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Can Dogs Eat Ravioli? 5 Dangers & Tips If They Overeat

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Do you have a dog that loves to eat? If so, you may be wondering if they can enjoy one of your favorite Italian dishes – ravioli!

Ravioli is typically filled with cheese, vegetables, or meat and can be served alone or with a sauce.

This delicious food can sit well in our human bellies but does the same apply to a dog?

Can dogs eat ravioli? In short, it depends on the ravioli filling! Cheese and meat fillings are usually okay for dogs to eat in moderation, but vegetable fillings with spinach or dehydrated onion should be avoided. In addition, most ravioli contain high amounts of sodium and fructose corn syrup which aren’t suitable for dogs.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • Can dogs eat ravioli & if it’s healthy for them
  • The 5 dangers associated with dogs eating ravioli
  • What to do if your dog overeats ravioli

Let’s dive in.

Can dogs eat ravioli

Can Dogs Eat Ravioli?

Cheese and meat ravioli are okay to feed your dog in moderation. However, they are not the best option because of the high calories, salt, and fat.

In addition, dogs who eat a lot of ravioli may develop obesity and other health problems.

Ravioli that contains vegetables like spinach or dehydrated onions should be avoided.

Although there wouldn’t be enough dehydrated onions in ravioli to cause toxicity, it’s best to air on the side of caution.

The same applies to spinach, as it’s still a controversial topic whether or not it’s good or bad for dogs to eat.

Is Ravioli Healthy For Dogs To Eat?

We need to look at some of the main ingredients to answer this question.

Ravioli’s main ingredients are:

  • Pasta
  • Cheese
  • Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Tomato puree
  • Crakermeal

Pasta – Pasta is made out of wheat flour, water, and eggs. It’s not the best option for dogs as it can be hard to digest, but it’s okay for them to eat.

Cheese – Cheese is high in fat and salt, which isn’t good for dogs in large amounts. However, a little bit of cheese is okay.

Meat – Meat is a good source of protein for dogs and is usually easily digested. When it comes to meat found in ravioli, it’s probably not the lean cuts of meat optimal for dogs. However, it still qualifies as suitable for dogs.

Vegetables – Vegetables are a healthy option for dogs. Still, some vegetables found in ravioli, like spinach and dehydrated onions, can be harmful to dogs.

Tomato Puree – Tomato puree is made from tomatoes that have been cooked down into a thick sauce. It’s high in sugar and salt, which can be harmful to dogs.

Crakermeal – Crackermeal is made from flour, water, and salt. It’s not the best option for dogs, but it is okay to eat.

Now that we’ve looked at some of the main ingredients, it’s safe to say ravioli is definitely not healthy for dogs.

However, a few bites in moderation is unlikely to harm them.

The 5 Dangers Of Dogs Eating Ravioli

Now that we’ve answered the question “is ravioli good for dogs” let’s look at some of the dangers associated with dogs eating this food.

High In Calories & Fat

Ravioli is high in calories and fat, leading to obesity and other health problems in dogs.

Textured Vegetable Protein

Textured vegetable protein is a common ingredient in ravioli. This ingredient is used as a meat substitute and is basically just soy.

However, it’s likely the genetically modified type that can pose health risks for your dog. Therefore, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog ravioli containing this.

Dehydrated Onions

Dehydrated onions are found in some ravioli fillings. They can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided.

Although there isn’t enough onion in ravioli to cause toxicity, it’s best to avoid the risk. 

For example, 30lb dogs would need to eat 70g of onion to feel any harmful effects.


Spinach is a controversial vegetable when it comes to dogs. Some believe it’s harmful, while others think it’s healthy.

It’s best to avoid feeding your dog ravioli containing spinach until more research has been done on this topic.

Sodium & Corn Syrup

The high amount of sodium and fructose corn syrup found in ravioli can be harmful to dogs. If your dog eats too much sodium, they may experience vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and tremors.

Fructose corn syrup can also cause digestive issues in dogs as well as weight gain. So if you want to give your dog ravioli, make sure it is plain with no added spices or sauces.

Can Dogs Die From Eating Ravioli?

While it’s unlikely, dogs can die from eating ravioli. However, if your dog overeats, they may experience severe health problems like pancreatitis or food bloat.

Pancreatitis is a severe condition that can be caused by eating fatty foods. It can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even death.

Food bloat is another condition that can lead to gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) if left untreated. GDV is when a dog’s stomach twists, which can be fatal.

What To Do If Your Dog Overeats Ravioli

So your dog got to the ravioli, and you’re wondering what to do.

I reached out to Dr. Littlejohn to find out what he’d recommend to answer this question.

To make things easy, I summarized what we discussed. 

Vets will usually ask about these main topics when a dog overeats:

  • Amount Consumed & Dog Size
  • Ingredients Of Food Consumed
  • A Dogs Energy Level
  • Unusual Changes In Behaviors
  • Physical Discomfort Or Pain
  • Eating & Drinking Habits
  • Vomit & Poop Descriptions
  • Gum Color

Every situation is different depending on what they eat and how much.

Asking yourself similar questions about these topics can help you determine if there’s a problem.

You know your dog best, so you’re likely right if you think something is off.

Now, most fillings are nothing to worry about regarding ravioli. So, the most common concern is if a dog overeats, leading to gastrointestinal distress.

Signs of an upset stomach can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea, with or without blood or mucus
  • Constipation
  • Increased gas
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal enlargement/distension
  • Distress or inability to get comfortable

These symptoms usually go away after your dog’s digestive system has had time to process the food. They’ll likely experience diarrhea and vomiting, but it’ll usually disappear after 24 hours.

Just make sure your dog is staying hydrated and if your dog is showing any severe symptoms or you’re concerned, contact your vet.

If your dog ate ravioli containing some dangerous ingredients (like dehydrated onion), you should contact your vet for further instructions.

You can also use online services to speak directly with a vet for immediate help.

Click here if you wish to speak with a vet online right now.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Ravioli With Tomato Sauce?

Most tomato sauces are safe for dogs to eat. However, some contain garlic or onion, which can be harmful to dogs, so it’s best to avoid them.

Can Dogs Eat Cold Ravioli?

Yes, dogs can eat cold ravioli in moderation. In fact, some dogs prefer it that way! Just make sure it’s in small amounts and avoid ravioli with sauce, spices, or harmful ingredients like dehydrated onions.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Ravioli?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat frozen ravioli. This is a choking hazard for dogs and can cause blockages.

If you want to give your dog ravioli, make sure it is cooked and cooled first.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Ravioli?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked ravioli. Just make sure it’s in small amounts and avoid ravioli with sauce, spices, or harmful ingredients like dehydrated onions.

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