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Shaving Your Australian Shepherd: Is It Ok? (The Truth!)

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When it comes to shaving an Australian shepherd, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around. For example, some people think it’s cruel to shave an Aussie, while others believe it’s the only way to keep them from shedding all over the house. In this blog post, we’ll dispel some of those myths and give you the truth about shaving your Aussie.

shaved australian shepherd

Why Shaving An Australian Shepherd Is a Bad Idea

An Australian Shepherd’s top coat helps to protect them from the elements, and their undercoat provides insulation to help them stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Unfortunately, many Aussie owners make the mistake of shaving their dogs in an effort to keep them cool during the summer months.

However, this can actually do more harm than good.

First of all, shaving removes the top layer of their coat, which leaves their skin vulnerable to sunburn and other damage. Additionally, shaving can disrupt the coat’s natural growth cycle, leaving the dog with a coat that is more prone to matting and tangling.

In the summer, their undercoat will naturally thin out while also trapping a cooler layer of air between their top coat and undercoat. When their coat is shaved, this process doesn’t happen and does an Aussie more harm than good in the long run.

While many owners’ hearts are in the right place when it comes to shaving their Aussie, it’s not the best thing to do during warm periods of the year.

4 Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Australian Shepherds Shedding

1) Increase How Often You Brush Them

One of the best ways to reduce shedding is to brush your Aussie more often. This will help to remove any loose hair before it has a chance to fall out on its own. A slicker brush is your best option if you’re looking for an all-in-one brush. It’s important to find a top-quality brush for an Aussies coat considering it’s so thick and can become matted quickly.

If you brush your Aussie once a week, try doing it two or three times a week during periods of heavy shedding. You may even need to do it daily during peak shedding seasons.

Additionally, be sure to brush in the direction of hair growth to avoid damaging their coat.

While it’s important to brush your Aussie regularly, you should also know that there is such a thing as over-brushing. This can damage the coat and lead to irritation, so be sure to brush gently and avoid going over the same area too many times.

Also, keep in mind that some Aussies are more prone to shedding than others. So if your dog is a heavy shedder, you may need to put in a little extra effort to keep the shedding under control.

2) More Frequent Professional Grooming

australian shepherd puppy cut

Another way to reduce shedding is to take your Aussie to the groomer more often. Professional grooming will help remove dead hair and keep their coat healthy.

While you can certainly groom your Aussie at home, it’s best to leave the heavy-duty work to the professionals. They have the tools and experience to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Professional groomers can also give your Aussie a haircut that will help minimize shedding. If you’re unsure what style to go for, ask your groomer for their recommendation.

3) More Frequent Baths

Bathing your Aussie more often can also help to reduce shedding. This is because water helps loosen and remove dead hair from their coat.

When bathing your Aussie, be sure to use a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner. Human shampoo is too acidic and can strip the natural oils from their coat, which can lead to dryness and irritation.

Additionally, avoid using hot water when bathing your Aussie. This can also strip the natural oils from their skin and coat, which can actually make shedding worse.

Instead, use lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, be sure to brush your Aussie’s coat to remove any tangles.

4) Blowing Out Their Coat

Another way to reduce shedding is to blow out their coat. This is a grooming technique that involves using a high-powered dryer to remove any dead hair from their coat.

You can do this as often as you’d like (and your Aussie will let you), but generally, you only have to do it during their major shedding seasons. When they’re starting to noticeably shed more, simply take them outside in your backyard and give their coat a good blowout. You’d be surprised how much of their undercoat blows away when you do this.

Many professional groomers swear by this method of reducing shedding. If you decide to blow out your Aussie’s coat, be sure to use a low setting and hold the dryer about six inches away from their skin.

When done right, you should see a big difference in the amount of fur your find in your home after blowing out their coat.

Does Shaving An Australian Shepherd Help Them Cool Down?

While grooming your Australian Shepherd, you may have considered shaving them down to help keep them cool during hot weather. But does shaving an Aussie actually help them stay cooler? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t clear-cut (pun intended). Some people swear by shaving their Aussie, while others say it makes no difference.

Some argue that an Australian Shepherd’s thick fur helps protect them from the sun and that shaving them will make them more susceptible to sunburn and heat stroke. Others argue that the thick fur of an Australian Shepherd can actually trap heat, making them even hotter in summer weather.

It also affects how their coat grows back once shaved, which wrecks the integrity of their double coat. Both their undercoat and top coat will grow back at the same length, which will make their coat get matted easier and potentially shed even more.

If you’re considering shaving your Aussie, be sure to talk to your veterinarian first to get their professional opinion.

How To Keep Your Australian Shepherd Cool

australian shepherd playing in water

Australian Shepherds are a considerably active breed of dog, which means they can overheat quickly. So if you live in an area with hot summers, it’s important to take steps to keep your Aussie cool.

One way to do this is to provide them with plenty of water. Always ensure their bowl is full, and consider giving them ice cubes or frozen treats. It’s also important to avoid exposing them to excessive heat. If possible, walk them during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or evening. If you must walk them during the daytime, make sure to choose a route that includes shady areas.

Finally, ALWAYS make sure they have access to a cool, comfortable place to rest. This could be indoors in an air-conditioned room or outdoors in the shade.

The Only Times It’s Okay To Shave Your Australian Shepherd

1) Medical Reasons

There are a few medical reasons why your vet may recommend shaving your Aussie. One is if they have a hot spot. This is a painful, irritated area of skin that is caused by excessive licking or chewing. Shaving the fur around the hot spot can help to dry it out and speed up the healing process.

Another reason your vet may recommend shaving your Aussie is if they have a skin condition called pastern dermatitis, also known as “greasy heel.” This is a bacterial infection that affects the base of the tail and the backs of the legs. Shaving the fur in these areas can help to improve airflow and speed up the healing process.

Finally, your vet may recommend shaving your Aussie if they need surgery in a certain area. For example, if they need to have a lump removed, the vet may shave the area around the lump to give them a better view and make the surgery easier.

2) Their Coat Is Severely Matted

If your Aussie’s coat is severely matted, shaving it may be the only way to get the mats out. Matted fur can cause your dog a lot of pain, so it’s important to take care of it as soon as possible.

If you decide to shave your Aussie’s matted coat, be sure to do it carefully. You don’t want to cut their skin accidentally. If you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself, take them to a groomer or vet.

This can easily be avoided with a good brushing routine, and so shaving, for this reason, should be a last resort. It’s important to brush an Aussie often and proactively ensure their coat doesn’t become severely matted.

3) Age

As your Australian Shepherd moves into their senior years, they’ll have more difficulty getting comfortable and likely become too warm quite easily.

Their tolerance for warm weather will become increasingly worse, and at that point, it may be worth discussing with your vet if shaving is a good idea. If you live in an area where it gets considerably warm and your Aussie is starting to get older, shaving might be worth considering.

The general theme for shaving an Aussie is only as a last resort. It shouldn’t be considered unless it’s completely necessary, as there are better ways to cool them down.

Will An Australian Shepherd’s Hair Grow Back If Shaved?

warm australian shepherd

Yes, their hair will grow back, but it likely won’t be the same. This is because the coat of an Aussie is made up of two different types of fur: guard hairs and undercoat.

The guard hairs are the longer, coarser hairs that you see on the surface of their coat. The undercoat is the softer, shorter fur that you can’t see.

When you shave an Aussie, you’re removing both the guard hairs and the undercoat. The guard hairs will eventually grow back, but a true undercoat may not. The reason for this is both their guard hairs and undercoat will be the same length and grow at a similar pace, blurring the difference between a top and an undercoat.

Additionally, the guard hairs may grow back in a different pattern than before. This is because the undercoat helps to protect the guard hairs and keep them in place. Without a proper undercoat, the guard hairs may not lay flat and can grow in different directions.

Are Mini Australian Shepherds Okay To Be Shaved?

Mini Australian Shepherds and regular-sized Australian Shepherds have the same type of coat for the most part. This means the information shared above will also pertain to mini Australian Shepherds.

In a nutshell, shaving an Aussie isn’t a good idea but is sometimes a good decision in last resort situations like for medical reasons, severe matting, or if a dog is elderly.


How Often To Groom An Australian Shepherd?

shaving an australian shepherd

Australian Shepherds are a high-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming. They require daily brushing to prevent matting and should be bathed every 8-12 weeks.

In addition, their nails should be trimmed monthly (roughly), and their ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection. While this may sound like a lot of work, regular grooming is essential for keeping an Australian Shepherd healthy and happy.

By taking the time to brush their coat, trim their nails, and clean their ears, you can help your dog stay comfortable and avoid potential health problems.

What’s The Best Australian Shepherd Haircut For Summer?

Regardless of the style you choose to have your Australian Shepherd’s hair cut in, they will still have a thick double coat. This is why during the summertime, it’s more about the frequency of grooming rather than the style.

During the summer, it’s a good idea to increase the frequency that you bring your Aussie to the groomers. This will help keep their coat short, and you can also ask to have their coat blown out.

They’ll still have their double coat, but it will be shorter and thinner, helping them deal with the warmer temperatures.

Pros And Cons Of Shaving An Australian Shepherd

There are pros and cons to shaving an Aussie that should be considered before making a decision.


  • Less brushing is required right after being shaved, and no chance of tangles or matting.


  • Shaving an Aussie can cause their coat to grow back in differently.
  • It can also make them more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer. Additionally, shaving an Aussie can make them more prone to heatstroke.
  • It can take over a year and a lot of brushing to get their coat back to the way it was before being shaved.
  • It doesn’t actually make them cooler because they sweat on their tongue and through panting, through their paws, and their nose.

The cons dramatically outweigh the pros when it comes to shaving an Aussie. Shaving a dog with a double coat should only really be done if advised by your vet to do so and as a last resort.

australian shepherd cooling down

Final Thoughts

Shaving an Aussie should only be done if it’s medically necessary or advised by your veterinarian. If you do decide to shave your Aussie, be prepared for a lot of work to get their coat back to the way it was before. Additionally, keep in mind that shaving an Aussie doesn’t actually make them cooler, despite popular belief.

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