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12 Weird Things Australian Shepherds Do (Fully Explained!)

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There are many different behaviors that australian shepherds do that are quite weird. Why on earth do they do these things? Is it normal for australian shepherds to be so weird or are they trying to tell you something?

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Weird:

Australian shepherds do many things that seem weird to people because they experience the world differently than humans do. This means certain behaviors that are instinctive to them will appear very odd to people. Most weird behaviors are normal but if they become excessive they should see a vet.

In this post you’ll discover:

  • 12 things australian shepherds do that are very weird
  • Why they do the certain things they do
  • When their weird behavior is something to worry about
  • And much more

Let’s jump right in.

Top 12 Weird Australian Shepherd Behaviors + Why They Do It

1) Zoomies

One of the strangest things that australian shepherds do is what’s called the “zoomies.”

This is when they suddenly start running around like crazy, often for no apparent reason.

Sometimes it happens when they’re excited, but other times it seems to come out of nowhere.

There are a few theories about why dogs get the zoomies.

One is that it’s a way of releasing energy and getting rid of excess adrenaline.

They have a bunch of pent up energy or got super excited really quickly and aren’t sure how to express these feelings.

So they run around like maniacs because they aren’t sure how else to deal with their excitement.

Another idea is that it’s a way of communicating with other dogs – they might be running around as fast as possible because they’re excited to be playing.

There’s no doubt that zoomies are one of the most weird and puzzling things that australian shepherds do.

Related Reading: 11 Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Are So Hyper + 5 Tips

2) Eating Grass

Another strange behavior that australian shepherds do is eating grass.

There are a few different reasons why vets think dogs do this.

Most experts seem to think it’s either because they’re hungry and trying to find food, because they’re trying to get rid of an upset stomach, or for no reason at all outside they enjoy the taste of it.

Some people also think that dogs eat grass because it’s a source of vitamins and minerals.

Whatever the reason, it’s definitely a weird behavior that australian shepherds do.

If you’re concerned about your dog eating grass, make sure to take them to the vet to rule out any medical problems.

Eating grass is usually nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Australian Shepherds Are Always Hungry + Tips

3) Poop Eating

Poop eating is another weird behavior that australian shepherds do.

And there are a few different reasons why your aussie would do this.

One reason is that they’re trying to hide their mess.

If they had an accident inside and they don’t want you to find out what they did, they may eat their poop to get rid of the evidence.

Another is that they might be lacking certain nutrients in their diet, so they’re trying to get them from poop.

This can come from eating low quality dog food or if they have an intolerance to one of their food’s ingredients.

Or it could also simply be because they think it tastes good.

Which is one of the most gross reasons, but dogs are known for enjoying different things than people do.

Poop eating is definitely a weird and gross behavior that australian shepherds do.

If your aussie is eating poop consistently, it’s a good idea to talk to your vet about it.

They might recommend switching their food up or putting them on a special diet.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Australian Shepherds Eat Poop + How To Stop It

4) Post-Poop Excitement

After they poop, some australian shepherds get really excited, kick their feet and start wiggling their bum like crazy.

This is called “post-poop excitement” and it’s another weird behavior that aussies do.

There are a few different reasons why this happens.

One thought is that your aussie is happy because they’ve finally been able to relieve themselves after holding it and they’re feeling good.

Another is that it’s a way of communicating with other dogs.

When you aussie goes poop, the scent that they leave is like a comment on the neighborhood community doggo forum.

And they’re excited that they were able to contribute to the conversation.

Little weirdo!

5) Sniffing Other Dog’s Bum

This is probably one of the most well-known weird things that australian shepherds do – sniffing other dog’s bums.

But have you ever wondered why they do it?

Well, when your aussie sniffs another dog’s rear end, they’re collecting a lot of important information about them.

Is this dog friendly or aggressive? Are they healthy or sickly? Are they male or female? What have they been eating recently?

They can also tell by the scent of the other dogs bum whether they’ve crossed paths at some point in the past.

So while it seems like super weird behavior for your australian shepherd to sniff another dog’s bum, they’re just doing what they can to get to know the other pup.

Similar to how people will make judgements about another person they meet based on their body language, tone of voice and facial expressions.

But since a dog’s sense of smell is their best sensory factor, they use it to get a better understanding of the other doggo they’re meeting.

6) Scooting Their Bum Along The Ground

This is another weird behavior that australian shepherds do – scooting their bum along the ground.

There are a few different reasons why your aussie might do this, but the most common one is because they have an itchy or irritated bum.

If their anal sacs (anal glands) are impacted it will cause them not to function properly which makes them irritated as well as itchy.

If this is the case for your aussie, you may also notice a fishy smell coming from your pup in addition to their bum scooting.

Another reason is that they might be trying to get your attention.

If they really need to go to the bathroom and can’t hold it any longer, scooting their bum along the ground is a way of telling you that they need to go outside.

7) Splooting

The good ol’ australian shepherd sploot!

Definitely one of the weirdest ways that your aussie will lie down is by splooting.

When your pup is ‘splooting’ it’s when they’re lying on their stomach with their back legs fully extended behind them instead of being tucked underneath their body.

There are a few different reasons why your australian shepherd might do this.

One reason is that it’s a way of stretching their back legs out which feels really good to them, especially after a long nap or play session.

Another reason is that they’re trying to cool down their tummy area because it’s hot outside.

Their belly is where a lot of heat escapes from their body so by lying down like this, they’re letting the heat escape more easily.

Or it could be that they’ve noticed whenever they sploot it gets your attention because they look funny/cute.

There’s also the side sploot, one legged sploot and upside down sploot!

Related Reading: Top 6 Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Sploot + Dangers

8) Tail Chasing

Tail chasing is pretty much what it sounds like – your aussie chasing their own tail.

This weird behavior usually starts when they’re young puppies and they’ll eventually outgrow it (although some aussies will do it their whole life).

There are a few different reasons why your australian shepherd might chase their tail.

One reason is that they’re trying to catch something that’s moving and their tail just happens to be the closest thing to them that’s moving.

Another reason is that they might be bored and are simply looking for something to do.

9) Humping Inanimate Objects

One of the more uncomfortable things to see your aussie do is hump inanimate objects.

This weird behavior is usually a way of relieving stress or boredom, and your aussie might hump anything from your leg to a toy to their bed.

Once they’ve finished humping, they’ll usually lay down and act like nothing happened.

It might also simply be another way they know how to get your attention.

Every time in the past when they’ve started humping something, you either went over to them and stopped them or started telling them to stop.

Which makes them want to do it more whenever they want your attention.

10) Eating Vomit

This is definitely one of the grosser things on this list, but it’s something that australian shepherds do that many people find weird.

Eating vomit might sound like a weird and gross thing for your pup to do, but there are actually a few reasons why they do it.

The first reason is that they’re trying to make themselves vomit because they ate something that didn’t agree with them and they want to get it out of their system.

Another reason is that it’s totally natural for a puppy to eat their mothers regurgitated food, so your aussie sees this as normal behavior.

If your aussie is vomiting often or eating vomit often it’s a good idea to have a vet look at them just in case.

11) Sleep Running

This is definitely one of the weirdest things that your aussie will do – sleep running!

What this looks like is your pup sleeping but with their legs twitching as if they’re running.

It’s believed that dogs dream just like people do.

So when your aussie is sleep running, they might be having an exciting or scary dream.

In which they’re running fast chasing something, or they’re trying to escape something that’s scaring them.

This is your pup’s version of sleepwalking without actually moving from room to room.

Related Reading: Top 8 Best Beds for Australian Shepherds

12) Hiding Their Favorite Toys

Another thing that australian shepherds do that people find weird is hiding their favorite toys.

Your aussie might hide their toy under the couch, in a hole they dug, or in their bed, and when you ask them to get it they’ll pretend like they don’t know where it is.

There are a few different reasons why your pup might do this.

One reason is that they’re afraid you’ll take their toy away from them or that you won’t let them play with it as much.

Another reason is that they see the toy as a special treat and they only want to play with it when they’re feeling really good.

And lastly, it could be that they’re trying to keep their toy safe from other dogs.

Related Reading: 9 Reasons Why Australian Shepherds Dig + Tips To Stop It

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