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8 Reasons Why Your Whippet Is Shedding So Much + 4 Tips

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Whippets don’t have a double coat like many other breeds which is supposed to make them shed less. But lately you’ve been noticing your pup shedding way more than you think they should be.

You might start wondering, is it normal for whippets to shed so much or is something wrong?

Why Is My Whippet Shedding So Much:

Whippets shed more than usual based on the time of year it is, if they’ve been feeling anxious for an extended period of time or if their body isn’t getting enough nutrients. Other reasons why whippets shed more are from an infestation, a poor grooming schedule or an underlying health condition.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 8 real reasons why your whippet is shedding so much
  • When your whippets shedding is something to worry about
  • 4 tips to help reduce how much your whippet is shedding (Very few whippet owners know about tip #3!)
  • And much much more

Let’s jump right in.

Is It Normal For Whippets To Lose So Much Hair & Have Bald Spots?

Whippets are unfortunately on the list of breeds that have a higher likelihood of getting bald spots.

While there are a variety of reasons why your pup might be losing more hair than what would be considered normal, one reason is more common in whippets.

And that’s high stress.

Whippets are known for being a more skittish, nervous breed which adds to how anxious or stressed out they’re feeling on any given day.

When they’re stressed for long periods of time hair loss is a common result.

They’re also more prone to stomach sensitivities and allergic reactions to food which doesn’t help the health of their skin and coat.

However, while it’s more common for whippets to lose more hair than they should and have bald spots, it’s not normal.

There’s something, either physical or mental, bothering them that’s contributing to them going bald in certain places.

Which needs to be addressed in order for them to stop losing so much hair.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

8 Reasons Why Your Whippet Is Shedding So Much

1) Nutrient Deficiency

Whippets are known to have more sensitive stomachs than other breeds.

This means there’s a higher chance that your pup will have some form of food allergy or sensitivity that affects how they digest their food.

And if they’re eating something that they have an intolerance to, it will affect their bodies ability to properly absorb nutrients.

This will likely affect their energy levels, how healthy their poops are as well as the health of their skin and coat.

Which will contribute to them shedding so much.

Whether it’s an allergy to an ingredient in their food or they’re simply being fed lower quality dog food, an adjustment in their diet can help reduce their shedding.

When their body is lacking vital nutrients it’s not uncommon to see them shedding more than you feel they should be.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Whippets Are Always Hungry | Dangers + 5 Tips

2) Bad Shampoo

Not all shampoos are created equally, unfortunately.

While you should never use human shampoo on your dog, there are also some dog shampoos that aren’t the best either.

The reason human shampoo can cause your whippet to shed more is because it’s far too acidic for their skin.

Dogs have far more sensitive skin than people which is why it’s very important not to use people shampoo on their skin and coat.

Also, some dog shampoos contain unnecessary chemicals that should be avoided as well.

These shampoos can dry out their skin and make them more irritated than they were before their bath.

Dog shampoos that have an oatmeal or aloe vera base are your safest options to ensure your pups skin is in better shape after a bath instead of worse.

You always want to stay away from synthetic fragrances, parabens, sulfates and extremely long words that you have trouble pronouncing.

The simpler the ingredients the better for the health of your whippet’s skin and coat.

Related Reading: Is Dog Shampoo Bad For Dogs? (The Truth…)

3) Time Of Year

What season it is has a big impact on the amount your whippet sheds.

While your pup doesn’t have a double coat, they’re still going to shed more during the warm months of the year.

If they were to keep their coat as thick as it becomes during the winter months they would overheat very easily.

So it’s their bodies natural response to shed more fur during the warmer months to help regulate their temperature and adapt to their environment.

To ensure your home doesn’t turn into a fur ball it’s a good idea to increase how often you brush your pup during the summer months.

4) Ticks, Fleas & Mites

Pest and parasites can be extremely irritating for your pup.

And with that irritation usually becomes more itching and scratching which will result in more hair falling out as they itch.

Depending on how bad their infestation is will affect how much fur they scratch off their body.

Fleas and ticks will cause more shedding usually because of your whippet’s increased itching.

But mites usually contribute to hair loss based on where they’re located on your pup.

You can’t see mites with your naked eye, but if you notice a spot on their body has noticeably dry skin with a patch of hair missing, they could have mites.

Pests like fleas, ticks and mites can definitely cause a whippet to shed much more than usual.

5) Not Enough Grooming

Not only can an infrequent grooming routine contribute to more shedding but it can make their shedding appear worse than it is.

All dogs need a good brushing routine to keep their skin and coat in good condition.

Without it, their skin can become dry and brittle which means fur will fall out much easier and more often.

But if you build a habit of brushing your pup several times a week, not only will you notice much less fur around your home but their skin and coat health will improve.

When you give them a good brushing you’re strengthening their skin as well as spreading their natural skin oils.

Both of which contribute to a healthy coat that doesn’t shed anymore than it needs to.

It’s also a good idea to get in the habit of bathing your whippet every 2-3 months to help with their shedding.

It’s an opportunity to moisturize their skin as well as collect any loose or dead fur before it finds its way around your home.

Not to mention it helps them smell much better too.

Related Reading: Are Whippets High Maintenance? (What To Expect + Tips)

6) High Stress

Just like with a person, if your whippet is experiencing high levels of stress, it can cause them to shed more than usual.

If they’ve recently gone through a pretty big life change, they might be having difficulty handling it.

Things like a change in their daily schedule, persistent loud noises, moving to a new location, or a change in household membership can all negatively affect your pup.

Having to get used to their new situation might be stressing them out and it’s making them shed more because of it.

They may also pick up on some bad coping habits like excessive grooming/licking.

When they lick to distract themselves from what’s bothering them, they can do it so much where they lick themselves raw.

If your whippet has been in a stressful state for an extended period of time it’s not abnormal to see them shedding or losing more hair than usual.

Related Reading: Is Separation Anxiety Common In Whippets? The Truth + Tips

7) Dehydration

If your pup is dehydrated more often than not their skin is likely not to be in the best condition.

It’ll be dry and brittle which will contribute to more than usual hair loss.

If where you live it gets really hot or is warm all year round it’s important to make sure your pup is getting enough water each day.

There are a few problems that can come up if your whippet is dehydrated and increased shedding is definitely one of them.

8) Health Condition

If your pup hasn’t been through any major life changes and seems perfectly healthy on the outside, their increased shedding might be coming from an underlying health issue.

Things like hormonal imbalances or certain diseases can cause your whippet to shed much more than usual.

Conditions like cushing syndrome and hypothyroidism have been known to make a dog shed more than they normally do.

You may also notice they have less energy than usual and their appetite isn’t what it normally is.

If you notice your pup is behaving differently as well as shedding more it’s a good idea to take them to the vet to have them looked at.

4 Tips To Help Your Whippet Shed Less

1) Start Grooming More Often

Grooming has more benefits outside of collecting loose, dead fur.

While a good, consistent brushing routine can help make sure your home doesn’t turn into a giant fur ball, it can also help your pup shed less.

When you brush your whippet on a consistent basis it strengthens their skin and coat as well as spreads their natural skin oils.

This helps keep their skin and coat in tip-top condition and ensures they won’t shed excessively for reasons outside of temperature changes.

Also making sure to give them a bath every 2-3 months with a good dog shampoo to moisturize their skin can further help strengthen their coat.

There’s no way to completely get rid of shedding. It’s normal and healthy for your pup to shed some of their coat.

But there are ways to limit it so it doesn’t get out of hand.

2) Change Up Their Diet

If your whippet doesn’t have a good diet it’s not uncommon to see them shedding more.

A poor diet will affect both their insides as well as their outsides.

When a dog is fed a poor quality diet their skin will become unhealthy which in turn will make their coat unhealthy and increase shedding.

This can happen from eating a low nutrient dog food, too many treats/table scraps or their body not properly absorbing their food’s nutrients.

If your pup is currently eating a grain-based dog food, it might be worth testing a meat-based dog food to see how their body responds.

And if they’re already eating high quality dog food and are otherwise healthy, they might be allergic to one of the ingredients in their food.

In which case it’s important to take them to the vet to help find a solution.

3) Try Fatty Acid Supplements

Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids are well known for helping improve the health of a dog’s (as well as peoples) skin.

And when their skin is healthy, their coat is healthy.

But unfortunately most dog foods don’t have a high amount of omega 3 & 6 in them which is why supplementing these fatty acids can be beneficial.

Salmon oil is a common favorite among dog owners to help their pup get these vital nutrients.

One of the best salmon oils for dogs on amazon is Zesty Paws Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil.

4) Take Them To The Vet

While shedding is a totally normal bodily function, sometimes it can be a result of something more serious.

Which is why it’s a good idea to have a vet take a look at your whippet if they’re shedding more than usual.

It’s also a good idea to get in the habit of taking them to the vet every 6 months to ensure they stay healthy with no surprises.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

Bonus: Find Their Trigger

One of the best things you can do to help your whippet not be stressed out or anxious too often is to find what’s causing it in the first place.

If you’re able to find their trigger you can either stop exposing them to it altogether, or, you can help them overcome their negative feelings toward it.

In a safe, controlled environment gradually introduce whatever is bothering them so much and eventually they’ll become used to it and it won’t have such a negative impact on them.

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