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9 Reasons Why Whippets Sleep So Much + Helpful Tips

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So you’re noticing your whippet is sleeping a lot throughout the day. Sometimes it’s 12 hours, 15 hours or even around 20 hours per day and you’re wonder why they’re sleeping so much!

Is it normal for whippets to sleep so much or is something wrong?

Why Do Whippets Sleep So Much?

Whippets sleep so much because of their lack of REM sleep. Your dog only spends roughly 10% of their time sleeping in the REM phase which is around 50-60% les than people. This means your whippet needs more sleeping hours in order to feel well rested.

In this post you will discover:

  • 9 real reasons why whippets sleep so much (#3 is the most surprising for people!)
  • When severe negative emotions might be affecting their sleep
  • When too much sleep becomes something to worry about

And much, much more

why do whippets sleep so much

9 Reasons Why Whippets Sleep So Much

1) Recovery From Activity

Whippets tend to be highly energetic and athletic.

For an athlete, rest & recovery is one of the most important elements to their routine and maximizing performance.

As highly energetic as whippets are, they need plenty of rest to recover.

If your pup has recently been more active they may be sleeping more for this reason.

If your whippet is younger then it’s completely normal for them to sleep a lot.

Their body is growing and building so sleep is crucial for proper development.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

2) Aging Whippets

Every animal grows old and with that comes a decrease in energy.

All dogs will get to an age where they start sleeping more.

If your whippet is around 8-10 years of age they’re becoming senior dogs.

At this point you may start noticing your pup is sleeping a little longer than usual.

It’s completely normal for dogs to begin slowing down as they get older.

3) Whippets Sleep Longer Than You Think

Sometime people think whippets sleeping for 12-18 hours a day is abnormal.

In reality, many whippet owners claim this to be the case for their whippet.

In fact, it can be completely normal for whippets to sleep for up to 20 hours in a day.

It seems contradicting that a dog with such high energy can sleep for so long, but it’s true.

So perhaps your whippet is not actually sleeping a lot, they’re getting the exact amount of sleep they need.

Its important to note all dogs have unique difference and some may just need more sleep than others.

4) Not Feeling So Hot

When whippets don’t feel very well they tend to sleep a lot.

They may seem lethargic compared to their normal energetic self.

This is a strategy we humans and dogs use to help our bodies recover faster from sickness.

Sleep is the best way to improve our recovery and allow our body to fight off viruses.

If their sleeping schedule and energy level does not return to normal after 48 hours, take them to your vet for a check up.

5) Lacking Nutrients

You and your dog are what you eat! Thus, if your dog is on a poor diet & eating the wrong things this could impact their energy.

An improper diet that is lacking in certain nutrients may translate into a deficiency that impacts sleep.

If you recently changed diets, or have a tendency of giving your whippet too many human treats it is important to adjust things for them.

This will not only be beneficial for their health & longevity but it will give them back the energy they’re lacking.

Here is an example of how to gradually transfer your pups food to another type/brand:

1st Day: 10% new food, 90% old food.

2nd Day: 20% new food, 80% old food.

3rd Day: 30% new food, 70% old food.

4th Day: 50% new food, 50% old food.

5th Day: 60% new food, 40% old food.

6th Day: 75% new food, 25% old food.

7th Day: 90% new food, 10% old food.

8th Day: 100% new food.

6) Lacking Food

In addition to it being important what your whippet eats, it’s just as important how much!

Food is a dog’s energy source, so if they eat too little they may sleep a lot more than usual.

If you find that your whippet has not been finishing meals like they normally do this may be contributing to their increased sleep.

Now the reason a dog may not be eating could be for a number of reasons like:

  • Allergy
  • Don’t like their food
  • Medical condition
  • They are going through a period of not wanting to eat

If you notice vomiting, or diarrhea this could be something medical or an allergy to their food.

Take them to the vet to get them looked at if they are not eating and showing these symptoms.

If your dog isn’t showing any symptoms other than increased sleeping, wait a few days to see if they begin to eat again.

Some dogs will just stop eating for a day or so for no real reason.

7) Your Whippet Is Bored

When a whippet is bored one of the best ways to pass the time is to sleep. Especially if you are gone throughout the day for work.

Without you around their life is pretty boring so sleeping can make the time away from you less severe.

In addition, a whippet may sleep because they are lacking mental stimulation and activity.

If you’re home all day and you still notice them sleeping lots, this might be why.

If your whippet becomes used to not getting exercise or mental stimulation this can create a negative feedback loop.

It would look something like this: your whippet gets bored, goes to sleep, wakes up to eat, goes back to sleep, then the cycle repeats.

This can develop into your whippet becoming lazy and losing the energy they would otherwise have if they were being exercised properly.

Related Reading: 10 Best Toys To Entertain Your Dog | Boredom Buster Toys

8) Sadness Or Depression

When a whippet is sad or even depressed they may sleep more than usual. 

This can be caused by a number of things such as: loss of a loved one, moving homes, injury, frustration due to old age, separation anxiety, and more.

If there has been a big environmental change for your dog or something has changed in their world, it could be causing them psychological troubles.

In a study conducted in New Zealand back in 2016 they found that dogs who lost animal companions started sleeping 34% more.

The study concluded that this increase was associated with their sadness about not having their friend around anymore.

Related Reading: 8 Real Reasons Whippets Look Sad & Depressed + 4 Tips

9) Medical Condition

As a whippet owner the last thing you want is to find out your baby has a health problem.

Although noticing your pup sleeping longer than usual is not a big red flag on its own, when other symptoms show up it usually indicates something is going on.

If your dog seems ‘off’, is not eating, has less energy, is not drinking water, and they are sleeping more, they should see a vet immediately.

You know your dog best so trust your instinct when you think something is off and get it looked at as soon as you can.

Here is a list of a few medical conditions that affect sleeping for whippets:

  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Arthritis

Another big sign something may be going on is how fast they get up, and how excited you can get them.

A really sick dog will have a hard time getting excited and moving fast.

In my experience, you’ll know if something’s off.

Why Do Whippets Sleep Under Covers?

Whippets likely sleep under covers to keep themselves warm and cozy. Whippets don’t have thick coats like some dogs so the added warmth is comforting. Whippets may also sleep under covers beside you as a sign of affection and letting you know they care about you.

Do Whippets Like To Cuddle?

Whippets are very gentle and affectionate dogs that enjoy cuddling. They are among the most demonstrative dog breed, however, their love for cuddling and affection is reserved mostly for family. Whippets are timid and shy with unfamiliar faces.

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