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Can Dachshunds Eat Bananas? 13 Things You Should Know

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If you’re wondering if dachshunds can eat bananas, you’ve come to the right spot! 

Let me guess, you’re eating a banana and want to know if you can give some to your pup staring at you.

Dogs digest food differently than humans, which leads to some fruits being downright dangerous for them to eat.

Are bananas one of them?

This article will show you:

  • The 5 dangers of bananas to dachshunds
  • Why and how you should feed your dachshund bananas
  • What types of banana treats they can have
  • Step-by-step guide to making a safe banana treat for your dachshund

And much more…

Can Dachshunds Eat Bananas?

Yes, dachshunds can eat bananas in moderation. Due to the high sugar content bananas should only be used as a treat, not part of their main diet. Bananas are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, and biotin. They are also low in cholesterol and sodium which adds to the benefits.

In addition, make sure to remove the peel before giving your dog a piece of banana as they can cause blockages in your dog’s intestines. 

All and all, bananas are a good treat for your pup but there are some precautions you should take before giving them any banana.

Let’s discuss these.

5 Dangers of Bananas for Dachshunds

The major danger for dachshunds eating bananas is in the peel and over eating them.

The banana peel isn’t toxic to dogs, but, it won’t properly digest if they eat it. This can lead to intestinal blockages, constipation, sickness and stomach pain.

Outside of eating the peal, eating too much banana can cause sickness, diarrhea or other more serious health issues as well.

The potassium in bananas is great but an excess of potassium could trigger heart problems.

In addition, the sugar content in bananas is high. This can lead to high or irregular blood sugar levels which can then lead to weight gain and even diabetes.

This is especially important to note as a dachshund owner. Dachshunds are prone to obesity so you have to be more mindful of their food intake.

Last thing to mention is the fiber. Fiber is great, but too much fiber can cause constipation.

Here’s a quick summary list of the 5 major dangers of dachshunds eating bananas:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Irregular / high blood sugar levels
  • Banana peel can block intestines

How Much Banana Can a Dachshund Eat?

can dachshunds eat bananas

As with any treat, you want to stick with the 90/10 rule! 90 percent of the food your dachshund eats throughout the day should be their main dietary food (their kibble).

10 percent can be saved for treats like bananas. Just make sure you’re not including the peel. It should always be removed before they have any banana.

A good rule of thumb for dachshunds is 2-3 small pieces of banana per day. This keeps a good balance and avoids over feeding them banana which could cause issues.

All dachshunds are a little different so you might need to adjust the amount a bit according to their specific needs. 

Why You Should Feed Your Dachshund Bananas

Bananas are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, and biotin. They are also low in cholesterol and sodium.

Just as these nutrients are super beneficial for us humans, it’s also beneficial for pups (in moderation).

Each of these components contribute to an increase to the overall health and well being of your dachshund. Here is a few reasons how for each:

  • Fiber helps your dog’s digestive system by moving food down their intestinal tract. This can help resolve constipation, diarrhea, and some blockages that can occur. *Note: too much can cause constipation rather than help it.
  • Vitamin B6 helps in multiple ways. It can help regulate your dogs hormones and fluid balance. It also helps with neurotransmitters and building proteins in their body.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps with their immune system. The same reason why people take Vitamin C when they’re feeling sick is why Vitamin C is also good for your pup. It can help them fight of sickness.
  • Copper helps dogs form strong bones, connective tissue, collagen, and myelin (this coats and protects nerves). Copper allows the dog to absorb iron, which boosts red blood cell function. 
  • Magnesium also helps with bone growth while also aiding in vitamin and mineral absorption.
  • Potassium helps with heart and kidney functions. It also helps with bone density, fluid regulations, and with muscle development.
  • Biotin helps with their skin, fur/coat, and also supports muscle development

While bananas can be great, as the saying goes, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. So always remember moderation is key.

Fun tip: Bananas can be extremely helpful to hide your dachshund’s medication in and make them unaware they’re taking their medicine.

How To Feed Dachshunds Bananas

Now the obvious option here is simply peeling the banana and cutting it up into pieces. So here are some alternatives methods to feeding your dachshund bananas:

  • Mash it up with his/her food
  • Mash it up then mix it with some dog safe peanut butter
  • Cut small banana chunks and freeze them
  • Freeze the banana, peel it, and then slice it into little chips
  • Mash it up then stuff a KONG dog toy with some and freeze it.
  • Feed them banana chips! Yes, dachshunds can eat banana chips! Just avoid the commercially produced foods that contain high amounts of sugar. Stick with dehydrated banana chips with no added ingredients.

Do Dachshunds Even Like Bananas?

In general, most dachshunds do like bananas. Especially if you’re using it in a fun and exciting way.

For example, some dachshunds may get more excited when bananas are used for games and play. Adding them to puzzle toys or as a reward for completing some training exercises.

Can Dachshunds Be Allergic To Bananas?

can dachshunds eat bananas

Yes, dachshunds can be allergic to bananas. As with any food, some things just don’t sit right with certain pups. This is why it’s best to start with very small amounts to see how they respond.

Once you see how they respond to small amounts of banana you can increase the amount you give them.

If nothing seems to bother them, then you can give them full treat sizes. Just keep in mind allergies can sprout up from nowhere.

One day they might be fine with bananas and then the next something’s changed and it no longer sits well with them.

Can Dachshunds Eat Banana Bread?

Banana bread shouldn’t be fed to your dachshund. Desserts like banana bread contain lots of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients for dogs. In addition, some banana breads contain chocolate chips which are toxic to dogs. It’s best to avoid banana bread all together and stick to just bananas.

Can Dachshunds Eat Banana Pudding?

Banana pudding should not be fed to your dachshund. Pudding desserts contain added sugars and ingredients that could be harmful to your dog. The safest thing to do is stick to just bananas.

DIY Banana Dachshund Dog Treats

Looking to make your pooch a delicious banana treat? Here is an easy 3 ingredient banana treat you can make your dachshund.


1.) 1 ½ cups gluten-free old-fashioned rolled oats

2.) ½  cup natural peanut butter

3.) 1 large ripe banana (or 2 medium bananas), smashed


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F then line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Take the old-Fashioned rolled oats and put them in a blender until you have a fine flour, or, alternatively, use oat flour instead. Set aside.
  • In a large mixing bowl, smash the peanut butter and ripe banana. Add the oat flour and mix until the dough is thick and well combined. If it’s crumbly, add 2-4 Tablespoons more of peanut butter. You want the dough to be firm, sticky, and pliable
  • Roll dough into a thin slab, about ~1/4 inch thick, and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter. Alternatively, you can roll them into balls and flatten with your hands for a simple circular cookie.
  • Bake for ~15 minutes until lightly brown underneath. Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before sampling or sharing with your pup!

You can store these in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks! Enjoy, I know your pup will.

What Other Fruits Can Dachshunds Eat?

Well, now you know just how great bananas can be for your dachshund.

Just keep the 90/10 rule in mind and always keep the peels away from them. Otherwise, bananas are fantastic.

So long as they aren’t allergic to them.

Ever wonder about other fruits and whether they’re safe for your dachshund?

Well we made a complete list of 27 fruits dachshunds can and can’t eat. Check it out for more details on just about every popular fruit they can and can’t eat.

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