cause their ears to drop. This ear position is usually accompanied by a hunched or rigid body, whimpering, or other signs of fear. They may even hide their face if they are petrified.

What to Do When Your Husky Puts His Ears Down?

Husky Ears pushed down

If your Husky is putting his ears down, you need to take a step back and assess the situation. If they are in a new or unknown environment, give them time to adjust.

If they show no signs of improvement or if their fear seems excessive, then you may want to consult with a trainer or behaviorist. They can help you figure out the root of the problem and how to best address it.

If you notice your Husky’s ears drooping and they appear unwell, take them to the vet right away. This is a serious ear position that should not be ignored, especially if other body language cues are present.

Husky Ears In Opposite Directions

A Husky with ears pointed in two separate directions often occurs when they are trying to focus on two things at once. This is usually pretty apparent, and their ears may even twitch back and forth.

If you notice some noises coming from multiple directions, your Husky may perk up their ears and try to focus on each one separately. This can also happen if they see something that has caught their interest in one direction and then hear something else that has piqued their curiosity coming from another.

It’s definitely one of the most adorable ear positions a Husky can have.

Husky Puppy Ear Stages

So now that you know a Husky’s ear positions and what they mean, you may be wondering about the natural ear stages of a Husky puppy.

All Husky puppies are born with their ears flopped down. They will usually start to stand up around three weeks old, but it can take months for them to be fully erect.

Here are the Husky puppy ear stages:

Newborn To 5 Months

Husky puppy floppy Ears

Husky puppies are born with floppy ears, but around 6 to 8 weeks, their ears will gradually start to stand up. Since every Husky is different, some may take a little longer than others to reach full ear perky-ness.

During this time, it’s important to not put any pressure on the ears or try to force them up, as this can damage the cartilage. Just let them naturally stand up on their own.

During this period, you will notice the cartilage getting stronger and the ears becoming less floppy. At around 3 months old, your Husky will begin teething. This can also have an effect on their ears. In fact, their ears may be partially standing, only to fall down again during this teething period. This is completely normal, so don’t worry.

5-6 Months

Husky puppy

At this point, most Husky puppies will have their ears standing up. Some may still have partially floppy ears, but they should be getting stronger and more erect.

If your Husky’s ears are not standing by now, don’t worry. Some can take up to 6 months for their ears to become erect.

7-8 Months

At 7-8 months, if your Husky’s ears are still not standing most of the time, there is a chance they never will. 

They should be relatively strong and mostly erect. However, if they are still considerably floppy with no sign of improvement, you may want to consult your vet, as this could be a sign of an ear infection or other issue.

When Should A Huskies Ears Stand Up Straight?

A husky puppy’s ears start standing up at around 6 to 8 weeks old. During this time, you may notice their ears developing some stiffness.

Though most huskies’ ears will be fully erect by 3-5 months old, since all dogs are individuals, some huskys’ ears can take longer to stand. In fact, huskies can take up to 6-7 months for their ears to be completely upright, and some even longer!

However, if a huskies ears have not begun to stand up by the age of 6 months, you might want to consider taking them to the vet for a checkup. While not all cases of floppy ears are serious, sometimes it can indicate an underlying health condition.

Do Husky Puppies Have Floppy Ears?

Husky puppy with floppy ear

Yes. Husky puppies are born with floppy ears. This is because their ear cartilage is not fully developed yet and needs time to strengthen. As they grow older, their ears should start to stand up straight on their own.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Are Huskies Ears Cropped?

No. Huskys’ ears are not cropped. Purebred huskies have naturally erect ears that stand up straight on their own. Some people may crop their huskies’ ears for cosmetic reasons, but this is not necessary and can be harmful to the dog if not done properly.

Why Do Huskies Ears Go Back When You Pet Them?

Huskies’ ears go back when you pet them because they are showing submission. When a husky shows their ears in this way, it is a sign that they trust you and feel comfortable around you. It could also mean that they are enjoying the petting!

Do Husky Lab Ears Stand Up?

It depends. Husky lab ears can stand up if they take more after the husky parent, but they may also remain floppy if they take more after the labrador parent. It really varies depending on the dog and which genetics they inherit.

Final Thoughts

Husky ears can indicate a lot of things. How they are positioned, along with their body language, can give insights into how they are feeling.

The position of a Husky’s ears may communicate and express emotions. When your dog’s ears are pricked forward, it generally indicates that he or she is alert and interested in what is going on around them.

Dogs communicate a lot through their ears and body posture. If you see that your dog’s ears are back, it could mean that they are feeling nervous or submissive. For example, if a Husky has its ears back and is looking down, it is likely to feel submissive or nervous.

All of this information a huskies ears can tell us is why it’s important to know what your Husky’s ear position means and how to respond to them!

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