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Can Dachshunds Eat Fruit? 27 Fruits They Can And Can’t Eat (Ultimate Guide)

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If you’re here wondering what fruits dachshunds can and can’t eat, you’ve come to the right place!

Dogs digest food differently than humans do, which leads to some fruits being downright dangerous for them to eat.

Even though many human foods are perfectly safe, the select few things that are unhealthy for dogs can cause serious sickness, and in extreme cases, even death.

That’s why it’s important to know exactly what fruit is okay, and which you should absolutely avoid giving your dachshund.

This article will show you:

  • 18 fruits dachshunds can eat
  • 9 fruits dachshunds should never eat
  • What to do if your dachshund eats a ‘danger’ fruit

And much, much more…

What Fruit Can Dachshunds Eat? (Quick Summary Chart)

Fruits Risk Level (High/Medium/Low)Reason / Important Note
ApplesMedium – Eat with cautionApple seeds contain cyanide
BananasLow – Eat AwayHigh in Potassium (remove skin before feeding)
BlueberriesLow – Eat AwayHelps immune system and skin
PlumsMedium – Eat with cautionBeware of pit, it can block the bowel
CantaloupeLow – Eat AwayOkay, but high in sugar… give in moderation
CranberriesLow – Eat AwayGreat for bladder health
CucumbersLow – Eat AwayGreat snack for overweight dachshunds
MangoMedium – Eat with cautionBe cautious of pit, great otherwise
OrangesLow – Eat AwayRemove skin, pith, or seeds (small amounts only)
PeachesMedium – Eat with cautionA swallowed pit can block their gut
PearsLow – Eat AwayGood for improving blood cells (remove pit before feeding)
PineappleLow – Eat AwayHelps with digestions
RaspberriesLow – Eat AwayGreat for senior dachshunds
StrawberriesLow – Eat AwayPacked with healthy vitamins
WatermelonLow – Eat AwayThirst-quenching and yummy (remove rind and seed before feeding)
CoconutMedium – Eat with cautionAvoid if your Dachshunds overweight
PumpkinLow – Eat AwayHelpful dietary and digestive food
BlackberriesLow – Eat AwayMay cause diarrhea if overeaten
Kiwi Low – Eat AwayRich in Vitamin C. Remove skin before feeding
DatesMedium – Eat with cautionWill likely cause diarrhea
RaisinsExtremely High – Do not eatCan cause kidney failure
GrapesExtremely High – Do not eatCan cause kidney failure
TomatoesHigh – Do not eatContains a toxin called solanine (Needs to ingest lots to get sick, avoid anyways)
AvocadoHigh – Do not eatContains persin causing vomiting and diarrhea
CherriesHigh – Do not eatPits are choking hazards
LimeMedium – Eat with cautionHighly acidic fruits cause digestive issues
LemonMedium – Eat with cautionHighly acidic fruits cause digestive issues
FigsHigh – Do not eatFicin can cause drooling and diarrhea
GrapefruitHigh – Do not eatToxic and can experience long term, severe symptoms for eating them.

*Important Note: All fruits should be given in moderation. Any pits, seeds, or stems should always be removed. If it’s your dachshund’s first time with a fruit make sure to monitor them and only give them a small amount.*

Can Dachshunds Eat Fruit?

Dachshunds can eat most fruits. But fruits like grapes, avocado, grapefruit and raisins are toxic to dogs. Tomatoes and figs are also fruits on the avoid list. You should always be careful what type of fruit you give them and how you feed it to them. Avoid giving them fruits with the rind, pit, and seeds left inside.

18 Fruits Dachshunds CAN Eat

1) Can Dachshunds Eat Apples

Dachshunds can eat apples as long as you don’t give them the core, seeds, or the stem. The seeds contain toxic compounds for dogs.

Once those are removed, apples are fantastic! They are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and fiber.

Due to their low source of fat and protein they can be an ideal snack for all dogs and particularly senior dogs.

Make sure to avoid any canned/jarred apple foods. Things such as applesauce or apple pie should be avoided.

What About Green Apples?

The variety of the apple doesn’t matter, all the same information applies.

Preparation: Remove core, seeds, and stem then feed one or two slices as a reasonable serving size. If your dog tends to have a sensitive stomach it might be best to peel the apple due to its high fiber contents.

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Apples here.

2) Can Dachshunds Eat Bananas

Dachshunds can eat bananas in moderation. Due to the high sugar content bananas should only be used as a treat, not part of their main diet.

Make sure to remove the peel before giving your dog some banana because they can cause blockages in their intestines.

Bananas are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, potassium, and biotin. They are also low in cholesterol and sodium which adds to the benefits.

Preparation: Remove peel and slice thin pieces for your doggo. Since dachshunds are smaller you can mash up the banana to avoid choking. Your dachshund should have no more than a few small pieces.

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Bananas here.

3) Can Dachshunds Eat Blueberries

can dachshunds eat blueberries

Dachshunds can eat blueberries! These are considered “superfoods” due to all the antioxidants they carry. Antioxidants are great for helping prevent cell damage.

Blueberries are also rich in phytochemicals, fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and are 85% water for hydration benefits.

You can try freezing them on hot days to help cool down your pup while also giving them a delicious treat!

Preparation: Wash them under water and they are good to go for your pup as a treat. You can also freeze them for a cool summertime treat. A good amount is two to three blueberries.

Fun Fact: Freezing any fruit into treat size bits can change the texture and keep things interesting for your pup. So if you notice your Dachshund is losing interest in a fruit you’ve been giving them, try freezing them!

4) Can Dachshunds Eat Blackberries

Dachshunds can eat blackberries. They are high in antioxidants, magnesium, fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Blackberries contribute to a strong immune system and healthy skin and fur. 

Too many blackberries like most fruits on the list can cause their tummy to get upset and even diarrhea.

Preparation: A quick wash and they’re ready to go! You can give them to your pup individually as treats or mash them to avoid choking if you are concerned.

5) Can Dachshunds Eat Cantaloupe

Dachshunds can eat cantaloupe. They are packed with nutrients, low in calories, and are a great source of fiber.

However, cantaloupe is extremely high in sugar, so make sure to use in moderation.

If your dachshund is overweight this would be one to avoid, or limit to really small amounts.

Preparation: Remove skin, rind, and seeds. Then cut up into small bite size pieces. 

6) Can Dachshunds Eat Cranberries

Dachshunds can eat cranberries. The question is whether or not they will like these as treats. From my experience most don’t.

Cranberries contain a great source of beneficial vitamins, and possibly help with Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).

There hasn’t been enough research to support that cranberries help with UTIs in dogs so it’s not recommended to use them as a replacement for proven medical treatment.

As with most fruit moderation is key to avoid giving your dog an upset stomach. 

What about dried cranberries?

Dried cranberries are also safe for dachshunds to eat.

WARNING… dried cranberries can sometimes mix with other dried fruits, like raisins. Raisins are very toxic to dogs, and even a few can cause issues for small breeds like dachshunds.

Prepared cranberry dishes are also risky, so it’s best to avoid.

Preparation: serving cranberries cooked rather than raw is helpful for digestion. It’s best to stew them by placing them into a pan with water and cooking them for about 30 minutes (until tender).

7) Can Dachshunds Eat Cucumbers

Dachshunds can eat cucumbers. In fact, if your dachshund is overweight, cucumbers are fantastic.

Cucumbers hold little to no carbohydrates, fats, or oils and they can boost energy levels! Not to mention they are filled with vitamins that are great to keep your pup healthy.

Cucumbers contain potassium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, copper, magnesium, and biotin.

The only real concern with Cucumbers is choking or overeating which can cause an upset stomach (as with anything!).

Preparation: Wash and cut down the cucumber into manageable sizes. For dachshunds you want them to be treat sized. You don’t want to give them a full cucumber or pieces big enough that they could choke on.

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Cucumbers here.

8) Can Dachshunds Eat Mango

Dachshunds can eat mangos! They are packed with healthy vitamins like: Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

The big warning with mangos is the pit. The pic contains cyanide which is toxic to dogs. It’s also a major choking hazard.

Make sure to remove the pit and keep the serving size small. Mangos contain high levels of sugar and shouldn’t be a regular part of their diet. 

Make sure to keep portion sizes small to avoid weight gain. If your dachshund is already overweight, It’s recommended to avoid mango or make it an infrequent treat. Until they’re back to a healthy weight.

Preparation: Wash, peel the mango, remove the pit, and chop your mango into treat sizes fit for your dachshund. Keep portions to a few small pieces as treats, not meals!

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Mangos here.

9) Can Dachshunds Eat Oranges

can dachshunds eat oranges

Dachshunds can eat oranges, but avoid giving them the peel or any seeds.

Oranges are great sources of Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. However, like with most fruits on this list, avoid overdoing it and stick to small portions as treats.

Preparation: Peel the orange, and remove seeds if there are any. Depending on the size of the orange you may want to cut them in half or in thirds for your pup. Give them 1-2 pieces as a treat.

10) Can Dachshunds Eat Peaches

Dachshunds can eat peaches. Small pieces of cut up peaches are great for your doggo. They contain sources of fiber, Vitamin A, and can even help fight off certain infections.

Make sure to remove the pit. The pit contains cyanide which is toxic to dogs. In addition, pits are choking hazards so cut around it and make sure they cannot get their paws on it.

Avoid any canned peaches as they contain high amounts of sugar.

Preparation: Wash, and cut up pieces of the peach. Make sure to cut around the pit and dispose of it afterward. Make sure you keep the portion size small for dachshunds.

11) Can Dachshunds Eat Pears

Dachshunds can eat pears! They are high in copper, fiber, folic acid, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, copper, pectin and Vitamins A, C, E, B1 and B2. Pears also contain beneficial probiotics that can help with digestion.

Pears do have pits and seeds with traces of cyanide though. So remove these before feeding them to your dachshund.

Preparation: Wash, remove the stem, pit and seeds then serve mashed, raw, cooked, or cut into small pieces.

12) Can Dachshunds Eat Pineapple

Dachshunds can eat pineapple so long as the prickly peel and crown are removed first.

Pineapple can help your dachshund’s digestion and improve their immune system. Pineapples contain folate, zinc, vitamins, and bromelain (a digestive aid).

Preparation: Remove the peel and crown. Then cut up your pineapple into bite size pieces to give to your dog as treats. As with all fruit make sure to limit to only a few pieces and make appropriate size pieces for your small pup.

13) Can Dachshunds Eat Raspberries

Dachshunds can eat raspberries! They’re rich in nutrients and powerful antioxidants that reduce heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

These are especially good for older dogs with ageing joins.

Raspberries are also low in calories and high in fiber.

It’s important to note that they do also contain small traces of natural xylitol (natural sweetener) which is toxic to dogs. Due to the xylitols you’ll want to feed them raspberries in moderation.

Preparation: Wash raspberries and give two or three to your dachshund as a good size treat.

14) Can Dachshunds Eat Strawberries

Dachshunds can eat strawberries! There are many benefits to strawberries for your dachshund.

Strawberries can help your dog with digestion, improve their skin, coat, and your dog’s immune system. They contain Vitamins C, B1, B6, and K.

In addition, they are high in Omega-3 and minerals like potassium, iodine, magnesium, and folic acid.

Preparation: Strawberries are already in bite sizes so they simply require washing. Certain strawberries might be a little big so you should cut those in half for your pup.

15) Can Dachshunds Eat Watermelon

Dachshunds can eat watermelon but the rind and seeds need to be removed.

Watermelon is a favourite for most dogs (especially dachshunds in my experience). They help keep your pup hydrated while giving them the benefits of Vitamin A, B1, B6, B5, and C.

In addition, they contain antioxidants and are low in calories.

Preparation: Just remove the rind, shell and seeds. Then simply cut it up into treat size portions.

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Watermelon here.

16) Can Dachshunds Eat Coconut

Dachshunds can eat coconut but only without the husk. Coconut oil in particular can help with your dachshunds coat, digestion, and helps prevent infection!

Coconut is a natural anti-inflammatory, which can help with skin allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, and conditions like arthritis.

The downside to coconuts is that they contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which isn’t good for dogs prone to pancreatitis or those with sensitive stomachs.

If your dachshund is overweight it’s best to avoid this one.

Preparation: Since it’s unlikely you would go through the trouble of cutting up a coconut, you can use alternative coconut options such as: Coconut chips, coconut paste, coconut oil, coconut milk or water. Make sure they’re unsweetened.

17) Can Dachshunds Eat Pumpkin

Dachshunds can eat pumpkin. Pumpkin contains beneficial vitamins and promotes a healthy gut. Careful not to give too much to your pooch or they will get an upset stomach.

Preparation: Remove the seeds and roast the pumpkin. Then create a mash or puree for your dog. No need to add anything after that. For dachshunds give around ½ to 1 ½ of a teaspoon for a decent size portion.

18) Can Dachshunds Eat Kiwi

Dachshunds can eat kiwi. It’s a safe fruit that contains healthy doses of fiber, Vitamin C, and potassium.

It also has some antioxidants that help protect dogs against cancer, strengthen their immune system and help cell rejuvenation.

Make sure to remove the skin, seeds, and chop it into small pieces before giving it to your doggo. Kiwis are definite choking hazards for a dachshund due to their average size.

Preparation: Wash, peel, remove seeds, and then chop up into bite size pieces.

9 Fruits Dachshunds CAN’T Eat

1) Can Dachshunds Eat Tomatoes

Dachshunds should not eat tomatoes. Technically the ripened fruit of the plant is safe for dogs but the green part of the plant contains “solanine” which is a toxic substance for your dog.

The major risk is your dog eating excessive amounts of tomatoes. Even though it takes them eating quite a lot for them to get sick, it’s best to avoid anything with risk.

Some symptoms that your dog has ingested some solanine (green part of tomatoes) are:

  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Muscle weakness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Upset stomach

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Tomatoes here.

2) Can Dachshunds Eat Grapes

Dachshunds should NEVER eat grapes. Grapes are extremely toxic to all dogs and can lead to acute and sudden kidney failure.

This is the #1 fruit to avoid above all others on this list.

Be mindful of this fruit when you have it around, and if your dog ever gets the hold of one contact your vet immediately. 

Learn more about feeding Dachshunds Grapes here.

3) Can Dachshunds Eat Cherries

can dachshunds eat fruit cherries

Dachshunds should avoid eating cherries. Cherries have a delicious pulp which is technically ok for dogs to eat. However, due to the large surface area the pit takes up, there is a significant risk.

Not to mention the pit, stem, and leaves have high levels of cyanide. Which is unsuitable for dogs.

So to avoid risk of choking and cyanide toxicity it’s best to avoid your dog eating cherries.

4) Can Dachshunds Eat Avocados

Dachshunds should not eat avocados. This is because avocados contain a toxic chemical called persin. This can be found in the pit, skin, and leaves which causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.

Even though the inner fruit does not contain the same level of persin, it will still cause discomfort for your pup.

5) Can Dachshunds Eat Lemons

Dachshunds should not eat lemons. Highly citrus fruits have high levels of acidity and can cause upset stomachs, vomiting, and other issues on top of those.

You may notice that some treats and food contain lemon juice or a lemon flavor. But in these situations the amount is typically very small where it’s safe for a dog to eat.

6) Can Dachshunds Eat Limes

Dachshunds should not eat limes. This is for the same reason that they shouldn’t eat lemons. The high acidity of citrus fruits make them a no no for dogs.

Limes can cause upset stomachs, vomiting, and among other issues.

7) Can Dachshunds Eat Figs

Dachshunds should avoid eating figs or in strict moderation. Any more than about 1 fig per week can cause diarrhea in dogs.

Furthermore, figs contain ficin, which can be an irritant to dogs, especially those with weak stomachs (like many dachshunds).

If you’ve given your dog a fig and it’s not sitting well with them you may notice: heavy drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea.

8) Can Dachshunds Eat Raisins

Dachshunds should NEVER eat raisins. Raisins are simply dried up grapes which are extremely toxic to all dogs and can lead to acute and sudden kidney failure.

Be mindful of raisins when you have them around, and if your dog ever gets the hold of one contact your vet immediately. 

9) Can Dachshunds Eat Grapefruits

can dachshunds eat grapefruit

Dachshunds should not eat grapefruit. Similar to limes & lemons, grapefruit is highly acidic and can cause upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and other issues.

In addition, grapefruits also contain essential oils and psoralens that are toxic to dogs.

How To Safely Prepare Your Dachshund For Fruit

When giving your dachshund fruit for the first time you will want to take things slow. 

Do not give them a full amount of any fruit for the first time. Regardless of if it’s safe or not for dogs to eat, your dachshund might have a different reaction than others.

All dogs are unique and respond to things differently so go slow when introducing them to any fruit.

Give them small pieces and look for signs of upset stomach before considering giving them more.

Here are 7 signs to look for to see whether or not the fruit is causing an upset stomach:

  • Loud stomach noises
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Licking lips or air (usually sign of nausea)
  • Gulping (combating acid reflux)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy (sleepy, lacking energy)

Warnings And Precautions With Fruits For Dachshunds

Fruit should only be given to your dachshund as treats. So if you’re giving them fruit as treats make sure fruit doesn’t exceed 10% of their daily food intake.

90% of the food they get per day should be their main dietary food. The other 10% can be fruity treats.

Vets say dachshunds are known for their sensitive stomachs. Some are more sensitive than others and may get gas, diarrhea, or even vomit when given fruit. 

Just make sure to only give small amounts. Start slow and watch for signs of an upset stomach before increasing the amount and/or turning it into a regular treat.

What To Do If Your Dachshund Eats A Dangerous Fruit?

The fruit consumed and the amount of fruit consumed will depend on the severity of the situation.

The major fruit to be concerned with are grapes or raisins. You should contact your vet immediately if they get into these.

For the other fruits your dog should avoid like tomatoes, figs, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocado, and cherries it will depend on the amount. It will also depend on if they swallowed a pit or which parts of the fruit they consumed.

If your dog ate large amounts or you are unsure, it’s always best to contact your vet just in case.

When your dog eats something they shouldn’t, monitor their symptoms. If your dog is noticeably uncomfortable, or signs of being ill, call your veterinarian.

Watch for these signs:

  • Increasing discomfort
  • Vomiting or having an episode of diarrhea more than twice
  • Blood in their vomit or stool
  • Toy or other foreign object in their vomit or stool
  • Weakness or collapse

If they only ate a small amount of the less dangerous fruit and they are experiencing minor discomfort here are some home remedies you can use to help your dog:

1.) Fasting. Putting more things in their belly can sometimes make things worse. So avoid giving them any more food for up to 12-24 hours.

2.) Give them ice cubes. When dogs are sick it’s sometimes difficult for them to gulp down water, so ice cubes can be a great solution to this. It helps keep them hydrated while avoiding the discomfort of gulping while they aren’t feeling well.

3.) Canned pumpkin. There are holistic vets that swear by this as a method for easing discomfort in sick dogs. It’s slow to digest due to its low glycemic index which helps with an upset stomach and digestion. Make sure it’s 100% canned pumpkin to avoid giving them spices or extra ingredients that might make things worse.

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