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What Are These Tiny Black Bugs On My Dog? (8 Possible Bugs) 

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Do you see tiny black bugs on your dog? If so, what kind of bug is it? Unfortunately, it’s often hard to determine exactly what kind of small black bug is on your dog. Fleas are not always the culprit.

So what are these tiny black bugs on dogs that aren’t fleas? How can you tell what bugs they are?

There are many types of small black bugs that can attach themselves to dogs or get stuck in their fur. The most likely black bugs on your dog are ticks, flea beetles, lice, mites, ants, springtails, or perhaps they are fleas but you can’t tell.

This article will discuss 8 possible types of small black bugs found on dogs, how to identify them, and what each one does to the animal. We will also provide tips for removing the black bugs and how to properly identify them if you should see them again.

Let’s dive in.

tiny black bugs on dog

8 Tiny Black Bugs On Dogs & How To Remove Them

There are a variety of bugs that can be found on dogs. Some bugs are parasitic, while others simply look for a place to rest. The most common type of black bug people find on their dogs is the flea, but what if it’s not a flea?

What could a tiny black bug on a dog be if they are not fleas? Or maybe they are fleas, but you cannot tell.

Regardless of what small black bug is on your dog, this list will help you determine what black bug is on your dog and how to remove it safely.

Tiny black bugs on dogs can be any of the following:

Springtails – The Jumping Black Bug On Dog

springtails on dog

Is the small black bug jumping in your dog’s fur? Well, if it is, then it might be a Springtail.

What Is A Springtail?

Springtails are small black bugs that are often found near water. This is why they are common in households with swimming pools or ponds.

They get their name from their ability to “spring” or jump long distances. Springtails are not parasitic and do not bite humans or animals.

While they are not harmful to you or your dog, springtails can be a nuisance. They can make your home feel dirty and infested if you have a lot of them. Springtails are also attracted to light, so you may find them near windows or doors.

Due to their springy nature, they could have easily hopped on your dog while playing in a moist area.

How To Remove Springtails From A Dog?

springtails on dog

Since the springtails are not parasitic, they can be easily removed with a damp cloth. Simply wet the cloth and rub it over where the springtails are. This will pick them up and remove them from your dog’s fur.

You can also vacuum them up if you have a pet-friendly vacuum or just grab them with pinchers and remove them.

Ticks – Parasitic Black Bug On Dogs

tick on dogs

Did you find a small black bug that is not moving on your dog? If so, it might be a tick. It could be a dried-up dead tick, an engorged tick, or a regular tick.

What Is A Tick?

Ticks are one of the most common black bugs found on dogs. They are small, dark-colored, and parasitic insects that attach themselves to animals (and humans) to feed on their blood.

Ticks are dangerous because they can transmit diseases from one animal to another. Lyme disease is the most well-known tick-borne illness, but many others exist.

How Do Ticks Get On Dogs?

Ticks can be found in tall grass, woods, or anywhere else there are animals. They will attach themselves to an animal and stay there until they are full of blood. So if you’ve been hiking with your dog or been in a wooded area, it’s possible they picked up a tick.

Ticks can also be brought into the home on other animals, like rodents or birds. Once they’re inside, they will look for a dog (or human) to attach to.

How To Remove Ticks From A Dog?

Ticks can be difficult to remove, but it is important to do so as soon as possible. If you find a tick on your dog, use a pair of tweezers to grab the tick by its head and pull it straight out.

Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can cause the head to break off and stay in your dog’s skin. Once the tick is removed, disinfect the area and wash your hands.

If you are uncomfortable removing the tick yourself, take your dog to the vet, and they will remove it for you.

I recently wrote a detailed guide on how to deal with an engorged tick on dogs should you need more information.

Flea Beetle – Black Plant Bug On Your Dog

flea beetles on dog

If you have found a black bug on your dog that is small and moves fast, it may be a flea beetle.

What Is A Flea Beetle?

Flea beetles are small, dark-colored insects that get their name from their ability to jump like fleas. However, these are not fleas.

They are common pests of gardens and crops and can be a nuisance if they find their way into your home. Flea beetles are not harmful to humans or animals, but they can damage plants by eating holes in the leaves.

How Do Flea Beetles Get On Dogs?

Flea beetles can enter your home on clothing, shoes, or other objects that have been in contact with infested plants. They can also come in through open doors and windows.

So your dog may have just wandered across some, and one jumped on.

Once inside, they will look for a place to hide and lay their eggs. These eggs hatch into larvae that feed on plants.

How To Remove Fleas Beetles From A Dog?

The ability of the flea beetle to jump makes them difficult to remove from your dog. However, all you need is a comb or pincher.

Lice – Tiny Black Specs Of Dirt On Dog

Does your dog have thick and dense fur? If so, this could be a place for lice to lay their eggs and hide.

Lice can be very hard to see since they are so tiny, but if you part your dog’s fur and look closely, you may be able to spot them. They look like little black specs of dirt.

Some symptoms a dog will face if they have lice are:

  • Itching and scratching
  • Hair loss
  • Skin irritation and redness
  • Restlessness

What Is Lice?

Lice are small, flat, wingless insects that live in the hair of mammals. They feed on blood and can cause itching and irritation. Lice are most common in children, but dogs can also get them.

How Do Dogs Get Lice?

Dogs can pick up lice from other dogs or from contaminated bedding, brushes, or combs. They can also get them from humans.

Lice are not able to jump, so they must come into contact with an infected animal to be transferred.

How To Remove Lice From A Dog?

lice on dogs

Since Lice don’t jump around like other insects, they are able to be removed with pinchers.

However, removing them one by one is not the best solution. Instead, there are a few things you can do to get rid of lice on your dog:

  • Give your dog a lice-killing shampoo bath.
  • Use a lice-killing spray on your dog’s fur.
  • Wash all of your dog’s bedding and brushes in hot water.

Lice eggs can continue to hatch for up to two weeks, so you will need to treatment repeated 7 to 10 days after the first treatment.

Dog Mites

dog mites

If your dog is itching and has bald spots, they may have mites.

Dog mites can cause a condition called mange, which is a skin disease that causes hair loss, itching, and redness. There are two types of mange:

Demodectic mange – caused by Demodex mites. This type of mange is not contagious and is usually found in young dogs.

Sarcoptic mange – caused by sarcoptes mites. This type of mange is contagious and can affect both dogs and humans.

What Is Dog Mites?

Mites are tiny parasites that live on the skin of animals. The most common type of mite in dogs is the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, the same mite that causes scabies in humans.

These mites burrow into the skin to lay their eggs and cause intense itchiness. They can also lead to hair loss, redness, and crusty skin.

In addition, Demodex mites infest the hair follicles in dogs and don’t really show symptoms in healthy dogs.

How Do Dogs Get Mites?

Dogs can pick up mites from other dogs, contaminated bedding or brushes, or contact wild animals or environments where they are present.

How To Remove Mites From A Dog?

What Are These Tiny Black Bugs On My Dog

The best way to remove mites from your dog is to take them to the vet. They will likely prescribe a medicated shampoo or dip to kill the mites.

Most anti-parasitic washes can help cure a dog from mites. These can be bought at pet stores, but it’s still best to consult your vet.

Moss Mites – Tiny Black Bug That Looks Like Seeds

moss mites

Notice a shiny round black bug on your dog’s fur? These are most likely moss mites. Lucky these mites don’t bring risk to your dog; they are more of a nuisance.

These mites can cause your dog to itch and scratch, but they do not bite or burrow into the skin.

What Is Dog Moss Mites?

Moss mites are very small, only about 0.14 inches long. They are usually found in damp areas such as forests, meadows, and gardens.

They can also be found in your home if you have houseplants. Moss mites feed on mold and mildew and can cause allergies in humans.

How Do Dogs Get Moss Mites?

moss mites on dog

Dogs can pick up moss mites from walking in areas where they live or from contact with contaminated bedding, brushes, or combs.

How To Remove Moss Mites From A Dog?

The best way to remove moss mites from your dog is to brush them out!

Black Ants

black ants

Ants are one of the most common pests in the world. And, just like any other insect, they can become a nuisance if they find their way into your home.

This is probably the easiest black bug to identify on your dog. However, some can be pretty small and throw people off.

What Are Black Ants?

Black ants are a type of ant that is common in the southern United States. They are small, black insects that can be found in gardens, homes, and other areas where food is present.

How To Remove Black Ants From A Dog?

The best way to remove black ants from your dog is to use a vacuum or by pulling them off with your fingers.

Fleas – Small Black Fast Moving Bug On Dog

fleas on dogs

Notice little black bugs on your dog that moves lightning fast? Well, they might be fleas even if you think they are not.

If your dog only has a few fleas, you might not be able to see them moving around on their skin. You will also want to look for flea dirt, which is small, black, and looks like pepper. It turns red if dabbed with a wet paper towel.

Your dog will also be scratching a lot if they have fleas.

What Is A Flea?

A Flea is a small, dark brown-colored, wingless parasite that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds. Fleas transmit diseases and can be challenging to eliminate once they infest an area.

A flea infestation is most common in the summer but can occur year-round.

How Do Fleas Get On Dogs?

Fleas can jump long distances and are often brought into the home by other animals or environmental contact. Once inside, they will look for a dog (or human) to attach to.

Your dog can also pick up fleas from other dogs when playing or grooming each other.

How To Remove Fleas From A Dog?

Many products on the market can help you get rid of fleas on your dog. Some are prescription medications from your veterinarian, while others are over-the-counter treatments.

You will also need to treat your home since flea eggs could be hiding in carpeting, furniture, or bedding.

Fleas will be difficult to remove due to their jumping and speed.

Here are some steps you can take to remove fleas from your dog:

  • Bath your dog using a flea shampoo. This will kill the fleas on your dog’s body.
  • Comb your dog’s fur with a flea comb to remove any remaining fleas and their eggs.
  • Use the comb with hot soapy water to help kill the fleas. Trying to kill them by hand is too difficult.
  • Spray your dog with apple cider vinegar. This will help to repel fleas and soothe your dog’s skin.
  • Treat your home with an insecticide designed to kill fleas and clean everything. Vacuum, dust, wash bedding, etc.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds Of Bugs Infest Dogs?

There are many different kinds of bugs that can infest dogs. The most common are fleas, ticks, and mites.

What Bug Looks Like A little Black Dot?

There are many different kinds of bugs that can look like small black dots. The most common are fleas, springtails, and mites. These bugs are usually dark brown or black in color and range in size from very small to slightly larger than a period on a piece of paper.

What Are Black Mites?

Black mites are tiny, spider-like creatures that can infest dogs. They are dark brown or black in color and very small to slightly larger than a period on a piece of paper. Black mites typically live in the ears but can also be found on the skin, in hair follicles, and in the environment.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, 8 different small black bugs found on dogs.

  • Springtails
  • Ticks
  • Flea beetles
  • Lice
  • Dog mites
  • Moss mites
  • Ants
  • Fleas

Not all these tiny black bugs are harmful to your dogs. However, ticks, dog lice, fleas, and mites are small black bugs that can be harmful and make your dog seriously ill.

Flea beetles, ants, and springtails are harmless to your dog. They commonly land on dogs while they play outdoors, and it’s nothing to be concerned about.

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