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Top 6 Reasons Why Whippets Tuck Their Tails + 4 Tips

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Your whippet’s tail is one of their primary ways of communicating how they feel at any given moment. When their tail is wagging, still, limp, or completely tucked, it’s telling a different message.

When a whippet tucks their tail there’s a few different reasons why it’s happening.

Why Do Whippets Tuck Their Tails:

When a whippet tucks their tail it’s their way of demonstrating submissive body language. They’re trying to communicate that they’re nervous and want to let another dog or person know they don’t want any conflict. In some cases it can also be because of anxiety, pain or even respect.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 6 real reasons why whippets tuck their tails
  • A bonus reason that’s specific to the whippet breed
  • 3 tips to help your whippet not tuck their tail as often
  • And much, much more

Let’s jump right in.

6 Reasons Why Whippets Tuck Their Tails

1) Submission

One of the more common reasons why your whippet will tuck their tail is to display submissive body language.

If they’ve done something wrong or are around a person or dog showing aggressive behavior, they will tuck their tail to demonstrate their submission.

When they tuck their tail as a form of submission they’re letting you know they know what they did was wrong/bad.

Or, they’re wanting to let the person or dog showing aggressive body language know they aren’t interested in a fight or conflict and are submitting to them.

If you find your pup tucks their tail often around a certain person or dog, they might be intimidated by them which makes them want to show submission.

Related Reading: 7 Ways To Eliminate Your Dogs Anxiety, Shyness Or Fear

2) Pain

If you’ve ever accidentally stepped on your pup you’ll likely have noticed their tail was tucked after it happened.

Whenever your whippet is in any sort of pain they’ll always tuck their tail.

Whether it’s pain from an accident when playing, a cut or wound from one of their adventures, or an internal pain.

If you’ve seen your pup tucking their tail more than usual and don’t notice anything they’d be submitting to or afraid of, they might be in pain.

In this case, you’ll want to give their body a thorough inspection to see if you can find any cuts or scrapes and if not it’s a good idea to have a vet look at them.

3) Fear

Another very common reason for your whippet’s tail to be tucked is if they’re afraid of something.

This could be a loud noise like a passing siren, a thunderstorm or someone yelling.

Or it could be from going to an unfamiliar place like your friend’s house that they’ve never visited before.

It could also happen when they go to the vet. 

In this case they may be very familiar with the place and not like being there.

You could also see them tuck their tail when you’re telling them they did something wrong.

Whether it was going number 1 or 2 inside, eating something they shouldn’t have or destroying something in your home.

If your whippet thinks they’re going to be punished they’ll tuck their tail in anticipation of being yelled at.

4) Anxiety/Stress

If your whippet has gone through any big changes in life recently it could be causing them to feel anxious which then makes them tuck their tail.

Things like a new baby being brought home, a family member recently passing away (canine or human), or moving to a new house can make your pup feel anxious.

Dogs do best when they have structure and routine, and if their routine or structure changes, it can cause them a lot of stress or anxiety.

If you’re noticing their tail tucked much more often lately and a big life change has happened recently, it’s likely causing them to feel uneasy.

If this is the case, your pup might just need time to start feeling happy and secure in their new environment.

Related Reading: Is Separation Anxiety Common In Whippets? The Truth + Tips

5) Respect

One reason your whippet might tuck their tail that isn’t related to any negative emotions is out of respect.

If your whippet is just a pup and they’re about to interact with older more mature dogs they may tuck their tail to show esteem or admiration.

In this instance it’s more of a sign of respect and your pup letting the other dog know they think highly of them.

A human equivalent could be when a person kneels before a king/queen/leader.

It’s showing vulnerability in a way that’s also indicating their respect.

6) Uncertainty

If your whippet is going into a new space or meeting new people/dogs, they may tuck their tail until they’ve figured out the environment.

You might notice them tuck their tail if a new doggo friend comes rushing over to them to say hello by sniffing their privates.

Since this is an unfamiliar dog they’re a little unsure and uncomfortable with them being so close which makes them tuck their tail.

As soon as they get used to this new dog and aren’t uncertain about them anymore their tail should resume wagging.

You might also notice this when bringing your whippet into a home where a party is happening.

The loud music and loud conversations can make your pup uncertain of their environment which they respond to by tucking their tail.

Again, once they get a better understanding of this new space their tail will untuck and they’ll be back to normal.

Bonus: They’re Cold

Just like you may wrap your arms around your body to try and help keep yourself warm, your whippet might tuck their tail to try and keep themselves warm.

Your pup has a very thin coat and likely has little body fat which means they’ll get cold much easier than other dogs.

So if it’s starting to get cold outside, you may notice your pup tucking their tail to keep everything close together in an attempt to warm up.

It’s their own version of a self-hug.

3 Tips To Help Your Whippet Not Tuck Their Tail As Often

1) Find The Reasoning

The best way to reduce how often you’re seeing your whippet tuck their tail is by finding the trigger.

If a certain dog, place or person seems to always make your pup tuck their tail, you know to either figure out a way to help them feel better in these situations or reduce how often they’re put in them.

Once you’ve found the reason for your whippet to be tucking their tail you’re much better able to help them.

2) Increase Their Socialization

If you have a nervous pup on your hands and they seem to be always tucking their tail, one of the better things you can do is increase their socialization.

If someone is afraid of heights, the best way to help them not be afraid of heights is to increase how often they’re in high places.

Increasing how many social interactions your whippet has can help them face their fears.

The more variety of dogs, people and places they go to the less uneasy they’ll feel being in unfamiliar situations.

3) Take a Trip To The Vet

If you feel your whippet is tucking their tail for more than they should be, it could be because they’re in some form of pain.

Which is why it’s a good idea to take them to the vet to have them looked at.

There’s no downside to doing this because you either get peace of mind by finding out nothing’s physically wrong, or you get them the treatment they need to start feeling better.

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