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Papillons Behaviors, Personality & Unique Traits

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The Papillon dog breed is one of the most unique and interesting breeds out there. They’re known for their distinct personality and physical traits.

In this article, you’ll discover what makes Papillons so special, and the types of behaviors and characteristics you can expect from one.

I will also explore the most frequently asked questions about this breed so that you can learn all there’s to know about the Papillon!

Common Papillon Behaviors & Temperaments

Are Papillons Hyper?

Papillons are definitely hyper at times. They love running around and playing, and can be quite active dogs.

When young a Papillon can be hyper but as they become older they typically calm down.

Even so hyper Papillons can entertain themselves without much effort needed from their owners.

A survey from Iheartdogs asking 34 Papillon owners “how active is your Papillon” concluded with 56% saying their pup was moderately active, 38% said very active, and 65% said not active at all.

Are Papillons Protective?

Papillons are not typically protective, but they can be territorial over their toys and food.

Some Papillons have strong watchdog instincts and will bark at anything they perceive as a threat.

They’re very loyal dogs who will follow their owner anywhere and aren’t afraid to stand up to larger dogs if they think their owner is in danger.

Consequently, Papillons make excellent protectors and are always ready to defend their family.

Are Papillons Smart?

Papillons are one of the smartest dog breeds. Most experts classify them in the top 10 of smarted dog breeds. They’re very good at learning and reading body language.

This allows them to learn things quickly in a short period of time.

This is the first toy breed to crack the top 10 for intelligence. This 5-pound breed often takes home top prizes at competitive agility trials, according to the American Kennel Club.

Are Papillons Stubborn?

Most owners can attest to their Papillon being stubborn. They have a mind of their own and they’re not afraid to use it.

Papillons are known for being independent and willful, and they often refuse to do what they’re told.

This might make it difficult to train them if you don’t provide a reward they feel is worth their time and effort.

However, once this reward is found, training can be easy due to their high level of intelligence.

Are Papillons Aggressive?

Some people are hesitant to adopt a Papillon because they have heard that Papillons can be aggressive.

While it’s true that Papillons can sometimes be territorial, this doesn’t mean that they’re automatically aggressive.

With proper training and socialization, Papillons can be gentle and loving companions.

In fact, many Papillon owners say their dogs are friendly with everyone they meet, including children and other animals.

So if you’re looking for a charming and lovable companion, don’t let the rumors about Papillon aggression discourage you – a Papillon might just be the perfect dog.

What really matters is how you raise and train them!

Are Papillons Cuddly?

Papillons are moderately cuddly dogs but it depends on their upbringings.

Many owners say that their Papillon likes to cuddle with them on the couch or in bed, but they’re not always clingy like some other lap dogs.

They’re full of energy and don’t always love sitting still for too long. This can make them seem less cuddly than other breeds.

Overall it seems like the vast majority of Papillon owners say they’re relatively cuddly depending on how energetic they’re.

Are Papillons Friendly?

Papillons are one of the most friendly dog breeds. They’re great with kids and other animals. Papillons are also very intelligent and have a great personality.

This makes them a great choice for a family pet. If you’re looking for a lovable and playful dog, the pap

Are Papillons Fast? How Fast?

Papillons are relatively fast dogs. They can reach speeds of up to 18 miles per hour, making them a great choice for racing or agility competitions.

They also have a lot of energy and love to play, which means they can keep up with even the most active families.

Are Papillons Good At Agility?

Papillons are some of the best dogs when it comes to agility. They’re very smart and have a lot of energy, which makes them perfect for this type of competition.

In fact, the Papillon often takes home top prizes at competitive agility trials, according to the American Kennel Club.

Can Papillons Swim?

Papillons can swim but aren’t the best swimmers. Most Papillons will be fine if they fall into a pool or get their feet wet, but they’re not going to be able to swim long distances.

If you live near a body of water, it’s important to keep this in mind and make sure your Papillon has a way to get out of the water if necessary.

In general Papillons prefer to play in water rather than swim in it.

Do Papillons Bark A Lot?

Papillons are not known for being barkers. Most Papillons will only bark when they feel it’s necessary, such as when someone is at the door or when they’re playing.

This makes them a great choice for people who don’t want a dog that barks constantly.

Some Papillon will develop bad habits for barking over time, but this only gets out of hand when owners aren’t willing to properly adjust the behavior.

Iheatdogs did a study with 70 Papillon dog owners asking them “does your Papillon bark a lot?”.

61% of people said their Papillon did not bark, and 39% said they did.

Do Papillons Howl?

Papillons are not known for howling. In fact, most Papillon owners say their dogs hardly ever howl.

Iheatdogs did a study with 70 Papillon dog owners asking them “does your Papillon howl a lot?”.

61% of people said their Papillon did not howl a lot, and 39% said they did.

Do Papillons Dig?

Papillons aren’t a breed that is known for digging. But when a dog is bored and lacks mental stimulation , they may start to dig in the yard or around the house.

Make sure you provide your Papillon with plenty of toys and activities to keep them busy, so they don’t resort to digging.

Can Papillons Be Guard Dogs?

No – Papillons can’t really be guard dogs. While they may be able to bark and alert their owners to potential danger, they’re not typically aggressive enough to deter would-be intruders.

However, despite their small size, Papillons can be surprisingly tough – they’re not afraid to stand up to larger dogs.

Usually though, if you’re looking for a dog that will protect your home and family, due to a Papillon’s size and demeanor it’s usually not the right breed for a guard dog.

Can Papillons Be Left Alone?

Papillons can be left alone, but they may become bored and destructive if they’re not given enough stimulation.

Make sure you leave your Papillon with plenty of toys and activities to keep them busy, so they don’t resort to chewing on furniture or digging in the yard.

If you work long hours, it’s important to find a Papillon-friendly daycare or have a friend or family member who can take care of your dog while you’re away.

A good rule of thumb is to never leave your pup longer than 8 hours, and try your best to only ever leave them for 4.

Can Papillons Be Service Dogs?

Papillons make great service dogs. Thanks to their gentle nature and love of humans, Papillons are perfect for providing comfort and support to people in need.

They’re also intelligent, easy to train, and have a calm demeanor that makes them ideal for working with patients or children.

If you’re looking for a dog that can provide emotional support and assistance, the Papillon is a great choice.

Can Papillons Climb Stairs?

Papillons are able to climb stairs, but they may have a hard time getting up and down if the steps are too steep.

Make sure you provide your Papillon with plenty of places to rest and nap, so they don’t get tired from trying to navigate stairs.

Also be aware that Papillons can jump pretty high, so you may want to keep them away from areas where they could jump off of a balcony or porch.

Can Papillons Hike?

Papillons are able to hike, but they may not be able to keep up with you if you’re an avid hiker.

Make sure you take your Papillon on shorter hikes at first, and increase the distance as they get more used to it.

Remember to bring plenty of water and snacks for both you and your pup.

You can also grab one of those doggy backpacks to carry them if they get too tired.

Can Papillons Live In An Apartment?

Papillons are known for being great apartment dogs.

Thanks to their cheerful dispositions and love of human companionship, Papillons do well in small spaces.

They’re also relatively quiet, so you won’t have to worry about your Papillon disturbing your neighbors.

Of course, Papillons still need plenty of exercise, so be sure to take them for walks or runs on a regular basis.

With the right care and attention, a Papillon can make a wonderful addition to your apartment!

What Other Households Are They Good In?

Papillons can adapt to many different households. I recently wrote an entire article on this very topic.

Check it out here – Papillons: Households & Owners They’re Good & Bad With

Do Papillon Get Along With Other Animals?

Do Papillons Get Along With Cats?

The answer may surprise you. While Papillons aren’t typically known for being good with other animals, they can actually get along quite well with cats.

Cats and Papillons share many of the same personality traits, such as independence and a love of play. In addition, Papillons are small enough that they’re not seen as a threat by most cats.

Iheart dogs ran a survey from 33 real Papillon owners asking the question “Does your Papillon get along well with cats?”.

From the survey 42% said “they get along very well”.

33% said “they get along ok” and 24% said “they did not get along well”.

So overall it seems most Papillons (so long as they’re properly socialized) get along with cats.

As long as introductions are done slowly and carefully, Papillons and cats can be great companions for each other.

Do Papillons Get Along With Other Dogs?

Papillons can be good with other dogs so long as they’re properly introduced. Papillons enjoy being around other dogs and will often try to play with them.

The key is making sure to socialize them early on so that they can learn how to interact with other dogs properly.

Iheart dogs ran a survey from 34 real Papillon owners asking the question “Does your Papillon get along well with other dogs?”.

From the survey 38% said “they got along with other dogs very well”.

47% said “they got along with other dogs ok” and 15% said “they did not get along well with other dogs”.

So overall it seems most Papillons (so long as they’re properly socialized) get along with other dogs.

Papillons are generally good natured and make great additions to homes with other dogs.

Do Papillons Have A High Prey Drive?

Papillons are not typically known for having a high prey drive, but they may chase small animals if given the opportunity.

If you have other small pets in your home, it’s important to keep an eye on your Papillon and make sure they do not try to harm them.

In general, Papillons are good natured and get along well with most animals. But it’s always important to supervise them when they’re around other pets.

What’s It Like Training A Papillon?

Are Papillons Easy To Train Or Hard To Train?

Papillons are typically quite easy to train. They love learning new things and are very eager to please their owners.

In most cases, a little positive reinforcement is all it takes to get your Papillon to learn what you want them to do.

However, every Papillon is different, so it’s important to be patient and not get frustrated if your pup doesn’t pick things up right away.

Papillons can be stubborn at times when it comes to training, but if you use a high value reward they will quickly fall into line.

Are Papillons Easy To Potty Train?

Surprisingly, Papillons are quite easy to potty train. They learn quickly where they’re supposed to go and will usually only have a few accidents in the beginning.

Make sure you take them outside regularly and praise them when they go in the right spot.

If you catch them having an accident inside, say “NO” in a firm voice and immediately take them outside to finish going potty.

In comparison to other small breeds they’re one of the easiest to house train.

Other Frequently Asked Questions About Papillons

Are Papillons And Chihuahuas Related?

Papillons and chihuahuas are two different breeds of dog. Papillons are bred from the spaniel family, while chihuahuas are bred from the terrier family.

While they may share some similarities in personality, they’re not related genetically.

Are Papillons And Pomeranians Related?

Papillons and pomeranians are two different breeds of dog. Papillons are bred from the spaniel family, while pomeranians are bred from the sled dog family.

While they may share some similarities in personality, they’re not related genetically.

Do Papillons Shed?

Papillons do not shed very much. In fact, many Papillon owners say their dogs hardly shed at all.

This makes them a good choice for people who don’t want to deal with constant hair everywhere.

Iheartdogs did a study with 70 Papillon dog owners asking them “how bad does your Papillon shed?”.

6% said their Papillon shed extreme amounts, 54% said moderate shedding, 30% said low shedding, and 10% said no shedding.

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The Papillon Dog: Frequently Asked Questions & Fun Facts

Papillons: Households & Owners They’re Good & Bad With