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Why Do Dogs Hide Toys & Treats? The Real Reasons

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I’m sure you’ve noticed that your dog is hiding their favorite toy. Maybe they bury it or hide it in a place where no one will find it. Why on earth do dogs hide their toys? 

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t completely certain, but there are some reasons that hold more weight than others.

In this post we’re going to take a closer look at each of these reasons to help you understand your pup a little better.

Let’s dive in!

Why Do Dogs Hide Toys

Why Do Dogs Hide Toys & Treats? (4 Reasons)

Your dog could be hiding their toys a few reasons. It’s a dogs predatory instinct to hide their food or toys. They could also be hiding things to protect them from being taken away or getting destroyed. Lastly, dogs will also bury their toys to from stress or boredom.

Let dive into each of these reasons further.

1) Predatory Instincts

The truth behind why dogs bury or hide toys and treats can be more complex than we think. It could be old survival instincts mixed up from past experiences.

This instinctual behavior was once key for their wild ancestors’ safety. It was about leaving food safely concealed to then return later without it detected/taken by predators (including humans).

Or, it could be because they consider themselves a gatherer. Within a pack, some dogs would be designated as the “gatherers”.

Others are tasked with being out in front of predators or guarding more vulnerable members (like puppies). Keeping food and important items safe was very important so these instincts have been passed down to our pups.

These instincts are quite normal, especially if your furry friend shares a home with other four-legged roommates.

When other dogs are present, many dogs won’t want to share their possessions and use some desperate behavior to protect them (like hiding, or burying their toys).

Dogs living in single dog abodes can also demonstrate this behavior, again, simply out of instinct.

Especially if they don’t want you to take their fav toy away from them.

2) Too Many Toys & Treats To Protect!

Why do dogs hide toys

If you notice that your dog is hiding or burying multiple toys, and often, this is a sign that they may have too many toys. 

Remember that wolves will hide excess food to keep it protected. The reasons they might be burying or hiding their toys can depend on the individual dog’s temperament and past.

However, in most cases it boils back up from instinctual roots of survival; protecting what you have for when times are tough!  

It’s best practice to only give your dog a few toys. This helps to avoid them hiding all of their toy’s because they have too many and are feeling overwhelmed.

3) Stress/Anxiety Or Boredom

This is one of those reasons we all dread but it’s important to consider it as a potential reason why your dog is hiding their toys.

Dogs who hide or protect their possessions may have underlying anxiety or stress issues. This may stem from living with another dog who takes things away.

It can also be from us owners taking their things away from them too often. If you see other signs that your pup might be feeling overly stressed/anxious a trip to the vet to help find a solution is a good idea.

In addition, if your dog is bored, lonely, or simply wants to get your attention, it’s not uncommon for them to bury or hide things to get you to “play” with them. 

Related Reading: 13 Best Mind Stimulating Dog Toys | Dog Puzzle Toys

4) Over-Feeding

Another possible reason your pup may be hiding their treats is if they are being overfed.

If you are giving your dog too many treats or they are getting fed multiple times throughout the day, they could be trying to store away the extras.

This is another ancient survival instinct that has stuck around in some dogs.

In the wild, when food was plentiful, some dogs would gorge themselves and then take the extras to bury for later.

Why Do Dogs Bury Things?

Dogs bury things because they want to keep them hidden and protected. This could be burying food, toys, or any item they deam to have importance.

This behavior stems from their natural instincts to protect their belongings and themselves. It’s a dogs way of hoarding items and keeping them out of harms way. In the wild, this was a key survival tactic.

It’s important to note that not all dogs bury things. This behavior is usually seen in certain breeds, like terriers and hounds. But any dog can develop this behavior if they feel the need to protect their belongings.

Where Do Dogs Hide Things In The House?

why do dogs hide treats

Dogs will hide their things in a variety of places. The most common hiding spots are under furniture, in their beds, or in a designated toy box.

Some dogs will even get creative and try to bury their things in potted plants or in the laundry basket. If your dog is constantly hiding their toys, it’s important to try and figure out why.

They could be doing it for fun, or because they are anxious and need to find a safe place for their belongings. If your dog is displaying other signs of anxiety, you should consult with a veterinarian.

How To Stop Your Dog From Hiding Their Toys & Treats

why do dogs bury toys

How do you get your dog to stop hiding and burying their favorite toys?

This is a question that many pet owners have. There are definitely ways that you can curb this behavior and train them not to do it.

A sure way to stop dogs from burying their toys is by eliminating negative reactions, like yelling.

Though your dog knows that they are “in trouble,” reacting excessively will only reinforce bad behavior. Just ignore the issue and use neutral body language to train them.

(We think dog’s invented the saying, “any publicity is good publicity” as they like any attention they can get!)

Especially if your dog is taking things that don’t belong to him or her. Things like your keys or the remote control, they probably want to play with you.

They know you will have to look for whatever it is they have taken, so chasing them down can actually encourage the hiding. 

The right way to train your pup is always using positive reinforcement.

When your dog brings back their toy from wherever it’s been hidden, praise them and play with them for a few minutes—that way they know that bringing things back leads to positive results!

Breaking bad habits starts with understanding the cues that motivate them.

By establishing a predetermined area for toys and showing them this location, it’s possible to redirect unwanted behavior like hiding and burying.

If you have multiple dogs taking items from one another and/or hiding them. Try bringing them together and training them (with treats) to not actively steal.

If one dog doesn’t quickly take a toy from the other, they are rewarded with a treat or an even better toy.

This will take patience but over time your pups won’t feel compelled to hide their favorite items.

Which Dog Breeds Hide Toys And Treats?

dog burying food

There are certain dog breeds that are more prone to hiding their toys and treats. This includes terriers, hounds, and any other type of hunting dog. For example, beagles, dachshunds, and basset hounds are know for this behavior.

These dogs were bred to hunt and track down prey. Their natural instincts include the desire to bury things and keep them safe from predators. If you have one of these breeds of dogs, it is likely that they will hide their toys and treats.

You may find that your dog hides their toys in different places around the house. They may have a “spot” where they keep their favorite toy or bone. If you have more than one dog, they may even have separate hiding spots.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there are many reasons dogs hide toys or bury them. It’s likely they are just following an instinct ingrained in their genetics.

You should now have the knowledge to understand why they are hiding or burying toys and how you can curb the behavior. Thanks for reading, we hope you found this article helpful.

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