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What Do Huskies Eat? (Including What Huskies Can & Can’t Eat)

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What do huskies eat? This is a question that many husky owners or potential husky owners have.

The answer, however, is not as straightforward as one might think. Huskies can eat a variety of different foods, but some foods they should be avoiding.

This blog post will cover all aspects of what huskies eat, including what they can and cannot eat. We will also provide tips on how to feed your husky, how much, and what diet types you should consider.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

what do huskies eat

The History Of The Siberian Husky

To understand what huskies eat, we need to look at their history. Siberian Huskies are an ancient dog breed that was said to be raised by the Chukchi people in Siberia.

It’s estimated that Siberian huskies have been around for more than 4000 years and served as sled dogs, guards, and companions. By the early 1900s, they were found in Alaska and popularized by dog sled races. 

So based on most of their history, the Siberian Husky has been mostly side by side with humans. However, as with all dogs, some might be abandoned or escape and form their own communities in the wild.

What Do Huskies Eat Naturally?

what do huskies eat naturally

Huskies are a medium dog breed with relatively high energy. This means they will require dog food that can keep up with their energy expenditure and size.

Like any dog, huskies require a nutritional diet that meets their individual health needs. However, a husky in the wild does not have many options like a domesticated husky.

Therefore, a husky in the wild would be an opportunistic feeder. This means they would eat whatever they could find. Wild dogs are all mostly like this.

Whenever there is food available, they will eat. Otherwise, they might not get another chance for a while. A wild husky may naturally scavenge for food or hunt prey if there are no easier options.

If you were to find a Siberian husky in the wild today, they would be eating any animal or vegetable matter available for them to eat. For example, they might eat live prey, dead livestock, road kill, scraps from compost or garbages, etc.

You might find wild huskies in Siberian hunting for fish, hares, caribou, and any other animals they could hunt. In addition, some huskies might even eat seaweed, algae, or kelp. However, most of their vegetable nutrients come from consuming herbivores.

Diet Types For Huskies

There are several diets a husky can eat, all of which will provide them with the nutrition they need to thrive in our world.

The choice really depends on the dog. All huskies will have dog food preferences and dietary differences.

Some huskies will have food sensitivities or allergies, so they may require special food. In addition, some huskies will be picky eaters that refuse to eat certain foods.

So in order to find what works best for a husky, it’s best to try some options. Its also recommended that you speak with your vet to find out what might be the best option for your husky. 

You will come across conflicting opinions when reading information on the best diet for a husky online. This is because what works for one husky might not work for another. In addition, some families will not be able to afford to give their huskies certain diets.

Regardless of what people believe to be the best diet for a husky, all of them can work.

Here are the three main diets for huskies, all with pros and cons:

  • Commercial Food Diet
  • Raw Food Diet
  • Mixed Diet

Let’s discuss each.

Commercial Food Diet

First off, what is considered commercial food?

This is your classic kibble or wet food that you would buy from the vet clinic or pet store. Commercial dog food is the cheapest option for pet parents, lasts longers, is easier to store, and has the nutrients dogs need to live healthy lives.

A husky can live off of a commercial food diet and live a long, healthy life.


  • Food lasts longer
  • Cheapest option
  • Easier to store
  • Contains all the nutrients a dog requires


  • Not as nutritious as raw food
  • Does not match what they ate in the wild
  • Manufactured food
  • Fillers and preservatives

Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet is what it sounds like.

This diet consists of uncooked meat, organs, bones, and sometimes vegetables. The thought behind a raw food diet is that it’s closer to what a dog would eat in the wild.

Its also considered more nutritious than commercial food as there are no fillers or preservatives.

Some people will buy frozen meats from dog raw food brands. Others will just buy the meats from the grocery store. In addition, there are freeze-dried dog food options.


  • Closer to what they would eat in the wild
  • Provides all the nutrients a husky needs
  • No fillers or preservatives
  • Most huskies will enjoy this diet the most
  • Higher quality dog food


  • Very expensive
  • Requires more effort to prepare
  • Require safety precautions
  • Need freezer/fridge room for storage
  • Food does not last long once dethawed
  • May not be as safe as commercial food (higher risk of bacteria)

Mixed Diet

A mixed diet is what most people feed their huskies.

This is a diet that consists of both commercial food and raw food. It’s the best of both worlds as it provides all the nutrients a husky needs while being easier to prepare than a raw food diet.

The only downside is that it’s more expensive than feeding just commercial food.


  • Provides all the nutrients a husky needs
  • Easier to prepare than a strictly raw food diet
  • Adds some variety to their meals
  • Less expensive than a raw food diet


  • More expensive than commercial food
  • Easy to overfeed Huskies
  • Requires some effort to prepare raw food
  • Require safety precautions
  • Need freezer/fridge room for storage

How Much Should You Feed A Husky

how much to feed huskies

Now that we know the different types of diets, how much dog food should a husky be eating and when?

Huskies are high-energy dogs that will require enough food to keep up with their energy levels.

How much you need to feed a husky depends on how old they are, their activity levels, and how big they are.

A good rule of thumb is to start with the amount recommended on the back of the dog food bag and then adjust from there. The amount of food will also depend on what type of food you are feeding.

This is why how much you feed a husky always starts based on the recommendations on the food packaging. As a general rule, commercial food will require more than raw food as raw food is more nutrient dense.

This means that a husky will need to eat less raw food than commercial food to get the same amount of nutrients.

If you are feeding your husky a raw food diet, then you need to determine how many pounds of meat they should be eating.

To do so, you can use a raw dog food calculator.

When it comes to commercial dog food, the food packaging will tell you exactly how much you should be feeding your husky.

Are You Overfeeding Your Husky?

Now that we know how much to feed a husky, how do you know if you are overfeeding them?

The first step is to track their weight.

You should be able to feel but not see their ribs, and there should be a noticeable waist. If you can’t feel their ribs or see a waist, then they are likely overweight.

Another way to tell if you are overfeeding your husky is by their behavior. 

Huskies that are overfed will often be lazy and not want to play as much as they normally would. If your husky seems unusually tired or lazy, then it’s a sign they may be overeating.

Here is a great visual to help give you an idea of the body structure of a properly fed husky:

large breed weight chart
Image from hepper.com

The Best Food Brands For Huskies

The best dog food for huskies is definitely up for debate. Dog foods that are good for one husky may not be good for another.

This is because every husky is different, and what works for one may not work for the other. Some may function perfectly on dry dog food, while others may do better on a wet food diet or raw food.

The best thing to do is make a husky’s diet consisting of high-quality ingredients from a reputable brand.

Here are some of the best brands for commercial and raw food diets:

Commercial Dry & Wet Food:

Raw Food:

Complete List of Human Foods Huskies Can & Can’t Eat

Can Huskies Eat Eggs?

can huskies eat eggs

Yes, huskies can eat eggs. Eggs are a great source of protein and nutrients for huskies. They are also easy to digest and don’t cause stomach upset.

Here are a few benefits to feeding huskies eggs:

Can Huskies Eat Apples?

can huskies eat apples

Yes, huskies can eat apples. Apples are a great source of vitamins and fiber for huskies. They are also low in calories and fat, making them a good treat for overweight huskies.

Some benefits to feeding huskies apples include:

  • Improves heart health
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Aids digestion

Can Huskies Eat Almonds?

No, huskies cannot eat almonds. This is because almonds contain a toxin called amygdalin that can be poisonous to dogs. They can also cause an obstruction in the digestive tract if they are not chewed up properly.

Can Huskies Eat Avocado?

No, huskies cannot eat avocado. This is because avocados contain a toxin called persin, which can poison dogs. In addition, the high-fat contents can cause vomiting, diarrhea, myocardial damage, and pancreatitis if overeaten.

Can Huskies Eat Blueberries?

can huskies eat blueberries

Yes, huskies can eat blueberries! Blueberries are low in calories and high in vitamin C and K, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. All of which help improve a dog’s overall health. Blueberries do have a moderate amount of sugar, so moderation is important.

Dogs can eat frozen or fresh blueberries. Just be careful when feeding them to smaller dogs. They can be a choking hazard.

Here are a few benefits to feeding huskies blueberries:

  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Reduces brain aging
  • Supports bone health
  • Aids digestion
  • High in nutrients, not calories (great for weight management)

Can Huskies Eat Bananas?

can huskies eat bananas

Yes, huskies can eat bananas. Bananas are a good source of potassium and fiber for huskies. They are also low in calories and fat, making them a good treat for overweight huskies.

Some benefits to feeding huskies bananas include:

  • Improves heart health
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Aids digestion
  • Coat and skin health

Can Husky Eat Peanut Butter?

Yes, huskies can eat peanut butter in moderation. However, some peanut butter brands use xylitol as a sweetener which can be poisonous to dogs. So, it’s important to check the label before feeding your husky peanut butter.

In addition, peanut butter is high in fat, so it’s important not to overfeed your husky.

Can Huskies Eat Bread?

Yes, huskies can eat bread in moderation. Bread is not toxic to dogs and usually doesn’t cause any stomach upset. However, it’s important to note that most bread s high in carbs which can cause weight gain if fed in large quantities.

There are no real nutritional benefits to feeding a husky bread. So, it’s best to use it as an occasional treat rather than part of their regular diet.

Can Huskies Eat Bones?

can huskies eat bones

The answer to this depends on the type of bones. Raw bones are generally safe for dogs to chew on since they are pliable and soft. However, cooked bones can splinter and cause choking or intestinal blockages.

The size of the bone is also important to consider. Smaller bones are less likely to cause problems than larger ones.

So, while huskies can eat some bones, it’s important to exercise caution and only give them safe bones.

Can Huskies Eat Bacon?

No, huskies should not eat bacon. Bacon is high in fat and salt, which can harm dogs. In addition, it can cause pancreatitis or salt poisoning if fed in large quantities.

Can Huskies Eat Broccoli?

Yes, huskies can eat broccoli. Broccoli is a good source of vitamins A and C, fiber, and calcium. It’s also low in calories which makes it a good treat for huskies that are overweight.

Some benefits to feeding huskies broccoli include:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Aids digestion
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Aids coat and skin health
  • Aids weight management

Can Huskies Eat Beans?

can huskies eat Beans

Yes, huskies can eat beans. Beans are a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins for huskies. They are also low in calories which makes them a good treat for huskies that are overweight.

However, some beans huskies should avoid eating. These include:

  • Broad beans (fava beans)
  • Raw kidney beans
  • Baked beans
  • Refried beans

Can Huskies Eat Beef?

Yes, huskies can eat beef. Lean beef is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for huskies. It’s also low in calories and one of the most common added ingredients in dog foods.

The beef you feed a dog should not have added sauces or seasonings.

Furthermore, some beef products like beef jerky should be avoided. These are high in sodium, which can harm dogs in large amounts.

Can Huskies Eat Brown Rice?

can huskies eat brown rice

Yes, huskies can eat brown rice. Brown rice is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals for huskies. It’s an essential ingredient in many dog foods/

Some benefits to feeding husky brown rice include:

  • Improves heart health
  • Aids digestion
  • Helpful for dogs with upset stomachs
  • Improves immune functions
  • Aids weight management

Can Huskies Eat Cheese?

Yes, huskies can eat cheese in moderation. Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium for huskies. However, cheese is high in fat and calories, so it’s important not to overfeed your husky.

In addition, some cheeses can be extremely high in salt, which can be harmful to dogs. Cheese that should be avoided includes goat, brie, and feta cheese. Also, cheese with herbs, garlic, raisins, or other added flavors should be avoided.

Can Huskies Eat Tomatoes?

can huskies eat tomatoes

Huskies can eat ripe tomatoes in moderation. However, the leaves and stem of the tomato plant contain a substance called solanine which is toxic to dogs. This substance will also be present in the fruit before it ripens.

So be cautious when feeding your husky tomatoes and only give them ripe fruit. In addition, avoid giving them tomato products like ketchup or other tomato-based sauces.

Can Huskies Eat Raw Chicken?

can huskies eat raw chicken

Yes, huskies can eat raw chicken. Raw chicken is a good source of protein for huskies. It’s also one of the most common ingredients in dog food.

However, there are some risks associated with feeding your husky raw chicken. These include:

  • Salmonella poisoning
  • E. coli infection
  • Campylobacteriosis

So, taking precautions when feeding your husky raw chicken is important. Make sure the chicken is fresh and from a reputable source.

You also need to follow proper storage and handling procedures.

Can Huskies Eat Oranges?

can huskies eat oranges

Yes, huskies can eat oranges. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C and A, potassium, and fiber.

Since oranges have a citrus smell, most dogs won’t find them appealing. So make sure to only feed them fresh oranges and in moderation.

Avoid orange products like orange juice and marmalade. These are high in sugar and harmful to dogs.

Can Huskies Eat Fish?

can huskies eat fish

Yes, huskies can eat fish. Fish is a good source of protein and omega-three fatty acids.

However, there are some risks associated with feeding your husky fish. These include:

  • Heavy metal poisoning (mercury, cadmium, and lead)
  • Infection from parasites

So, it’s important to take precautions when feeding your husky fish. Make sure the fish is fresh, from a reputable source, and does not contain high amounts of mercury.

You should also cook the fish before feeding it to your dog. This will kill any parasites that may be present.

In addition, fish bones can pose a risk of choking or intestinal blockage. So it’s best to remove any bones before feeding fish to your husky.

Related ReadingMy Dog Ate Fish Bones: What Should I Do? (Vet Answers)

What Foods Are Bad For Huskies?

Just as with other dogs, there are a variety of foods that Huskies should never eat. The following foods can be dangerous or even deadly to your dog, so make sure they never eat them:

  • Grapes and raisins
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate (Specifically dark chocolate)
  • Onions and garlic
  • Excess diary
  • Cooked bones
  • Caffeine
  • Fruits with pits
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Sugary food or drinks
  • High salt or fat foods
  • Yeast dough

Other Frequently Asked Questions

what do huskies eat

How Much Should A 45-Pound Husky Eat?

An adult 45-pound husky will require roughly 1.125 pounds of raw food per day. For commercial dog food, the amount of food may need to be adjusted based on the food brand, so refer to the packaging for the most accurate amount.

This amount will need to be adjusted based on their activity levels, age, and weight.

If your husky is less active, then you will need to feed them less food, and if they are more active, then they will require more food.

How Much To Feed 8-Week Husky?

An 8-week-old husky puppy will require 0.4 – 06 pounds of raw food per day. For commercial dog food, the amount of food may need to be adjusted based on the food brand, so refer to the packaging for the most accurate amount.

This amount is based on an 8-week-old husky weighing roughly 8 – 12 pounds. You should also factor in their activity levels.

How Much Should A 4-Month Husky Eat?

A 4-month-old husky puppy will require 0.9 – 1.25 pounds of raw food per day. For commercial dog food, the amount of food may need to be adjusted based on the food brand, so refer to the packaging for the most accurate amount.

This amount is based on a 4-month-old husky weighing roughly 18 – 25 pounds. You should also factor in their activity levels.

How Much Should A Year Old Husky Eat?

A 1-year-old husky will require 1.075 – 1.425 pounds of raw food per day. For commercial dog food, the amount of food may need to be adjusted based on the food brand, so refer to the packaging for the most accurate amount.

At 1-year-old, a husky is considered an adult dog, so the amount of food they eat will decrease.

This amount is based on a 1-year-old husky weighing roughly 43 – 57 pounds. Their activity level and body shape should also be considered.

Final Thoughts

Huskies are a beautiful and unique breed of dog. They are generally pretty easy to feed, but some can be picky.

The best way to ensure your husky is getting everything they need is to feed them high-quality dog food. This can be a commercial-based diet, raw food, or a combination.

My father, Dr. Littlejohn, has always said a commercial food diet is the easiest and provides dogs with everything they need. However, he also said a raw food diet can work well if the owner wants to put in the extra effort.

When it comes to what huskies should eat, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some will say a raw food diet is what you should feed them since that’s what they ate in the wild.

However, it’s not necessary for them to eat a raw food diet for them to live a long healthy life.

To avoid issues, it’s best to discuss diet plans with your vet so you can feed your dog the best diet for them specifically.

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