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Do Collars Annoy Dogs? (7 Must-Know Facts!)

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Collars need to be worn by dogs at all times when outside the house, it’s even illegal in some places for a dog not to be wearing one. But, how does your furry friend feel about their collar? Does it annoy them? 

Do Collars Annoy Dogs:

Some dog’s find wearing a collar more annoying than others. The most common reasons for a dog being bothered by their collar are it’s too tight, too loose, they don’t like the type of collar you got them, or they don’t like the material.

For a collar to be accepted by your dog it has to be just right. In this post we’re going to dive deep on why collars annoy dogs and what you can do immediately to make sure your dog’s collar is less bothers.

do collars annoy dogs

Why Does My Dog Frequently Scratch At Their Collar?

If the collar is new to them, they might just need a little bit of time before it becomes comfortable enough where they don’t feel the need to scratch at it.

Much like when you get a new pair of shoes that need to be ‘worked in’ a little bit. It takes a bit of time before they become comfortable enough that you don’t think about them anymore.

It’s totally normal for them to scratch at their collar for a little while until they become used to wearing it.

If it’s been a couple weeks and they’re still scratching at it, or scratching even more at it, then they likely have a problem with the collar you’ve chosen.

If this is the case then you have a couple things you can try. You can get them a different type of collar or a collar made of different material.

Some materials won’t be comfortable on your dog and could even be the reason for their itching. If they’re allergic to the collar, it’s no wonder that they frequently itch!

Dogs with long thick hair often feel uncomfortable wearing collars, especially if they’re too tight. In addition, some collars are made of more rigid materials than others. Such collars can restrict the movement of your dog’s necks and be uncomfortable for them, making them feel the need to itch or adjust their collar.

All in all, there are four main reasons why a dog’s collar could be irritating them.

Top Four Reasons Your Dog’s Collar Could Be Annoying Them

1) Too Tight

Collars that are too snug around a dog’s neck are super annoying for them.

While your thought process on wanting it to be relatively tight is right, if their collar is too tight it could very well be the reason they hate wearing their collar.

You should be able to fit two fingers in between their neck and their collar for the perfect fit. If you’re not able to do this your dog’s collar is too tight and likely causing them pain or discomfort.

2) Too Loose

Not only is a tight collar a major cause for discomfort, but so is a loose one. A loose collar can also be bothersome because it easily catches on things and droops down low enough to repeatedly tap their legs or their paws and get caught in it.

If you’ve ever worn a really loose, baggy t-shirt you’ll understand the feeling. It gets in the way when you’re trying to do things.

But with collars there’s an added chance that it can get caught on things, which is actually quite dangerous for your pup.

Wearing a collar for a long time can cause skin allergies, diseases, and irritation as well.

A wet collar on your dog’s skin is dangerous and should be avoided. It’s essential to find the proper collar for your dog’s skin type.

3) They Don’t Like The Type Of Collar

There are many different types of collars available now-a-days and there’s a chance you picked one that they’re simply not a fan of.

If your dog is still itching and scratching at their collar after a couple weeks of wearing it, you might want to get them a different type of collar to try out.

Once you find the right type of collar for them and adjust it to fit them properly, they likely won’t be bothered at all wearing it.

4) They Don’t Like The Material Of The Collar

Some materials are more comfortable to dogs than others. A thick leather collar would likely suit a bigger dog with a stronger neck, but might be annoying for a smaller pup.

If you’ve tried a few different collars with no success of them accepting the collar, switching up the collars material is a good idea.

Also, some collars can actually cause an allergic reaction on your dog’s skin. And if that’s the case, it’s no wonder that they’ve been annoyed by the collar.

A hypoallergenic collar might be a good idea as well if the scratching simply won’t stop.

What Type Of Collars Are Most Annoying For Dogs?

Certain types of collars are known to be more annoying for dogs. Some are actually designed to be annoying to help prevent certain behavior in your dog.

First on the list is The Prong Collar.

This collar has prongs that poke into a dog’s neck when they pull on their leash. So it’s quite understandable that these collars would be rather annoying for a doggo. If you have this type of collar and keep it on your dog for more than just walks, it would be a good idea to get them an at home collar to wear in between walks.

The Shock Collar is also another type of collar that can be annoying for your dog. If they go anywhere they’re not supposed to and receive a zap, this could cause them to frequently scratch and itch at their collar in an attempt to get it off.

Dogs are also found to be annoyed by The Choke Chain. These collars contract when they pull you on walks to hopefully stop them by pinching the skin on their neck or making it more challenging to breathe.

This is another collar where it would be a good idea to have an at home collar to change into as opposed to wearing bulky chains all the time.

Any collar that’s purpose is to deter certain types of behavior in your dog are typically the most annoying for dogs.

What Type Of Collars Are Least Annoying For Dogs? 

Fortunately, some collars are relatively less annoying than others. 

The Traditional Collar is your safest option in this case. These consist of an adjustable strap and are made from softer fabric or leather.

Most dogs will be quicker in adapting to a lightweight and comfortable collar than a rigid one.

Inflatable Collars are also generally well received by dogs. These types of collars aren’t typically worn unless you’re trying to prevent a dog from licking a wound, but they’re quite comfortable for a dog to wear. It’s like having a built-in pillow wherever they go!

How To Ensure Your Dog’s Collar Is The Least Annoying It Can Be

There are ways you can ensure that your dog’s collar is as least annoying as possible for your dog.

Firstly, make sure to choose the proper type and material of collar for your dog. Rigid and stiff collars are better used only for large dogs. Whereas lighter, softer collars better suit smaller doggos.

Once you have the right type of collar for your pup the next most important thing to do to ensure it doesn’t annoy them is making sure it’s the right fit.

The goldilocks method is what you want to keep in mind here. Not too tight and not too loose, you want it to be just right. You want to be able to fit two fingers in between their neck and the collar, any less is a little too snug and any more is too loose.

Do Dogs Hate Wearing Collars In General?

Dogs aren’t born with collars, so it takes a bit of getting used to. But, that doesn’t mean they hate wearing them in general.

If you have the right type of collar for them, with the right material and it fits them well, they will likely have no problem wearing their collar.

However, if the collar is misused on them they might relate collars to pain if the collar is tight and/or hurts their neck. This association can make them hate collars.

Do Dogs Like Their Collars Taken Off?

Taking a collar off your dog’s neck is the equivalent of taking your work clothes off and putting on some sweats or comfortable clothes when you get home.

Your dog would likely enjoy their neck getting some fresh air. Most dogs love it when their owners take their collars off and scratch their necks.

Some dogs are indifferent. They don’t really notice their collar when it’s on and don’t really show signs of relief when their collar is taken off. It totally depends on your unique pup.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can definitely be annoyed by their collar. If they’re wearing one that’s too tight, too loose, a type that they don’t love, or the wrong material for them, they’ll likely do everything they can to get the collar off.

But, if you find a collar that fits them well and isn’t bothersome for them to wear, they’ll likely live like they don’t even know they have a collar on. Don’t be afraid to try a few until you find the perfect collar!

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