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9 Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Are Lazy + Tips To Help

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If your australian shepherd is starting to lounge around more than usual, or it’s how they’ve always been, you might wonder why they’re so lazy.

A lazy australian shepherd can be a sign of something serious or completely harmless, it’s important to know the signs to be able to care for your pup if necessary.

Why Is My Australian Shepherd Lazy:

When an australian shepherd is being lazy it can be for harmless reasons like they’re too warm, are incredibly bored, or they’re simply starting to slow down because of their age. Their laziness can also be caused by a bad diet, depression, or an underlying health issue.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 9 reasons why your australian shepherd is lazy
  • When your aussies laziness is something to worry about
  • 4 tips to help your australian shepherd not be so lazy (Tip #2 is one of the best things you can do!)
  • And much more

Let’s jump right in.

Top 9 Reasons Why Your Australian Shepherd Is Lazy

1) Starting To Show Their Age

As your australian shepherd starts to move into their senior years it’s normal to see them start to slow down.

A day full of playing, going for long walks and constantly wanting you to pay attention to them could simply be less interesting to them now that they’re older.

Now your aussie might prefer shorter walks and cuddle time more than being full of energy and bugging you for attention all the time.

A study done in 2019 found that, on average, once dogs reach 6-8 years of age they start slowing down.

They start becoming less excitable and less interested in being active as much as they once were.

So if your australian shepherd is starting to get older it could be a big reason why they’re becoming lazy.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

2) Uncomfortably Warm

Another big reason your australian shepherd might be lazy is because of how hot it is outside.

If it’s a really sunny day and the temperature is high, chances are your pup would rather lounge around inside where it’s cooler.

They may go outside for a little bit but they’ll likely come back in after not too long because it’s just too hot for them to handle.

Hot weather can be really tough on dogs, especially those with long fur like your australian shepherd.

So if it’s a scorcher outside and your pup is being lazy, it’s probably because they’re just too darn hot.

Related Reading: Top 8 Best Beds For Australian Shepherds

3) Boredom

If your australian shepherd isn’t being stimulated enough they will likely become lazy.

Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical activity and if they’re not getting enough of either they can become bored.

And when your aussie becomes bored it can go one of two ways.

One, they start endlessly bugging you because they’re bored.

Or two, they start to become lazy because nothing they’ve tried seems to work to get them attention or physical/mental stimulation.

Related Reading: Are Australian Shepherds High Maintenance? (Explained!)

4) Bad Diet

Just like humans, if your australian shepherd is eating a bad diet it can make them feel sluggish and lazy.

If your aussie isn’t getting the right nutrients they need from their food then they might not have the energy to do much else besides lay around all day.

A lot of commercial dog foods contain fillers that don’t really do anything for your pup’s health.

So it’s important to find a good quality food that has all the nutrients they need to be active and healthy.

It could also be that they’re eating too many treats or table scraps on a daily basis which is affecting their energy levels.

A good rule of thumb is that 90% of your aussies daily calorie intake should be from their dog food and only 10% from treats and snacks.

If you feed your pup good quality dog food and maintain this ratio it should really help their energy levels.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Australian Shepherds Won’t Eat + 6 Helpful Tips

5) Matching Your Energy

If you’re not a terribly active person yourself, your aussie might have adapted to your lifestyle.

When you and your pup spend lots of time with one another your aussie will pick up and share certain behaviors/traits that you have.

So if you’re a more laid back person who enjoys lounging around more than going for a run or hike, eventually so may your pup.

Just like if you hang out with someone enough you’ll start picking up on certain phrases they say often and start saying them yourself.

People and dogs are susceptible to osmosis.

Which simply means they become what they surround themselves with.

6) They’re Upset

If your australian shepherd is being lazy and seems to have lost interest in everything, it could be because they’re upset about something.

Dogs have emotions just like you and me and when they’re feeling down they often won’t have the energy to do anything else.

Some common reasons why aussies might be upset are: moving to a new home, a family member leaving, another dog in the house or being left alone for long periods of time.

More severe cases of sadness can even show up if a family member they loved dearly has recently passed away.

If your pup is acting out of character and seems very lethargic it might be worth trying to figure out what’s going on emotionally that’s causing them to act this way.

Once you’ve identified the issue you can start to work on fixing it and helping your aussie feel better.

Related Reading: 7 Indicators Your Australian Shepherd Is Depressed + Tips

7) Not Lazy Just Sleepy?

It’s possible that your australian shepherd isn’t lazy at all, they’re just really sleepy.

Aussies are notorious for taking a lot of naps and sometimes it can be mistaken as laziness.

Dogs often sleep up to 16 hours a day and if your pup is snoozing more than usual there’s a chance they’re just going through a growth spurt or are entering their senior years.

Puppies need a lot of sleep to grow and develop properly and as dogs get older they tend to sleep more as well.

So if your australian shepherd is taking more naps than usual it could be nothing to worry about, they’re just doing what their body needs.

Related Reading: 8 Interesting Reasons Australian Shepherds Sleep So Much

8) Potential Infection

Another potential reason for your aussie’s laziness could be due to an infection.

Dogs can get all sorts of infections including ear, skin, bladder and respiratory infections.

If your pup is displaying any other symptoms along with the laziness such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever or loss of appetite then it’s definitely worth taking them to the vet.

9) Underlying Health Condition

There are a number of different health conditions that could be causing your australian shepherd to act lazy.

Some common ones include: obesity, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and hypothyroidism.

If you think your pup might have one of these conditions it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Obesity is one of the most common health problems in dogs and can lead to a number of other issues such as arthritis and diabetes.

If your aussie is carrying around extra weight it’s putting strain on their joints and organs which can make them feel tired and lazy.

4 Tips To Help Your Australian Shepherd Not Be So Lazy

1) Bring Up Daily Activity

If your australian shepherd isn’t getting enough exercise they might start to become lazy.

Not only because they’ll get used to not being active but they’ll likely also gain weight which only adds to their laziness.

You should aim to bring up their daily activity gradually so they don’t get overwhelmed and give up.

Start with short walks around the block and gradually increase the distance and length of time you’re walking for.

If you have a backyard that’s even better, letting them run around and play will help use up some of that extra energy.

The more you help them get used to being active more frequently, if they’re otherwise healthy, the lazier they’ll be.

2) Monitor What They Eat More Closely

What your australian shepherd eats also plays a big role in how lazy they are.

If they’re eating too much then they’ll start to put on weight which can lead to all sorts of health problems down the road.

On the other hand, if they’re not getting enough food then their energy levels will drop and they may also become lazy as a result.

A simple formula you can use to know your aussie is being fed the right number of calories for their weight is as follows:

Divide their weight by 2.2 (this gives you their weight in kilograms).

Multiply that number by 30.

Then add 70.

So for example, if your australian shepherd weighs 49 lbs it would look like this.

49 / 2.2 = 22.27

22.27 x 30 = 668.1

668.1 + 70 = 738.1 daily calories to maintain their weight.

Staying as close to their necessary calorie intake based on their weight and ensuring they don’t get too many treats is a great way to ensure their diet isn’t affecting their energy levels.

*Always be sure to consult with your vet if you’re not certain about your aussie’s food*

3) Do More Things That Bring Them Joy

If your australian shepherd is being more lazy lately because they’re sad about recent changes, do your best to do more things with them that they love. 

This could be playing fetch, going for more car rides, taking them for special walks or just cuddling more on the couch.

If you do more things that they genuinely love to do it can help bring them out of their funk which should help them not be as lazy.

4) Have a Veterinarian Look At Them

If you’ve tried all of the above and your australian shepherd is still being lazy it’s time to take them to the vet.

There could be an underlying health condition causing their laziness and the sooner you get it checked out the better.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend.

[Nothing brings peace of mind quite like speaking with a vet – click here to chat with a vet online now]

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