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Can Dachshunds Eat Apples? Health Benefits + Dangers

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If you’re wondering if dachshunds can eat apples, you’ve come to the right place! 

Let me guess, you’re eating an apple and want to know if you can give some to your pup staring at you.

For people, the classic saying is “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!”, but, does this apply to dogs as well?

Dogs digest food differently than people do, which leads to different reactions to certain foods.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • Why you should feed your dachshund apples
  • The 5 dangers toward your dachshund when it comes to eating apples
  • What types of apple treats can they have
  • Specific steps to make a safe apple treats for your dachshund

And much more…

Can Dachshunds Eat Apples?

Yes, dachshunds can eat apples. Dachshunds can eat apples as long as the core, seeds, and stem are removed. These parts contain toxic compounds for dogs. Otherwise, apples are a great source of potassium, Vitamin C, fiber and much more.

What about certain types of apples?

Red delicious, honey crisp, gala, granny smith and all other varieties of apples follow the same guidelines.

The 5 Dangers of Apples for Dachshunds

The major dangers when it comes to dachshunds eating apples comes from the core, seeds, the stem and overeating. However, there are a few other things you need to watch for.

First let’s talk about apple seeds.

Apple Seeds

Apple seeds contain a substance called cyanide which is toxic to dogs (and people in higher doses). It does take quite a lot of seeds to cause cyanide poisoning. So if your dog ingests some it’s unlikely to cause them harm.

However, consuming small amounts regularly over time can cause cyanide poisoning. This can cause hypoxia or lack of oxygen delivered throughout your dog’s body.

Here are some symptoms mention by PetMD if you’ve seen your dog eat apple seeds or they’ve been eating them for a while:

  • Brick-red mucous membranes
  • Dilated pupils
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Panting
  • Shock

Its safe to say the best option is to remove the seeds all together to eliminate this risk.

Apple Cores / Stems

can dachshunds eat apple cores

The core and stem of an apple also pose a risk to your dog as choking hazards.

Stems are usually smaller but should be removed just in case. The core of an apple is firm and can be difficult for dachshunds to chew. If they accidentally swallow a chunk too large it can become a gastrointestinal blockage.

So always remove these part before giving your dog some apple.

Overeating Apples

Aside from the core, stem and seeds there is still risk to your pup if they eat too many apples. Apples contain high amounts of sugar, so moderation is important.

Overeating any fruits with high levels of sugar can lead to high or irregular blood sugar levels which can then lead to weight gain and diabetes. This is especially important to note as a dachshund owner. Dachshunds are prone to obesity so you need to be mindful of excess sugar intake.

In addition, too many apples can lead to diarrhea and an upset stomach. This even applies to healthy dogs.

Last thing I will mention is the fiber in apples. Fiber is great, but too much fiber can cause constipation for your pup.

Pre Existing Conditions

If your dachshund is overweight or suffers from cancer, diabetes, or another condition, apples could cause additional issues. That’s why It’s always best practice to consult your vet before adding new food to your dog’s diet.

So before you decide to give your dachshund some apple treats be sure to get a vet’s approval first.

Super Market Apples

Nowadays many supermarket apples contain an outside layer to keep them bright and shiny. Make sure to wash and scrub any apples before feeding them to your pup. They can contain pesticides or herbicides so washing them is a must.

A better solution is to simply grab organic apples. The higher prices are well worth it by keeping your family and doggo safe.

How Much Apple Can a Dachshund Eat?

can dachshunds eat apples

As with any treat, you want to stick with the 90/10 rule. 90 percent of the food your dachshund eats throughout the day should be their main dietary food (their kibble, for example).

10 percent can be saved for treats like apples. A good rule of thumb for dachshunds is 1-2 slices of apple on any given day is a good serving size.

Balance is everything. So avoid falling for the puppy dog eyes and remember, giving them more is likely to do more harm than good.

Lastly, all dachshunds are a little different so you might need to adjust the amount they receive according to their situation. They should never be given more than half of an apple in a day, this contains too much sugar for a little dachshund.

Further Readings: Can dachshunds Eat Bananas?

Why You Should Feed Your Dachshund Apples

Apples contains fiber, potassium, antioxidants and many more beneficial vitamins and minerals. Despite the high levels of sugar and carbs they don’t increase blood sugar levels very much after eating. This is indicated by their low glycemic index which sits around 29-44.

Each of the major nutrient components in apples contribute to an increase in the overall health and wellbeing of your dachshund.

Fiber helps your dog’s digestive system by moving food down their intestinal tract. This can help with constipation, diarrhea, and other blockages.

*Note: too much fiber can cause constipation rather than help it.

Antioxidants are responsible for many health benefits. Apples contain quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid. 

  • Quercetin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antidepressant effects, according to some animal studies. 
  • Catechin is present in green tea and improves brain function and muscle functions proven by animal studies.
  • Chlorogenic acid has been found to lower blood sugar and cause weight loss. All of which was displayed in some studies as well.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps with the immune system in dogs. The same reason taking Vitamin C supplements when you’re feeling sick helps is why you should consider giving it to your dog.

Potassium helps with heart and kidney functions. It also helps with bone density, fluid regulation, and helps with muscle development.

There are many other things that each of these nutrients help with, however, just like everyone says, balance is key.

Too much of anything can lead to negative effects, even though benefits exist. 

Note: Apples also contain manganese, copper, and the vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6. These all contribute in even more ways to your dogs overall health. The amount is far less than the ones listed above but worth briefly mentioning.

How To Feed Dachshunds Apples

Whenever you’re looking to feed your dog some apple, always make sure to first wash the apple to remove any bacteria. Then remove the stem, core, and all the seeds. 

When you first start to feed your dog apples, start slowly! Don’t rush to give them a full treat size of apple. Always test the waters with tiny pieces first.

You want to do this to make sure your dog’s stomach does not respond negatively to apples. Even with tiny pieces of apple your dog will show signs of discomfort or a potential allergy.

After testing their response with small pieces you can start to work your way up to normal sized treats.

Here are 6 different methods you can use to feed apple to your dachshund as treats:

  • Cut the apple into bite-sized chunks.
  • Mash up apple and place into an ice tray then freeze.
  • Cut small chunks of apple and place them in the freezer in a zip lock bag.
  • Mash up the apple (or use sugar free apple sauce) then stuff a KONG dog toy with some and freeze it.
  • Peel the apple then cut it up into small pieces (this is a great option for dachshunds with sensitive stomachs as the skin can be harder to digest).
  • Place some pieces of apple in a blender to put overtop of their food.

There are many ways to go about feeding your dog apples so get creative and I’m sure your dachshund will love you for it.

Just remember to stay within the 90/10 rule. They should only get 10% of their daily intake in the form of treats. And yes, apples are considered treats.

Can Dachshunds Eat Applesauce?

can dachshunds eat apple sauce

In short, dachshunds can eat plain applesauce. Any applesauce that has added sugar, cinnamon, and other ingredients should be avoided.

These can harm your dachshunds teeth, lead to weight gain, and even diabetes.

Do Dachshunds Even Like Apples?

In general, many dachshunds like the sweet, juicy taste of an apple. Especially if you are using it in a fun and exciting way.

For example, some dachshunds may get more excited when apples are used for games and play. Adding them to puzzle toys or as a reward for completing training exercises is always a great idea to spice things up.

As an added benefit, apples are much cheaper than store bought treats so they’re easy on the wallet as well.

Are Apples Bad For A Dachshund’s Teeth?

Some people wonder about the sugar in apples and its effects on their dachshund’s teeth. In short, it’s unlikely apples will harm your pup’s teeth. The high percentage of water helps wash away the sugar from inside their mouth.

This makes it relatively safe for a dog’s teeth. As an added benefit, the skin on apples can somewhat act as a natural floss helping remove plaque and tartar from your dog’s teeth.

Can Dachshunds Be Allergic To Apples?

Yes, dachshunds can be allergic to apples. As with any food, some things just don’t sit right with certain dogs. This is why it’s best to start with very small amounts to see how they respond.

Once you see how they respond to small amounts of apple you can increase the amount you give them.

If nothing seems to bother them, then you can give them full treat sizes. Just keep in mind allergies can sprout up out of nowhere.

One day they might be fine eating apples and the next something mysteriously changes and apples no longer sit well with them.

DIY Apple Dog Treats

Want to really get your dachshund excited?

Check out these delicious apple pie bites for dogs we found! And hey, if you enjoy snacks without all the overpowering sweetness, you might even love these as well.


  • 2 apples, cored and diced
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 cups AP flour (oat flour works great too)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 Egg
  • Optional: 1/4 cup grated parmesan or cheddar


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and set your oven rack to the middle
  • Wash, core, dice or grate you apples
  • Add cinnamon, vanilla, honey, and coconut oil to your diced apples then stir
  • Add flour and baking powder next, then combine it all together. (Note: this will look like a crumble by this point)
  • Add milk and eggs, then stir one last time
  • Now it’s up to you. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet. These can be in spherical form or pressed down to form flatter crunchier cookies.
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until golden colour is obtained.

Here is a video walkthrough of this exact treat:

What Other Fruits Can Dachshunds Eat?

Well now you know just how great apples can be for your dachshund!

Just keep the core, seeds, and stems away from them. Otherwise, apples are fantastic as long as your pup isn’t allergic.

You might be wondering about other fruits your dachshund can or can’t eat.

And if that’s the case you should definitely check out our post on 27 different fruits dachshunds can and can’t eat by clicking here.

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