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9 Reasons Australian Shepherds Are Always Hungry + Tips

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If your australian shepherd is always hungry it can be quite concerning. You’re feeding them the daily recommended amount but they’re always begging/asking for more..

Is it normal for australian shepherds to always be hungry or is something wrong?

Why Is My Australian Shepherd Always Hungry:

When an australian shepherd is always hungry it’s often because they are going through a growth spurt or because they have learned acting this way gets them more food. More serious reasons why they are always hungry are underlying health issues or their body is lacking nutrients.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 9 reasons why your australian shepherd is always hungry
  • When an aussie always acting hungry is something to worry about
  • 5 tips to help your australian shepherd not always be hungry (Tip #2 can help the quickest!)
  • And much more

Let’s jump right in.

9 Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Are Always Hungry

1) Unknowingly Taught To Act This Way

To many people’s surprise, you may have unintentionally trained your australian shepherd to act like they’re always hungry.

Even though they aren’t actually hungry.

Some aussies aren’t the best at knowing their limits. Which means they may continue to eat and eat and eat until they couldn’t possibly eat any more.

So if you allow your pup to eat as much as they want when feeding them, they may have picked up the bad habit of eating until they’re filled to the brim.

Which makes them appear like they’re always hungry because they eat so much so quickly.

They could have also learned to look like they’re hungry all the time because it consistently gets them treats and snacks.

And each time you give them a treat when they look or behave this way it makes them want to continue doing it.

Which could be the reason why your australian shepherd is always hungry, or appears to always be hungry.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

2) Not Quite Finished Growing

Like all dogs, aussies go through a growth spurt during their first year of life.

Which means they need more food to help them grow properly and stay healthy.

After their first year, most aussies will have reached their full adult size.

But some may not be done growing until they’re 18 months to two years old.

Which means they’ll need more food than the average adult doggo.

So if your aussie is still young and growing, it’s no wonder they’re always hungry!

It’s not likely that there’s anything wrong with them and they simply need more food to fuel their growth.

You should notice that as they get older they aren’t as hungry because their body doesn’t need as much food.

Related Reading: Top 8 Best Beds For Australian Shepherds

3) Potential Diabetes

One potential medical reason why your australian shepherd is always hungry could be diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition where there’s too much sugar in their blood and not enough insulin to properly process it.

Which can lead to excessive hunger and weight loss, even though the dog is eating more than usual.

Untreated diabetes can be very dangerous for dogs and even lead to death.

So if you think your aussie may have diabetes, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian for help.

4) Thyroid Problem

Another potential medical reason for excessive hunger in australian shepherds is a thyroid problem.

The thyroid gland helps regulate many important bodily functions, including metabolism.

If their thyroid isn’t working properly it can lead to an increase in appetite.

Which could be why your aussie is always hungry and seems to constantly be eating.

Thyroid problems are usually easily treated with medication, so be sure to talk to your vet if you think this may be the cause.

5) Not Absorbing Food’s Nutrients

When an australian shepherd is always hungry it could be that they’re not absorbing the nutrients from their food properly.

This can happen if they’re unknowingly being fed low quality dog food or if they’re allergic to one of their food’s ingredients.

Both of these situations can cause your aussie to feel always hungry because they’re trying to get nutrients they’re missing.

High quality dog food will have one of its main ingredients be a meat-based protein, contain no preservatives and be highly digestible.

If your pup is eating good quality dog food but is still acting hungry all the time there’s a chance they might have an allergy to one of their food’s ingredients.

In this case, you’ll need to talk to your veterinarian about changing their food.

They might also recommend giving your aussie a supplement that will help them absorb the nutrients from their food properly.

6) It’s Instinctual

Not as likely, but definitely a possibility, is instincts could be the cause for why your australian shepherd is always hungry.

Aussies are bred as working dogs and have historically been used for herding livestock.

Which means they’re naturally inclined to eat often and in large quantities to fuel their long work days.

It can also be instinctual from their wolf ancestors.

Before dogs were domesticated they didn’t have easy access to food everyday without worry.

Which means when they had food, they’d eat as much as they possibly could because they never knew when their next meal would be.

And if your australian shepherd is always acting hungry it could be because they want to make sure they’re full just in case their next meal doesn’t come.

Which obviously wouldn’t happen but their brain is wired for survival!

7) Too Many Snacks

Overdoing it on the snacks and treats could also be contributing to your australian shepherd always being hungry.

Aussies are notorious for being food motivated and always begging for treats.

When your aussie begs for a treat, more often than not, it’s because they want the yummy taste as opposed to being super hungry.

And while it’s perfectly fine to give them a few snacks here and there, if they get too many treats just for being cute, they’ll do their best to take advantage of this.

Which will make them behave as though they’re always hungry in an attempt to continue getting the snacks they love so much.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Australian Shepherds Won’t Eat + 6 Helpful Tips

8) Fast Metabolism

If your australian shepherd has an unusually fast metabolism it can cause them to be much more hungry than what would be considered normal.

This is seen more often with puppies as they’re growing and developing at a rapid pace.

But it can still happen with adult aussies.

An aussie with a fast metabolism will typically have more energy and be leaner than other dogs their size.

This is something you’d have to have confirmed by your vet as they’d need to have some tests done to be able to see if your pup does in fact have a fast metabolism.

9) High Activity

When an australian shepherd lives a very active lifestyle, just like people, they’ll need to eat more to refuel.

This is because their bodies are constantly working and burning more calories than a dog who doesn’t get as much exercise.

If your pup is always running around and playing, goes for runs or hikes with you frequently, or they get a couple hours of fast-paced exercise each day, it’s only natural that they’d be hungrier than other dogs their size.

But this isn’t something to worry about as long as they’re getting the appropriate amount of food for their activity level.

Just make sure you don’t accidentally overfeed them as this can cause them to gain weight.

Related Reading: Are Australian Shepherds High Maintenance? (Explained!)

5 Tips To Help Your Australian Shepherd Not Always Be Hungry

1) Smaller Portion Sizes

If you’re noticing that your australian shepherd is always hungry, one way to help them feel fuller is by feeding them smaller portion sizes.

Which simply means smaller meals more often over the course of a day.

So instead of two big meals, you could try 5 smaller meals.

Another way to help with portion control is by using a slow feed dog bowl.

These bowls are designed to make your pup work a little bit harder to get their food.

Which means they’ll eat slower and hopefully feel fuller since it’ll take them longer to finish their meal.

This Outward Hound Slow Feeder Dog Bowl is one of the best on amazon.

2) Try New Food

If you’ve been feeding your aussie the same food for a while and they’re always acting hungry, it might be time to switch things up.

Interestingly, LSU (a veterinary teaching hospital) found that it can sometimes take 2-3 months for a food allergy to show up.

Which means the food you’ve been feeding your pup for quite some time might have an ingredient that doesn’t agree with them.

When it comes to your aussie’s diet it’s always a good idea to speak with a vet before making any big changes to get their recommendation.

3) Don’t Give In To Their Begging

This one can be hard but it’s important to remember that you’re the boss and not your aussie.

When they beg for food or treats, more often than not they’re doing it because they want the taste of what you’re eating, or a treat, and not because they’re actually hungry.

And if you give in every time they beg, then they’ll only continue doing it because they know it works.

So be strong, stand your ground and do your best not to give in to their puppy-dog pouts or eyes!

It’s for their benefit even though they might look sad when you start saying no.

4) Treat Dispensing Puzzle Toys

Treat dispensing puzzles toys are great for your aussie for a couple reasons.

One, it gives them some added mental stimulation throughout the day.

And two, it gives them little bits of food here and there to stop them from feeling super hungry.

If your pup is bored often and not actually hungry, a puzzle toy can become one of their favorite things.

Related Reading: 13 Best Mind Stimulating Dog Toys

5) Speak With a Vet

While your australian shepherd can be in a harmless phase, it can also be something more serious.

Which is why it’s never a bad idea to have a vet take a look at your pup whenever they’re acting strange.

This is especially true if your aussie is moving into their senior years.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

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