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16 Interesting Reasons Why French Bulldogs Lick So Much

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A few licks here and there from your french bulldog is understandable. But when you notice them licking anything and everything, it might make you start to wonder…

Why Do French Bulldogs Lick So Much?

French bulldogs lick you so much because they’re demonstrating their affection, like the salty taste, or they want to help clean you. If you find them licking themselves often they could be feeling anxious, cleaning themselves, helping soothe a skin irritation, or have nothing better to do.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 6 reasons why french bulldogs lick themselves so much
  • 7 reasons why french bulldogs lick you so much
  • 3 reasons why frenchies lick random objects
  • Tips to help slow down their excessive licking
  • And much, much more

Let’s jump right in.

6 Reasons French Bulldogs Lick Themselves

1) Nothing Better To Do

If you’ve ever been so bored and started playing with your hair, fiddling with your thumbs/fingers or walking around in circles, you know unusual things can help cope with boredom.

And for your frenchie, they might be licking themselves so much simply because they’re bored and there’s nothing better to do.

If you don’t see any logical reason for them to be licking themselves.

Such as if they’re dirty, their skin is red and irritated, or they have an injury, they’re likely just bored.

However, it’s not a good habit for your pup to get into. If they do it too often they make lick themselves raw and remove all the fur in the spot they’ve been licking.

They may even give themselves a sore on the spot.

So it’s a good idea to calmly get them to stop and distract them with one of their toys.

Related Reading: 10 Best Toys To Entertain Your Dog | Boredom Buster Toys

2) Feeling Anxious

When a french bulldog is feeling anxious, they may overly groom themselves as a way to cope with their anxious feelings.

Interestingly, it’s been proven that the simple act of licking can actually release endorphins in their brain.

Which is a chemical that’s known for being a natural painkiller.

So if you find your frenchie excessively licking themselves, they may be trying to cope with something that’s bothering them.

In this instance, do your best to find the possible trigger for their anxious feelings.

The longer they’re coping with their anxious feelings the more likely they’re to do harm to themselves by over licking.

Related Reading: 7 Ways To Eliminate Your Dogs Anxiety, Shyness Or Fear

3) Cleaning Themselves

If your frenchie could grab a bar of soap and give themselves a good cleaning, I’m sure they would!

But because they’re without thumbs, they’re stuck with cleaning themselves the only way they know how, by licking.

They would have also learned this type of cleaning behavior from their mother.

She would have cleaned your pup and their brothers & sisters by licking them.

So if you’re noticing your pup is licking themselves in various spots, they’re likely just cleaning themselves.

4) They’re In Pain

In the wild, your frenchies wolf ancestors would lick their wounds to help prevent infections and to help it heal.

Which means if your pup has a wound or is in pain, instinctively they’ll lick it in an attempt to keep it clean/help it heal.

Of course this isn’t the best way to heal a wound now that you can give them medication to help.

But your pup doesn’t understand modern day medicine so they do whatever they can to help themselves heal.

However, it’s important to stop this behavior from continuing as it’ll likely make their cut/wound worse.

5) Pests/Parasites

Ticks, fleas or mites are all pests that can make your frenchies skin become very irritated.

Which makes them want to lick themselves to soothe their skin irritation.

If where you take your pup for their daily walks has tall grass, or you take them to the dog park often, give them a quick inspection.

They may have picked up some hitch hikers along the way on their adventures that need to go.

With a thorough inspection you should be able to find fleas or ticks, but mites aren’t able to be seen with the naked eye.

You’ll notice very dry skin as well as hair loss if your pup has mites.

Any pest situation should be looked at by a veterinarian for treatment.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

6) Allergic Reaction

A study done at LSU, a school of veterinary medicine, found that just over 30% of all dogs will have some form of skin irritation from allergies.

Which means it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for your frenchie to be licking so much because of an allergic reaction.

If they have an itch in an area their paws can’t reach, they’ll lick it to help satisfy their itch.

It could be their food that’s causing an allergic reaction or from environmental allergens like pollen, dust mites, etc.

It’s best to speak with a vet when it comes to treating your frenchies allergies.

Related Reading: 8 Reasons Why French Bulldogs Itch So Much + Helpful Tips

7 Reasons French Bulldogs Lick You

1) Frenchies Like The Taste Of Salt

Whether it’s a super warm day or you’re simply a little sweaty after a long day at work, your frenchie is likely licking you because they enjoy the salty taste.

It could be your feet, your arms or even your face.

Wherever there’s sweat there’s a salty taste for your pup to enjoy.

At first it might tickle and be cute, but can soon become annoying when they simply won’t stop!

2) An Attempt To Get Your Attention

Everytime in the past that your frenchie has licked you, they likely received some form of attention/affection.

Whether it was a belly rub, a pat on the head or a kiss in return, they got your attention after licking you.

Which has taught them that licking you gets them something extremely valuable to them.

Your attention!

So if you find your pup is licking you all the time there’s a good chance it’s an attempt to get your attention.

Related Reading: 12 Reasons Why Frenchies Are So Clingy & Needy + Tips

3) Demonstrating Their Love/Affection

It’s not completely known whether or not your pup understands kissing the same way you do, but it’s still considered a way for them to showcase their love/affection toward you.

This is because your frenchies mother would lick them to keep them clean.

Which is simply a mothers labor of love!

And because they loved their mother so much and received this type of affection from them, they want to do it to people they love.

So when they love someone, even if there aren’t any good tastes on their skin, they’ll lick as a labor of love.

4) Telling You They’re Hungry

Interestingly, a reason why your frenchie licks your mouth/face often might be because they’re letting you know they’re hungry.

This behavior is instinctive to them and passed down from their wolf ancestors.

The young wolf pups would lick the mouths of the adult wolves to let them know they were hungry.

The adult wolves would then regurgitate some of the previous meal to feed to the pup.

Thankfully you don’t have to do that to feed them!

Next time you notice your pup is trying to lick your mouth check to see if their food bowl is empty.

If it is, then you know how to stop their persistent face licking in the future.

5) Wants To Give You a Cleaning

Since your frenchie licks to groom themselves, they may be licking you to keep you clean.

Maybe one day you have a certain smell they feel needs cleaning… so they figuratively roll up their sleeves and help scrub you clean.

While they likely enjoy the salty taste as well, their main objective is to clean you up.

6) Snack Time!

Odds are sometimes after a meal you have some leftover sauce or crumbs in the corner of your mouth.

Or stored in your beard/mustache if you’re a fella.

And if your frenchie notices before you do, they’ll happily lick up the leftover food off your face.

Even if there aren’t any physical pieces left over, the smell might be good enough to make them want to lick you clean.

7) Letting You Know You’re The Boss

If when your frenchie licks you, you notice their ears are pulled back, are avoiding eye contact, and their mini tail is perfectly still, they may be showing submissive behavior.

Licking in this way could be them demonstrating to you that they know you’re their alpha.

Wolves have been known to lick the face of the superior wolf in the pack as a form of submission.

In a way, they’re sharing they know their place in your pack and want to remain a part of it.

3 Reasons French Bulldogs Lick Random Objects

1) Cleaning Up a Spill

At one point or another, I’m sure you spilled a drink or accidently dropped some food on the floor.

And sometimes little crumbs get left behind or a little flavor from a drink.

Which means your frenchie gets to play clean up crew and indulge in some of the tasty foods you enjoy on a daily basis.

They’re happy to lick the carpet or floor clean if there’s some yummy flavors left behind.

2) It Feels Good On Their Tongue

Your frenchies mouth is largely how they interact with the world around them.

The same way you grab onto something to get a feel for it, your pup licks it to get a feel for it.

When they lick and put things in their mouth they’re getting a better understanding of it.

Can I eat this? Do I like this thing? Oooo, this feels good on my tongue.

Whether it’s your jacket, a blanket, a chair leg, the couch, the carpet, whatever random item you find them licking.

More than likely it’s providing them with an interesting sensation on their tongue.

3) It Tastes Like You

If you spend a lot of time in a particular spot in your home, it’s going to start smelling like you.

And your frenchie LOVES this smell.

They may even decide to lick it to better experience it.

If your pup is feeling lonely or wanting your attention, licking an object or item that tastes/smells like you might make them feel better.

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