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Can Whippets Live & Sleep Outside? 6 Dangers + 5 Tips

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There is no question that whippets love to be outside and running. However, does this mean whippets would prefer to live outside? 

Is it possible for them to live outside and be safe?

Can Whippets Live Outside:

Whippets can live outside but it’s not recommended. A whippet’s low body fat and short fur makes it difficult for them to keep warm in cool environments. Also, whippets left alone outside can suffer from severe anxiety. They are a breed that lives for companionship and being with their owners. 

In this post you’ll discover

  • 6 dangers when letting a whippet live outside (#5 is the biggest risk)
  • 5 tips to make living outside possible for whippets (#2 helps the most)
  • 3 benefits to letting your whippet live inside

Lets dive in…

can whippets live outside

6 Dangers When Letting A Whippet Live Outside

Dogtime says that whippets are not outdoor dogs and should in fact live indoors.

There seems to be controversy around dogs being left outside to live versus having them indoors.

Whippets in particular, due to their low body fat, short fur, and smaller build, may have a harder time adapting to outdoor living.

These physical features combined with whippets being prone to separation anxiety are the contributing factors for why so many experts suggest keeping whippets as indoor dogs.

With that said, there are whippet owners that have stated their pups are happy and healthy living outside.

Here are some of the dangers associated with whippets living outside.

1) Animal Attacks

Whippets are not very big dogs so if they were to ever get attacked by a wolf, coyote, or other big predator, they may get harmed, or even killed.

It’s important before deciding whether or not it’s safe for your whippet to live outside to understand the wildlife around your home.

If you often hear sounds of wild animals you know could easily hurt your whippet, living outside might not be the safest place for them.

The one thing a whippet does have going for them is their speed. 

So as long as they don’t get sneaked up on I’m sure they would have no problem out running any animal.

2) Poisonous Plants

If you live around a forest or have a lot of plant life and fungus around your house it might pose a risk to your whippet.

There are many species of plants and fungi that are poisonous to dogs.

It’s best to do some research to see exactly what plants or fungus are most dangerous and then remove them.

Mushrooms can pose a big threat especially since a lot of dogs think these are treats.

The most common mushrooms that cause poisoning are the amanita species. 

So take a look for these and other plants that are known to poison dogs. PetMD wrote a great article breaking down the poisonous plants for dogs.

3) Dognappers

Unfortunately this is a reality of our world.

People who find a dog may steal them and then sell them to make some money.

Whippet puppies on average sell between $800 on a low end and up to around $2000 on the high end.

It’s awful to think there are people that would do this type of thing, but it happens.

4) Fences Might Not Keep Them Safe

Whippets can jump upwards of 6ft and some jump as high as 8ft.

This means if you think your whippet is secure with a 4ft fence… think again.

Some whippet owners mention their whippet puppies under 1 year old are able to jump over 4ft fences.

5) Separation Anxiety

A whippet left outside and alone can suffer from severe anxiety.

These are breeds that love companionship and being with their owners. 

This is one of the biggest reasons many experts say it is not recommended to let your whippet live outside.

Whippets love being near to their owners and following them around, which is more often than not inside the house.

This is especially true if they are alone. If they don’t get enough time with you they may not feel like a part of the family and become anxious.

This does not mean they cannot be trained and you can never leave their side.

It just means they need to feel like a part of the pack as do most dogs.

A few signs they may have separation anxiety are whining, chewing, barking, scratching doors and windows to try and get in, and trying to escape the yard.

Related Reading: Is Separation Anxiety Common In Whippets? The Truth + Tips

6) They May Freeze

Whippets have a low body fat percentage and thin fur.

This means for them regulating their body temperature when cold is more difficult.

They shake and shiver far more often than other dog breeds even when it does not seem all that cold.

So, a whippet requires much more added protection from the weather.

Without proper insulation in your whippet’s outdoor dog house they will become very cold.

You may need to dress them in clothes and add heating lamps to their house to keep them comfortable.

5 Tips To Make Living Outside Possible For Whippets

Now that you know the dangers, here are some tips to make it possible for whippets to live outside and be happy.

1) Make A Warm Sleeping Place

The most important aspect of a whippet’s success living outside is their sleeping arrangements.

They need a warm, cozy dog house that is free from wind drafts, and can maintain a comfortable temperature.

The temperature of a dog house should be maintained between 69-75 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal comfort for dogs.

Because a whippet has short, thin fur their resistance to temperature is pretty poor, so for them to keep their temperature closer to 75 degrees is optimal.

If the temperature drops and it becomes really cold a whippet may need a heat-lamp to get them through the intense cold.

There are other means of heating dog houses that can be done without electricity.

You can check out our blog on heating a dog house without electricity for more information.

2) Companionship

Having other dogs living outside with a whippet can help tremendously with whippets.

Whippets are very sociable, loyal, and benefit from having other dogs around them.

A whippet that lives all alone outside may become sad and depressed. They can often develop anxieties from being alone so often.

This is one of the main reasons to say a whippet should be kept inside.

So in order to help solve this another dog or companion to be with them could help.

This is not always the case since some whippets favor humans over dogs.

3) Bundle Them Up In Extreme Weather

When it gets really cold out a whippet does not have the protection that other dogs with thicker fur will have.

They are less durable outside so they will need extra bundling compared to other dogs.

Make sure to have a coat that you can put over them to help maintain a comfortable temperature.

Here are the highest rated and review winter clothes for whippets:
Cosy Fleece Jumper Dog Winter Coat
Pethiy Waterproof Dog Jacket, Dog Winter Coat
Esobo Warm Pet Clothes Winter Dog Coat
GF Pet Recycled Dog Parka, Camouflage
Canada Pooch The Slush Dog Suit

4) Plenty Of Food And Water

This is one of the more obvious tips when it comes to whippets living outside.

They will need access to plenty of water and food.

Food helps to increase body temperature and keep them healthy while outside.

5) Keep Their Shelter Away From Danger

When a dog lives outside they are exposed to the world around them.

This means they will be exposed to animals at night without a big house and locked doors to protect them.

A whippet is a relatively small dog so if they were to ever come across a wolf, coyote, or other large predator, it would not be good.

This is why it’s important to make sure your whippet is protected from dangers.

This can mean making sure your yard is properly fenced in so nothing can get in, and so your whippet can’t get out.

Remember, an everyday whippet can jump about 5-6ft so make sure you have a tall fence.

You also want to make sure they are not able to run onto dangerous highways or roads.

3 Benefits To Letting Your Whippet Live Inside

1) Companionship For You And Them

Having a dog live inside with you can add comfort to your life as well as theirs.

Whippets in particular are very calm, gentle, and cuddly when indoors. So having them close by can be very comforting.

Not to mention your whippet will love to be by your side and the likelihood of them developing separation anxiety is much less when indoors.

This is assuming if by living inside they get to spend more time with you.

2) Happiness And Health

Although having a whippet that lives outside still means receiving some benefits from having a dog it changes things.

The separation from them living outside takes away from the bond and companionship you could have with them inside.

There are several studies that show having a dog around you can improve your overall wellbeing and health.

If your whippet lives outside this will reduce some of the benefits you could have if they were inside around you more often.

3) You’ll Worry Less

Picture this.

It’s raining outside, and it’s a pretty cold night. You suddenly remember your poor pup is in their dog house feeling the full effects of the weather.

Of course they have some shelter but you can’t help but wonder how they are doing.

This is the reality of having a dog that lives outside. You are always going to worry about their wellbeing.

This could all be avoided if you just let them in the house to live.

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