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Can Whippets Get Fat? The Truth + Reasons Why They Will

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Whippets naturally have a more lean and skinny build, but can they get fat? Do they have something that makes them unable to get fat or are they able to put on weight just like other dogs?

Can Whippets Get Fat:

Whippets can absolutely get fat. While they naturally have a thin build, if they eat too much and don’t get enough daily exercise they will become overweight just like any other dog. Whippets may also become overweight as they get older or if they have an underlying health issue.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • How to tell if your whippet is becoming fat
  • What a healthy weight for an adult whippet is
  • 5 reasons why whippets get fat
  • 3 tips to help ensure your whippet doesn’t get fat (Tip #1 is super important!)
  • And much more

Let’s jump right in.

What’s a Healthy Weight For Whippets?

Whippets are supposed to be lean dogs.

AKC says the average weight for a male or female whippet is between 25-40 lbs.

Much less than 25 lbs and your pup is at risk of being too skinny.

And too much over 40 lbs they’re entering overweight territory.

Whippets naturally look very skinny which can make many whippet owners worry about whether they’re feeding them enough.

The most important things to watch out for are if their energy levels change when outside.

If they’re super skinny and aren’t interested in being active when outside, they may not be getting enough food.

Similarly if their stomachs are starting to get more rounded.

If your pup is starting to get tired more quickly and they’re otherwise a healthy adult they might be getting too heavy.

Here’s a simple formula to know how many calories your whippet needs each day:

Divide their weight by 2.2 (this gives you their weight in kilograms).

Multiply that number by 30.

Then add 70.

For example, if you wanted to know how much (in calories) you should feed your whippet if they weighed 32 lbs it would look like this:

32 / 2.2 = 14.54

14.54 x 30 = 436.2

436.2 + 70 = 506.2 calories per day

When looking at their dog food, it should tell you how many calories your pup is getting per serving and how many cups are needed per serving.

Then you’ll know exactly how much food they need each day to maintain their healthy weight.

If your whippet is above 40 lbs and starting to look thicker, you can adjust the weight number to help them lose weight.

For example, if your pup is 42 lbs and you wanted to get them to 38.

You would do the same calculation we just did with a 32 lbs whippet and change that number to 38.

This would show you how many calories they need each day to get to and maintain that 38 lbs weight.

*Important note: You should never do too dramatic of a calorie change. Which means don’t change their calories intake from where they are now, at 44 lbs down for example, to a calorie intake that would get them to 22 lbs because that would be dangerous to their health. Instead, slowly lower their calories over time to help them healthily lose weight.

Related Reading: Why Are Whippets So Skinny? The Truth + 8 Reasons & Tips 

How Can You Tell If a Whippet Is Becoming Overweight?

A few ways you can tell if your whippet is getting overweight is if they’re becoming more lethargic, uninterested in exercise, getting out of breath from little activity, as well as becoming more round.

When a whippet is a healthy weight their stomach will be further away from the ground than their rib cage.

A whippet would be considered overweight if their stomach is in line with their rib cage or closer to the ground than their rib cage.

If you’re starting to notice that when your whippet is standing up, their stomach is starting to inch closer to the ground, this is a sign they’re becoming overweight.

Even though whippets generally love being lounge lizards it’s important to make sure they get plenty of exercise each day to prevent them from getting fat.

As well as maintaining a healthy diet.

5 Reasons Why Whippets Get Fat

1) Getting Older

Many times as a whippet gets older it can cause them to start to gain a little more weight.

They become less interested in being active and more interested in resting.

Also, what commonly happens as a dog gets older is their owner starts becoming much more lenient with treats and not wanting to push them as much.

Which is a double whammy.

Less daily activity because they don’t want to over exert their doggo because they know they’re getting into their senior years…

While also getting more treats than they ever have because they don’t want their aging pup to be sad and it feels good to see them get excited.

Both unfortunately contribute to whippets getting fatter as they age.

*Sidenote: As whippets get older there’s also an increased chance they develop some form of health condition that could impact their weight as well.

2) Lack Of Exercise

The second biggest impact to a whippet’s weight is how much exercise they get each day.

Less physical activity translates into less calories burned which results in more of their food being stored as fat on their body.

Simple as that.

If your whippet isn’t getting at least 2 walks per day with some play time in between this could be why they’re getting fatter.

Whippets need roughly 60 minutes of exercise each day in order to regulate their energy as well as keep them in good physical condition.

3) Improper Diet

By far the biggest impact to your whippet’s weight is what they eat each and every day.

It’s much more challenging to burn calories to lose weight rather than to monitor how many calories they’re eating.

That’s why many people say weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise. Some go as far to say it’s a 90/10 split.

The quality of the food being fed to your whippet as well as the amount of food are going to have the biggest impact on whether they’re fat or at a healthy weight.

Too many treats, unknowingly feeding them too much kibble each day, or giving them too many table scraps as you’re preparing your meal/eating your meal.

All of these will affect how much additional unhealthy weight your whippet gains.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Whippets Are Always Hungry | Dangers + 5 Tips

4) Injury

If your whippet has been injured for a while and it’s made them unable to move around, this can cause them to gain weight.

They’re likely eating the same amount of food, if not more because they’re bored, while getting less exercise each day.

Not because they aren’t getting the opportunities, but simply because their body needs to heal from their injury before they can get active again.

Anytime your whippet spends many days or even weeks without much physical activity it’s normal to see them put on some weight.

5) Underlying Health Problem

Unfortunately, sometimes when a whippet gains weight it’s because something is going on internally.

Even if you’re giving your pup plenty of exercise every day and feeding them a well balanced diet, certain health conditions can still affect them.

Two conditions in particular that are known for contributing to a whippet gaining weight is cushing’s disease and hypothyroidism.

If your whippet is starting to get into their senior years it’s best to have a vet take a look at them if they’re gaining weight regardless of a good diet and daily exercise.

Tips To Help Ensure Your Whippet Never Gets Fat

1) Monitor Food Intake

The easiest way to ensure whippets never get fat is to monitor how much food they get each day.

Overeating is the biggest reason why a whippet will gain an unhealthy amount of weight.

If you’re unsure how many cups of kibble they should be getting each day it never hurts to ask a veterinarian.

Once you know how many cups they should be getting to maintain a healthy weight it’s important not to give them any more unless they’re starting to get more exercise each day.

**Side note: Make sure they get 90% of their daily food intake from their kibble and only 10% from treats.

2) Don’t Give In To Puppy-Dog Eyes

Puppy-dog eyes and a puppy-dog pout are two of the most difficult things to resist.

But, if you want to make sure your whippet stays at a healthy weight it’s important to do your best not to give in.

Not only will this negatively impact their weight if you give in.

But it’ll also unintentionally train them to do it more often for food each time it works.

3) More Daily Physical Activity

Exercise is super important for your whippet’s physical condition.

Even though they can be happy being a couch potato when indoors, they need around 60 minutes of activity every day.

When their exercise needs aren’t being met it will eventually lead to some form of weight gain.

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