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Dog Harnesses Help Calm Dogs? (Fully Explained!)

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Harnesses are increasingly becoming the go-to walking accessory for dogs. They’re safer, more comfortable, offer better control for dog moms and dads, as well as many more benefits. But is one of their qualities that they help calm dogs?

Do Dog Harnesses Calm Dogs?

Some dogs do in fact feel calmer when a harness is placed on them. Wearing a harness for a dog can have a similar effect to wrapping a baby in a blanket and holding them close. The snug nature of a harness gives them a comforting feeling.

In this post you’ll discover how a harness can make a dog feel less anxious, why dog’s feel calmer when wearing a harness, if it’s normal and much much more.

You have questions. We have answers. Let’s dive right in!

Will Getting a Harness Help Calm My Dog on Walks?

We all know how excited dogs can get as soon as they hear the ‘W’ word. The main concern here is whether using a harness will calm them during their walks.

Harnesses are usually preferred for walking dogs. Mainly because they offer a better walking experience without the pulling and jerks for your dog while preventing them from multiple possible injuries.

However, the connection between a harness and the calming of your dogs is a bit different.

If your dog is trained and conditioned to see it as something that keeps them safe, they’re more likely to feel safe and calmer with a harness around. 

On the other hand, your dog may start to jump and feel more excited after seeing a harness. That could be because your dog relates it to going for a walk.

In this case, you might need to reward your dog a bit differently. Have your furry friend stay calm after seeing the harness and give rewards for obeying.

Something that’s well known is that harnesses, unlike collars, put less pressure on the throat of a dog. Because they aren’t being put in physical pain when/if they pull on their walk, it can make them feel more relaxed.

Also, puppies are more likely to feel calmer when a harness is placed on them because it’ll give them the sensation of being held. Much like when a baby is crying and a mother holds them close to their body to comfort them.

Related Reading: Top 15 Dog Harnesses: What Makes Them the Best of the Bunch

Will a Harness Help My Dog Be Less Anxious?

Harnesses have the potential to help a dog feel less anxious, yes.

However, this doesn’t mean that all dogs, as soon as a harness is placed on them, will begin feeling less anxious.

It can be another tool that you use to help your dog feel more calm overall. If your dog has severe separation anxiety, getting them a harness won’t be able to solve their current way of being.

It would be great if that’s all it took to help calm their strong feelings, but it will take more tools and training to help a dog like this become less anxious.

If you have a small breed of dog, there’s a good chance a harness will give them added comfort that will help lower their anxiousness. Skittish dogs that get scared from minor things can get an increased feeling of calmness wearing a vest like a soldier walking into battle with their armor on!

A harness can be a valuable tool to help make your dog feel less anxious, but if your dog has severe separation anxiety, more will need to be done in order to help them cope.

Why Does Putting a Harness On My Dog Calm Them Down?

If only there was a way to ask them why they feel better when they have their harness on!

Unfortunately since we aren’t able to have that conversation with our pups, we have to make some assumptions.

As previously mentioned, a harness might calm your dog down because they get an overwhelming feeling of comfort when it’s on. Like a baby being wrapped tightly in a blanket to resemble being in their mothers womb, a harness can produce a similar feeling.

Or, maybe it’s because they feel good wearing it!

You know how powerful and in control you feel when you’re rocking an outfit that you know you look great in. Maybe they feel calmer cause they simply feel good having it on.

Another reason that might not be the best is that the harness is too tight. They might be showing signs of calmness, but in fact it’s just restricted movement because the harness is too tight.

Make sure it’s snug, but not too tight!

Why Does My Dog Behave Better With a Harness On? 

There’s a good chance that your dog behaves better with a harness on because they don’t feel they can get away with as much when it’s on.

Harnesses are great at deterring pulling behavior on a leash (when using the harness’s front-clip) which discourages them from misbehaving on their walks. If their pulling isn’t as effective anymore, they might up and decide it’s not worth continuing.

Also, because you have more control over your dog when they’re wearing a harness, they may start to treat you like their Alpha, or leader. 

Many dogs pull on their leash because they believe they’re the leader of the pack and in control. When this is no longer the case they may simply submit to the fact that you’re the pack leader and in control.

Do All Dogs Feel More Calm While Wearing a Harness?

No, not all dogs will feel more calm while wearing a harness.

Some dogs don’t need the added comfort that a harness can provide. While they will enjoy wearing a harness, you might not see them begin to act calmer when you put a harness on them. 

If your dog is a bad walker and all over the place when walking, a harness can help you regain control to better train them to walk nicely. This in turn will help them feel more calm when wearing the harness and in general.

Remember, a harness is simply a tool that can help you gain more control over your dog when out and about. A harness shouldn’t be bought with the thought in mind that this will solve my dog’s over excitement or anxiousness.

Do Harnesses Have Similar Calming Effects As Thundershirts?

Harnesses do in fact have similar calming effects as thundershirts. This is because while they serve different purposes, the way they’re worn are quite similar.

Thunder shirts are designed to relieve stress and anxiousness from dogs. They accomplish this by applying gentle and constant pressure to a dog’s torso. 

Thunder shirts have proved to be excellent for dealing with anxious dogs. Harnesses can have a similar soothing effect as the build of a harness, and the area it affects is quite similar to thunder shirts.

Both are snug shirts/vests that wrap around their torso.

Why Does My Dog Change After Putting a Harness On?

A dog can change in two ways after a harness is put on them. They can get super excited because they know they’re about to do their most favorite thing in the world, go for a walk.

Or, they can become super calm as they tend to be a more high-strung doggo that is rather skittish.

Both changes happen because of the way the harness makes them feel. If they get excited, they feel they know what’s going to happen next and are eager with anticipation. If they get more calm, they feel safe, secure and loved. And with that added comfort, they’re able to carry on with a much more care-free attitude.

Final Thoughts

Harnesses are indeed a valuable piece of equipment that can help make dogs feel calmer. While not all dogs will experience an overwhelming feeling of calmness and comfort once a harness is placed on them, some dogs certainly do.

If your dog has more severe anxiety, a harness is not a set it and forget it solution. It can be a valuable tool to help you train your dog to become more calm on walks. But, more effort is needed on your end outside of simply buying the harness to see lasting results.

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