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Shaving Your Golden Retriever: Is It Ok? (The Truth!)

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This is a question that a lot of pet parents have – is shaving your golden retriever ok? Some people think that it’s necessary for the summertime to keep them cool, but is that really true?

In this article, we’ll explore the truth about shaving your golden retriever and whether or not it’s really necessary.

**Spoiler alert: most of the time, it’s not! Keep reading to learn more.

shaved golden retriever

Why Shaving a Golden Retriever Is a Bad Idea

There are a few reasons why shaving a Golden Retriever is generally not a good idea. For one thing, their coat is actually designed to protect them from the elements – both hot and cold. Shaving it off exposes their skin to the sun’s harmful rays, which can lead to sunburn. It also makes them more susceptible to cold weather and can even cause them to develop hypothermia.

Another downside to shaving a Golden Retriever is that it can make their shedding worse. That’s because when their coat grows back, it will come in thicker and fuller than before – which means more hair for you to vacuum up! Finally, shaving can throw the dog’s natural growth cycle off, resulting in a coat that is more prone to matting and tangling.

During the warm summer months, a Golden Retriever’s undercoat will naturally thin out to help regulate their temperature. So, if you’re considering shaving your Golden Retriever, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully.

In most cases, it’s simply not worth the risk – and there are better ways to manage their shedding (which we’ll get to in a moment).

5 Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Golden Retrievers Shedding

1) Brush More Often

The best way to keep your Golden Retriever’s shedding under control is to brush them more often. While it’s not the most popular solution, it will help to remove loose hair and prevent knots and tangles from forming.

Also, it’s important to use a brush designed for dogs (more specifically, a golden retriever’s coat), as regular human brushes can damage their coat.

This is especially necessary during their heavy shedding seasons in the spring and fall. During these times, you should be brushing them every day – or at least every other day.

2) High Quality Diet

Another thing you can do to help reduce your Golden Retriever’s shedding is to feed them a high-quality diet. A healthy diet will help to promote a healthy coat, which in turn will shed less. Look for a food that is high in protein and omega fatty acids, as these are essential for a healthy coat.

There are also a number of supplements on the market that are designed to help with shedding. These can be found at your local pet store or online.

Some of the most popular shedding supplements include:

  • Omega-three fatty acids
  • Vitamin E
  • Biotin

While supplements can be helpful, it’s important to talk to your vet before giving them to your dog. This is especially true if you’re already feeding them a high-quality diet, as they may not need the extra nutrients.

Also, overfeeding your Golden Retriever can actually lead to more shedding, so it’s important to get portion sizes right.

3) Increase How Often You Get Them Groomed

golden retriever bath

If you don’t want to brush your Golden Retriever more often, another option is to increase how often you get them groomed. This is a good option if you don’t have the time to brush them every day – or if you simply don’t like doing it.

Most professional groomers will offer a de-shedding service, which is designed to remove loose hair and help reduce shedding. This is usually done with a special brush or comb designed to reach the undercoat.

If you decide to go this route, it’s important to find a groomer that you trust and who has experience with Golden Retrievers. This will ensure that they know how to properly de-shed your dog without damaging their coat (and without shaving them).

It’s also a good idea to get your Golden Retriever groomed more often during their heavy shedding seasons. This will help to keep their shedding under control and make it easier for you to manage.

4) More Baths

golden retriever grooming

Another way to reduce your Golden Retriever’s shedding is to give them more baths. This will help to remove loose hair and keep their coat healthy. It’s important to note that you should only use a dog-specific shampoo as regular human shampoo can damage their skin and coat.

It’s important to note that while more baths can help, you can also overdo it. Bathing your Golden Retriever too often can strip their coat of natural oils, leading to dry skin and more shedding.

As a general rule, you should only be bathing your Golden Retriever every few weeks – or as needed. If you start bathing them more frequently, opt not to use shampoo every time you wash them. Instead, just use water to wet their coat and rinse it thoroughly.

This will help to remove loose hair without stripping their coat of natural oils.

5) Blow Out Their Coat

Another way to reduce your Golden Retriever’s shedding is to blow out their coat. This is a process where you use a blow dryer to remove loose hair from their coat.

It’s important to only use a low or medium setting on the blow dryer, as a high setting can damage their skin and coat. You should also hold the blow dryer about six inches away from their body to prevent burning.

Start by blow drying their head and work your way down their body. Be sure to focus on any areas that tend to shed more – such as their undercoat.

While this method can be effective, it’s best only to do it during the times of the year when they shed more excessively (spring and fall).

Does Shaving A Golden Retriever Help Them Cool Down?

Some people believe that shaving their Golden Retriever will help them stay cool in the summer months. However, this is not true.

In fact, shaving your Golden Retriever can put them at risk for heatstroke. This is because their coat helps to protect them from the sun and heat.

It also affects how their coat grows back once shaved, which negatively affects the integrity of their double coat. Both their undercoat and top coat will grow back at the same length, which will make them even warmer.

So, while shaving your Golden Retriever might seem like a good idea to help them stay cool, it’s actually not good for their health. In fact, it can even put them at risk for some serious problems.

If you want to help your Golden Retriever stay cool in the summer, there are better ways to do it.

How To Keep Your Golden Retriever Cool In The Summer

swimming golden

If you’re looking for ways to help your Golden Retriever stay cool in the summer, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure they have access to plenty of fresh, cool water. They should also have a shady spot to rest during the hotter hours of the day.

Frozen treats are also great to give to your golden in the summer. You can make your own by freezing chicken broth or plain yogurt in an ice cube tray. Or, you can buy some at the store.

Another way to help your Golden Retriever stay cool is to get them a dog pool. This will give them a place to cool off and have fun. Just be sure to get one that’s the right size so they can safely get in and out.

Finally, you can walk them during the cooler times of the day. This means early in the morning before the sun gets too warm or later in the day once the sun has gone down.

The Only Times It’s Okay To Shave Your Golden Retriever

shaved golden retriever

1) Medical Reasons

There are some medical reasons why you might need to shave your Golden Retriever. For example, if they have a skin condition that requires their coat to be shaved or if they need to have surgery.

In these cases, it’s best to talk to your veterinarian first to see if shaving is the best option.

If you do need to shave your Golden Retriever for medical reasons, be sure to only shave the affected area. This will help to minimize the amount of hair they lose and make it easier for their coat to grow back properly.

2) Their Coat Is Severely Matted

If your Golden Retriever’s coat is severely matted, it can be painful for them and cause skin irritation. In these cases, unfortunately, your only option is to have their coat shaved.

When a Golden Retriever’s coat hasn’t been brushed in a long time, and the matting becomes too dense, no trimming can fix the knots. So instead, they’ll need to have their coat shaved.

However, you should only have their coat shaved by a professional groomer or veterinarian. This is because they have the experience and knowledge to do it safely and without causing any further irritation.

3) Age

As your Golden gets older, they may become uncomfortably warm more easily, and moving around will likely become more challenging as well. This could be caused by a health condition or arthritis.

In this case, it may be okay to consider shaving them as long as they stay indoors for the most part after being shaved. Regardless, it’s a good idea to speak with your vet before having this done to get their recommendation.

Will A Golden Retriever’s Hair Grow Back If Shaved?

freshly groomed golden retriever

Yes, their hair will grow back if you shave them. However, it’s important to note that shaved hair grows back differently than unshaved hair.

Shaved hair grows back with a blunt end, while unshaved hair has a tapered end. This difference is due to the way the hair is cut. When you shave a Golden Retriever, the hair is cut straight across, which results in a blunt end.

Additionally, it will grow back thicker and more coarse than their coat was before it was shaved. This is because their undercoat and topcoat will grow at the same pace making it a blended coat instead of having two layers, which will require a lot of brushing over the course of a year to fix.

Areas Where It’s Okay To Shave a Golden Retriever

The only areas where it’s okay to shave a Golden Retriever (outside of getting rid of excessive matting and medical reasons) is around their private parts. This is because the hair in this area can often get matted and uncomfortable.

It can also be unsanitary if they constantly have poop clinging to their fur around their bum.

If you do shave their private parts, be sure to only shave a small area. This will help to avoid any irritation.

Shaved Golden Retriever Before And After Pictures

PC: @pets.tamethemane


What Happens If You Shave a Golden Retriever?

There are a few things that happen if you decide to shave your Golden Retriever.

First, their coat will grow back thicker and more coarse than before. This is because the hair is cut straight across when you shave them, which results in a blunt end. Additionally, the undercoat and topcoat will grow at the same pace making it a blended coat as opposed to having two layers.

Second, they may become uncomfortably warm more quickly. This is because they will no longer have the insulating benefits of their fur.

Lastly, they may be more susceptible to sunburns as their skin will no longer be protected by their fur from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

What’s The Best Golden Retriever Summer Cut?

golden puppy

A teddy bear cut is a great option in the summer for Golden Retrievers. This cut leaves their fur long on the top of their head and around their face while cutting the rest of their fur short. This helps to keep them cool while still protecting their skin from the sun.

Generally, as long as they’re getting trimmed and not shaved, it’s a good haircut. It’s also a good idea to increase how often you get them cut during the summer rather than getting their coat shaved.

How Short Can You Shave a Golden Retriever?

It’s not recommended to shave them completely bald. This is because their skin is sensitive and can be easily irritated. Additionally, they may be more susceptible to sunburns without their fur to protect them from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

It’s best to leave some fur on their body, even if it’s just a short length. This will help to protect their skin and keep them comfortable.

Pros And Cons Of Shaving A Golden Retriever

There are both pros and cons to shaving a Golden Retriever.

Some of the pros include:

  • Less brushing is necessary
  • It can help to reduce matting

Some of the cons include:

  • Their coat will grow back thicker and more coarse
  • It can take over a year to get their coat back to the way it was before it was shaved
  • They may be more susceptible to sunburns
  • It doesn’t help them cool down

You’ll need to weigh the pros and cons to decide if shaving your Golden Retriever is the right decision for you and your pup. Generally, shaving is not recommended, and the cons outweigh the pros.

Final Thoughts

Shaving a Golden Retriever is not recommended unless it’s a last resort or it’s for medical reasons. This is because their coat will grow back thicker and more coarse than it was before.

Additionally, they may be more susceptible to sunburns without their fur to protect them from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

There are better ways to reduce shedding and help your Golden Retriever stay cool during the warm summer months that don’t put their health at risk. If you’re unsure of what to do, it’s best to consult with a groomer or veterinarian for advice.